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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. How are you finding the painting grip? Is it time-consuming to be constantly swapping models in/out?
  2. Nowt wrong with that paintjob. Proper fearsome!
  3. These are incredible, don't really know what else to say other than that. Hope to see some paint going on at some stage!
  4. Put them on the right oval base for starters - even if you just fill them out with scenic details like rocks and rubble, maybe elevate them a little, they'd be pretty easy to distinguish from regular dudes. (I don't have either kit myself, sorry!)
  5. Welp, he certainly looks contagious! Nice shade of red for the cloak. ...I'd give constructive criticism if I had any but you're off to a great start.
  6. Those grassy bases set off the black and orange armour perfectly; they all look so well-finished now.
  7. I find it always helps to get ahead in these projects!
  8. The copper beards were a great decision, keeps them looking like Dwarfs. In other schemes where they're the same colour as the rest of the body suit they can get lost a little.
  9. Yep, looks great overall but I'd consider another colour for the eyes rather than have them the same shade as the skulls. Perhaps a glowing red, same as the vampire? That looks like it contrasts nicely.
  10. Love those Ardboyz... hard to put my finger on exactly what stands out about them, but I think it's that the colour, shading etc. is all so very convincingly natural. It just feels closer to what Orcs might actually wear than the "we're the blue team" style schemes (which are also often great, mind!) to be found elsewhere.
  11. Yep I think most would agree frozen/winter is a good fit for Death. I also like this one, which is a bit more earthy but certainly barren: https://www.gamemat.eu/our-products/battle-mats/6-x4-g-mats/6-x4-g-mat-wastelands/sk/
  12. Beautifully done, and the colour scheme works great. There's enough slightly unsettling variation, contrast and (dare I say?) change to put it squarely in the weirder, more exotic world of Tzeentch when the same tones applied flatly might be more reminiscent of Khorne. Bravo!
  13. Impressive to see them coming up with all-new background stories, terminology and colour schemes when for many years before AoS each new army book wasn't too much more than a cut and paste of the previous edition's. It all feels very convincingly fleshed out.
  14. But that's what the Internet is for... a bulwark to prevent it from spilling over into the real world! Accepting that we can't have everything all at once it is quite interesting to see them return to the Stormcast so soon. Maybe they felt it was the best way to move the narrative along, I can definitely see the argument for continuity there. And although it means some stuff won't drop as soon as some would like it gives them heavy hitters to roll out (Elves, Slaanesh, Death) for the next few arcs at least. Always good to have a healthy pipeline!
  15. These new rangers should make quite appropriate allies for the mortal races, the Stormcasts we've seen so far have felt a bit distant/detached from regular Joes with their ride-the-lightning ways. Looking forward to seeing how the fluff opens up in that regard.
  16. That's quite the undertaking, looks great so far! But how on earth did you stiffen those chains?
  17. I was going to say something about Hallowe'en fireworks before I noticed you'd mentioned bonfire night yourself. Looks great!
  18. Finally someone using "proper" dino colours!
  19. Nice, fresh colour scheme - which might not be what you want to hear said of an undead army! How do you find the Shattered Dominion bases?
  20. Wonderfully creative, it just oozes charm. Not that it's the most impressive part of the model by any means, but where do you get all your jungle-y foliage? I've been on the lookout for something like that for a while now to finish off my Tyranids with...
  21. Love the colour scheme, they could easily pass for undead High Elves... Also the round bases on the chariots look great!
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