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This is my painting log for King Pharakh the Vain as he gathers his numberless legions within the Endless Deserts of Shyish. I will also be posting my various other AoS painting projects here from time to time.

Entries in this blog

Banshee Matriarch

I did some greenstuff work on my Banshee last night. Mostly just filled the gap in her wait, and some gaps on her arms. I still have a bit of work to do on the hand holding the knife, and probably will round out the waist in a few places. I also still want to do the magical energy coming off of her outstretched hand. I'm also thinking about putting her on the base with the two banshees swarming around her, and use them to elevate her a bit, kind of like a mini Nagash. At the momen

Mengel Miniatures

Mengel Miniatures

Queen Banshee

So last night I was messing around with the Banshees from the Mortis Engine kit, trying to figure out the best way to stick them on a regular base when I looked at some of the other bits I wasn't going to use from that model. I thought the torso from the lead vampire on it was particularly Banshee-esque so I started messing around with other parts and this is what I came up with! Still a lot of greenstuff work to do, mostly filling gaps, like at the waist, and re-sculpting detail that

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Mengel Miniatures

1,000 Points of Nighthaunt Done!

Last night I managed to finish up my Banshee and my Mourngul. With these two done my 1,000 point army is done! This was my original goal, but I will probably continue to expand these guys out to 2,000 points. I think I will go on to a different small army for the moment though. I will have better pictures of everything by next week most likely. Thanks!

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Mengel Miniatures

Starting in on the Mourngul

Started in on my Mourngul for my Nighthaunts last night. So far I just have most of the shading down, no highlighting yet. I think I'm going to continue making the hands a bit darker. The claws and teeth will be black with ethereal highlights. I don't think this guy will take too long.

Mengel Miniatures

Mengel Miniatures

Hexwraiths Ready for Basing

My Hexwraiths are now done and ready for basing. I'm pretty happy with how they turned out, especially the fire since I was unsure about that. Now all I have left to paint (besides the bases on everything) is one more Wraith, a Banshee, and the Mourngul. My goal is to get the all done before I leave for a 2 week vacation in 2 weeks. I think I can do it.

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Mengel Miniatures

Hexwraiths ho!

My Spirit Hosts are done now except for the basing so it's on to the next unit, the Hexwraiths. I have I have the ghostly parts done on 3 of them so far, so just 2 more to go. They are taking about one per evening right now, so not a bad pace. After all the ghostly parts are done it's onto the scythes and the flames. The flames will be a bright green when they are done, via the use of a Waywatchers Green glaze. I think that is suppose to be grass underneat

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Mengel Miniatures

Nighhaunts Army in Progress

I ended up having to push my Nighthaunt tutorial back to next week due to issues with the post. Looks like a few packages of mine are taking longer then expected to arrive from the UK. In the meantime though I have started on the rest of my army. All I'm missing at the moment are my Banshee and Mourngul. I have glued everything else together, primed it all white, and given everything the first wash of Nihilakh Oxide. On 3 of the Spirit Hosts I have also gone in with the more selective wash of Co

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Mengel Miniatures

Mengel Miniatures' Nighthaunt Army

I recently decided to start a new small force for my half of the Team Tournament for Adepticon. I'm taking my Tomb Kings for the singles tournament and wanted to play something different the day before for the Team Tourney to give myself some variety and avoid burning myself out on 8 games in a row with the same army. This also gives me a little break from painting Tomb Kings. I also have Stormcast but I'm trying to paint those to 'Eavy Metal standards. I have about 500 - 700 points done so

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Mengel Miniatures


So I took the plunge and started painting my Necrosphinx. I expect this guy to take awhile. I will probably break up my painting on him and do other projects in between sections so I don't get bored. I'm painting him in chunks, starting with the stone, then I'll move onto the gold. I decided to start out with the main body, next I'll move onto the hood and tail then the legs before moving onto the gold. I am going for a black marble look. I have a tutorial for it up on my website. I'm pretty hap

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Mengel Miniatures

Tomb Herald on Chariot

I finally started working on a Tomb Herald on chariot conversion idea I have had for years. This guy is still very WIP and has a lot of work left to be done, the chariot is just a stand in for right now, his will be much fancier. The raised hand will either have a flail of skulls or be hurling a fancy spear. The other hand will be gripping the front rail of the chariot. I'm also thinking of sculpting on a half cloak around his wait of scale armor like his tabard, which will be fluttering back in

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Mengel Miniatures

Tomb Scorpion!

I've started in on my next TK unit, the humble Tomb Scorpion. i am going for more of an actual dead scorpion over one made of bone or stone. Kind of like they found this giant dead scorpion, entombed a liche priest in its carcass and stuck a bunch of ornamental stuff on it, you know, the usual. so far I'm liking how it's looking. This should hopefully be pretty quick to paint to. I'm doing the carapace in sections so I don't burn myself out. The legs are next.

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Mengel Miniatures

More Chariots for the Legions

I am playing in the Michigan GT at the end of September and want to take my Tomb Kings. With what I have painted now though I don't have enough Battleline units. I could have split my unit of 30 spearmen up, but they really lose effectiveness at smaller numbers. Instead I decided it was time to add more of my favorite TK unit to my army, chariots!  I already have 4 chariots painted, so I only need to paint 2 more and a banner to attach to the fourth one I already have (the one at the b

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