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Cheeky Nurglings




These were a fun little speed paint. The Nurglings were primed Caliban green and then zenithal sprayed with Deathguard green. I then dry brushed them quickly with a mix of Organ Camo and White before glazing the whole model with Waywatcher Green. This gives a really nice vivid green colour. I then went back in and washed the recesses with Athonina Camo Shade and Nuln Oil. I did all the eyes, mouths etc at this stage too. Once this was dry I painted the tongues with screamer pink and then watered down a mix of screamer pink and wild rider red which I used for all the sores. All of these got washed with Drucji Violet. Blood for the Blood God went on all the sores and they were highlighted with white to make them look glossy. Horns were Rakarth Flesh and a quick highlight with Palyd Whych Flesh which I also used for the teeth (just a careful dry brush with very little paint on the brush). The most time consuming part was dotting all the eyes with yellow. 


One thing I did with these was not to base them. I usually use the cork  bark for the bases, but because of how these models are made I didn't want to do this as they wouldn't sit flat on the bark well, so I went back to the traditional way of sanding afterwards and then brush painting the base. This is very annoying! I will try not to do this again. It is much easier to make the bases first and then attach the models to them. When you get a somewhat dubious looking join you can just go in with the foliage and use this to cover up any of the gaps that you may ave left. 

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