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Chaos Warriors of Nurgle




These guys are quite fun to do. I have 20 now, and another ten that are base coated. The shields and weapons are taken from the Bonesplitterz kits. 

Armor is just a couple of green spray paints and then chipped with silver paint and a sponge. I tend to just paint the rest of the models as quick as possible. The warrior models are old, but they have a certain chaotic charm to them, especially with halberds rather than hand weapons. 

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These look great! Really love the bonesplitter shields and weapons. the colours you went with for them really tie in nicely. Have you had a chance yet to play with them in your Nurgle force?

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On 09/03/2018 at 10:28 PM, Crispen said:

These look great! Really love the bonesplitter shields and weapons. the colours you went with for them really tie in nicely. Have you had a chance yet to play with them in your Nurgle force?

Yes, I've used them in one game. I was able to buff them up with the Glottkin as well as using the wheel. 20 Warriors went through 30 Graveguard in two turns and lost barely any. They were extremely resilient. I struggled to get them back into combat after the first fight though, although this was a lot to do with the terrain on the table so I think they will need a bit more play testing. Overall I think that there is a lot of potential for using the warriors, either along side or in place of blight kings. 

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