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About this blog

This is my blog to track and record what I have painted and will continue to paint as I work through various projects for my Age of Sigmar models. The first few entries were my old things from my WiP forum thread which will be deleted shortly. New stuff will go up as well of course! 

Entries in this blog

#project365 March Review

Painting and Modelling:  March has been a bit of a painting disaster - is it possible the wheels are falling off the challenge...? I have dropped off my model a day target so I need to claw it back somewhere. I managed another 10 chaos warriors for the Nurgle force, as well as the Darkoath Warqueen to act as their leader. She has come out really well and I am super happy with the conversion. I also finished a couple of the Pusgoyle Blightlords. And finally I managed to get through Horrors 2



The World that Was: Orcs and Goblins

I've decided to do a little bit of a retrospective and take a look at some of my older armies. First up is my Orc and Goblin force. My first big event was the South Coast GT in 2010. I had only been back playing for about four or five months, and I painted this up as my first army. It was absolutely rubbish games wise, and I spent the whole weekend knocking around the bottom tables, but it was a great introduction to  the independent tournament scene.  The army got a lot of positive co



Darkoath Warqueen complete

I finished the painting on the dark oath war queen. I kept the pallet very limited and mixed some greens into every colour (except the purple) to see how this would turn out. I'm pleased with the finished piece although the undercoat was little rough, and this shows up in some of the close up shots. For some areas (the shield, helmet and armour) this actually works well, but the cloak could definitely be better if it had a smoother base. The freehand was interesting. I was curious to see how it



Coalescence review

(note, this is kind of a retrospective post as I forgot to post it originally!) This week i am attending the Coalescence event at Warhammer World hosted by Steve (@tinracersteve) and James (@jimbo9jimbo), part of the NEO network. For those of you that aren't aware of the event it is a narrative event being run at numerous locations around the world on the same day, and all feeding into a single narrative. I've chosen to take Tzeentch to the event, which gave me a bit of a dilemma as the Tze



Chaos Warriors of Nurgle

These guys are quite fun to do. I have 20 now, and another ten that are base coated. The shields and weapons are taken from the Bonesplitterz kits.  Armor is just a couple of green spray paints and then chipped with silver paint and a sponge. I tend to just paint the rest of the models as quick as possible. The warrior models are old, but they have a certain chaotic charm to them, especially with halberds rather than hand weapons. 



Darkoath Warqueen

I received a Darkoath Warqueen model for my birthday that I want to finish for the Malign Portents painting competition. I decided to try and convert her up a little so that she could lead my Nurgle Slaves to Darkness force. I didn't want to do a really extensive conversion so I did some relatively simple weapon and head swaps. The head was from the Blight King box. The helmet is quite small and if you leave the head off the war queen and cut away the little top knot she has the helmet fitted pe



#project365 February Review

Painting and Modelling:  February is over and its been a bit of a mixed bag. I missed my painting target of a model a day, ending up with 24 completed models. Most of these got done in the first half of the month and then there was a bit of a lull. I managed to do some consistent work, but I didn't really finish everything. As the end of the mon th rolled ever closer I had ten warriors that were almost done (just the weapons and the bases to go), and I also completed a Blightlord fly, but h



#project365 March/April track

Update: 11/04/18 Number of models completed = 89 March Worked on the Blightlord Flies and Warriors Assembled 20 bases for warriors and next horror unit (undercoated the warrior ones) Worked on Chaos Warriors (all done except weapons), finished and based one fly, but no rider yet Built the Dark Oath Warqueen with some Rotbringer Conversions added Nothing done Nothing done Nothing done Started work on second rot fly. Finished paintin



Not Enjoying a Model - what to do?

I bought a bunch of Tzeentch models from a friend of mine a few months ago, and three of the models were Exalted Flamers. I have sprayed and undercoated the thereof them about nine times so far, and I have not been able to find a scheme or style that I like. The models have a lot of flat detail that doesn't wash well and is tricky to dry brush too. I tried fades from bottom to top of similar colours, colours that contrast, and different tones of the same colour. None of these particularly inspir



Forum Posts vs Blog Posts

"People comment more if a painting and modelling project is put in the Forum section than the Blog Section" discuss.... it seems like having a forum post for tracking your painting and modelling is better than having a Blog in the blog section. Just scanning down the page there are a lot more comments on Posts.  Forum/Blog users don't seem to comment much on the blog section. You get quite a few likes or reactions, but very little critique or feedback from what I've experienced. 



Blightwar all Done!

After my bout with real life disease I have actually finished the whole of the Nurgle half of the Blightwar during my recovery. I managed Horticulux, the ten Plaguebearers, three Nurglings and three Plague Drones, and I have managed to throw in a Feculent Gnarlmaw as well just for fun. I'm going to take them down to the Rotherham GW store tomorrow for the Malign Portents painting competition. As part of my #365challenge I was wondering how close I have been getting to having at least one of each



Not more Fec-ing Scenery...

This was very much a fun little aside from painting models. It goes together fast and you can have a lot of fun with bright colours, washing and drybrushing. My next task is to come up with some variants on this. I played my first game with the Maggotkin Battletome yesterday and I got plenty of trees out. I'm not sure you need any more than 3 or 4, but it would be nice to have some variation. I think I can afford one more of the official model which I can convert with some Sylvaneth parts, and t



Screamers of Tzeentch

I was sorting out the Hobby Room last week and I came across six screamers that I had built, but never done anything else with. So as part of my #365Challenge I decided to prep and paint these as I assumed that they would be quite quick to do. the first thing I did was drill out the bottom of the screamers so that I could insert some 4mm acrylic rod that I had rather than using the usual flying stands. I then wrapped these in masking tape and drilled out some corks to support them so that I coul



Cheeky Nurglings

These were a fun little speed paint. The Nurglings were primed Caliban green and then zenithal sprayed with Deathguard green. I then dry brushed them quickly with a mix of Organ Camo and White before glazing the whole model with Waywatcher Green. This gives a really nice vivid green colour. I then went back in and washed the recesses with Athonina Camo Shade and Nuln Oil. I did all the eyes, mouths etc at this stage too. Once this was dry I painted the tongues with screamer pink and then watered



#project365 January Review

Painting and Modelling: January has ended and its been an interesting month. First off I've hit the target of a model a day, painting 46 models so far in 2018. These have been a mix of units and a character. Horticulux Slimux has been by far the most interesting of the models I've done. He was really fun to paint, and there is a lot of detail that gives the model character. I was pleased with the final outcome so he will be the model that I will submit to the PMP End of Month review run by



Finished tending to Nurgles Gardener

I built Horticulux Slimux as soon as I got the Blight War box when it was released, but he's been undercoated and sat on the painting desk since then. However with the release of the excellent Maggotkin battletome I decided he should be the next model (no.31) in my painting challenge. I have to say that he has been fun to paint so far, but I have also spent more time on him than I expected to. I started off working on Horticulux himself. Normally I'd go for a dark green as he is supposed to be a



#project365 January/February track

Update: 28/02/18 Number of models completed = 70 February Worked on a unit of Nurglings (tidied the hobby room a bit and got some models ready to Ebay) Completed 3 Nurgling Bases Prepped 6 Screamers (undercoated), built and undercoated bases for 3 Plague Drones, 2 Blightlords, 10 Blue Horrors, 6 Screamers, Built 4 Objective Markers, Assembled 3 Plague Drones.  Worked on the Screamers Completed 6 Screamers Finished a Feculent Gnarlmaw and 5 Chaos



Look back at 2017

This is a photo of all the models that I painted in 2017:  The year got off to a solid start with the Tzeentch release. At the start of the year I didn't own any Tzeentch models at all, but I was looking for a new project for the South Coast GT and I was fortunate to get some of the Acolytes to work on. I painted 20 of these, and I have another 20 that are partially done. The kit is great though, so I used them to as the base for 20 Maruders. I fleshed out the army with 6 sky fires, a Tzang



A little bit of Christmas Hobby.

I wanted to get a few units done over the holiday period and so far I have completed some more Plaguebearers which is convenient timing looking at the new models that are coming out in a few days time. I quite enjoy painting these guys as green is a colour I enjoy doing due to the amount of variation in tone you can achieve. Plus spray cans do a lot of the work for the scheme that I have been using. I like dry brushing on some paler green to lighten these guys up. I'd like to add a couple of the



Getting the Hobby Mojo Back!

Recently (since Blood and Glory) I have really struggled to get my hobby mojo back again. I think I burnt myself out getting all the terrain ready. Also painting and modelling the terrain is very different to painting models, which is my real love. However trying to get back into painting has been a bit of a struggle recently. I've reworked the hobby room now, but its been a bit chaotic and trying to find time has been hard. Coupled with the lack of motivation means I've found it hard to get any



Dark Elf Sorceress

This was model that I painted for my old High elf diorama. The sorceress was a protagonist in the middle. I enjoyed painting a female model, and I spent a lot of time working on the pale flesh tones. The sculpt is pretty good so I was a able to put quite a lot of care into the face. It was possible to put quite a lot of work into the eyes and mouth. I kept the flesh tones and the whole overall model a very pale pallete. The hair was brought up to a very pale purple, and I used a lot of purple in



Festus the Leechlord

After the final push for Blood and Glory ended I decided I needed to get back to painting some miniatures and make sure I hadn't forgotten how to do it! I'd started working on a Festus model  a while ago as part of my Nurgle force that is slowly growing in size. The first thing that struck me was how small the model is. He really doesn't stand up to the new models that all stand a good head taller. To solve this I stuck him on one of the Hero Bases that GW released last year, This certainly made



Tabletop World Windmill

I've long been an admirer of the Table Top World terrain - it always appears to be excellent quality and well detailed terrain. Some of it is very expensive, but they have a few pieces that are more reasonably priced, and one of these is the Windmill. It turned up quickly and was well packaged, with all the pieces securely packaged inside the main building section. The casting quality is very good as well, and there was barely any clean up needed.  I had a plan for the base that I want



Scheme Cards at Warhammer Achievements

Using Scheme Cards is an idea that has come from Malifaux, and these cards were the ones used at an event in the US run by @David Griffin. The cards were developed with help from Tom, and Vince from Warhammer Weekly and they were kind enough to send me a copy over for use at Achievements. These cards will hopefully serve two purposes. Firstly they will allow both players to score up to 3 points in each game by completing schemes from their hands of five cards. This makes up the Tertiary Objectiv



Warhammer Achievements Table Maps

For each table at Warhammer Achievements I want to have a map on each table that shows the scenery rules and the secondary objective for that table. Here is the first example that I have put together. To set it up I laid out a board on the living room floor and then stood on the chair with a selfie stick to get the aerial shot. After that it was just a case of importing into photoshop and adding in all the rules and fancy graphics stuff to make it look professional. Hopefully the players will ap



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