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Everything posted by Thundercake

  1. From looking at the picture it seems like his robes flow pretty close to the rear/rump of the horse. Could you: 1. if the gap is small enough put a bit of glue there to connect those pieces? 2. greenstuff another "tail" of flowing robes that goes between the robe and the horse? onces it dry it should help with support and would blend in as part of the original robes.
  2. i need this thread to come back to life!
  3. Here is a Tempest Eye army idea Freeguild General on Griffon Freeguild General on Griffon Drakeseer Knight-Azyros Cogsmith Freeguild Handgunners X10 Freeguild Handgunners X10 Freeguild Handgunners X10 Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers X 6 Ironbreakers X 10 Cannon Cannon Griffons, Drakeseer, Prosecutors fly up and charge enemy. Azyros flys up. Shoot things near it with cannons. Use handgunners and ironbreakers to grab close objectives or defend cannons. Could drop the ironbreakers for another 3 prosectuors and a command point. Currently at 1980 points.
  4. Cogfort commander almost ready to get painted. However, he needs a pistoler/outrider pistol or an arkanaut company pistol. Anyone got one, a right handed one, just one? I've got temptus scion weapons, grave guard, black knights to trade. Anyone?
  5. wanted to like everything on this thread page but ran out of damn likes for today.
  6. @Obscureblade great ship! Where is the model from?
  7. love those seahorses! also, like boaty boat boat.
  8. i'd say people are probably talking about the zoomed out shot we get of this thing, which is very similar to the khaldia image. one thing I thought of is that some of these shots/images may be different pieces of concept art or the different scales causing things to look different.
  9. There is also this image in that trailer. I see roses and some sort of headgear that almost looks DOK (but thats obviously not it). Roses to me point Isabella but the rest looks like Khaldia for me.
  10. I think backup warscrolls is a good idea. If you go with a short range throwing axe unit, they could count as freeguild bows/handgunners/etc., glade guard, or arkanuat company, just something that is ranged and universal order battleline. For the lion cavalry, i'd go with demgryphs, makes the most sense to me. If you are looking for axes, both fyreslayers and marauder horsemen have throwing axe weapon profiles and i believe model options for them as well.
  11. you got this! looking good so far. Get those little tools for the green stuff! and some vaseline for your fingers!
  12. I like the idea of a whiteish soulblight army!
  13. Are the armies prebuilt or can you add whatever units you want to? Sorry, I don't know how the pieces part of the simulator works.
  14. That green looks amazing. So does the pink, but I like green more.
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