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Mirage8112 last won the day on May 27 2019

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Lord Castellant

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  1. They also faq’ed the table quarters question from ghb and confirmed we can place our free wood and subsequent woods in table quarters even though they are objectives.
  2. Oh for sure. Even still most everything still applies. You’ll just have to be mindful of shutting down your opponents firing lanes with WW placement
  3. Honestly, these guys are tailor-made bodyguards for the Lady of the Vines. 2” coherency means they can pretty much effectively cover a wide area in front of her. If they get charged, they shoot and scoot. They count as being within range of a Wyldwood so the risk of being shot is pretty minimal. If you’re really concerned about them failing their fall back roll, you can put a unit of revenants in front of them. A double bubble wrap isn’t a terrible idea, because A) anything would be stupid to charge them in the first place, and B) if you didn’t use gossamids you’d have to use revenants anyway. C) with her 5+ ward spell both units benefit and stand a good chance of surviving. And finally D) if your opponent isn’t taking the bait, revenants aren’t forced to stick around like dryads would be, they can just waypipe off and do something useful.
  4. In addition to the Warsong, the arch-revenant looks like an easy choice to put in a list. If you play for area denial (as I do) the branchwytch has good synergy here too. That combo has good synergy and is a lock for warlord. Casting his signature spell through a wood and then the witches spell immediately after, and then dwellers after that will absolutely ruin anybody’s day. As you say, it’s best to build your list around your strategy. To ensure you get everything off, build this with the dwindling in gnarlroot list. 3D6 removing the lowest with the Warsongs signature spell through a Wyldwood has the potential to increase the cast radius from an 18” bubble around him to a nearly 30” bubble around a wood, has the potential to put out a crippling amount of wounds to a lot of units by itself. The combo of horde-clearing and single target spells will strongly discourage anybody from going near whatever the wytch is sitting on no matter where the warsong is.
  5. They get strike first, more attacks, and a slightly better hit profile. Overall the damage output is probably about the same.
  6. You might want to reconsider this statement. I'll leave it there but this kind of attitude is really not conducive to a good discussion. This probably comes down to playstyle. Granted I haven’t played in a hot minute (due to positively drowning in babies atm), but T-revenants have almost always been a key part of my winning games. They don’t have to take a bunch of your opponents models off the table to be useful. The thing is, somebody has to do it. Having hunters sit on an out-of-the-way objective is a waste of hitting power and terrible inefficient. Also, we can’t mechanically churn out dryads every turn now that the branchwraith is gone, which means if we want to take 10 man squads we have to pay for them, and there is no easy way to get them there. Also some people preferred 10 man dryad squads because they had more wounds but now they have the same number of wounds in a squad (10), and cost nearly the same. I honestly can’t think of a good reason to take dryads over tree-revs for this kind of thing, especially because their combat profiles are about the same and teleports are now limited. I think there is a place for them in a balanced list. The idea that their battlefield performance should somehow match-up with their aesthetics is an odd point to make, since that’s a matter of personal opinion more than anything else.
  7. It does say in the faq that it’s a Wyldwood so it should have the additional rules.
  8. I’m actually quite happy with the changes. They are far more resilient and with some foresight have gotten a fair bit better at their role.
  9. Or take it on a warsong by with spellsinger and launch it from a Wyldwood across the map. No need to teleport
  10. It’s on the old Wyldwood warscroll. “Models are not visible to each other if an imaginary straight line 1mm wide drawn between the closest points of the two models crosses over more than 1" of an Awakened Wyldwood. This scenery rule does not apply if either model can fly.” It isn’t in the core rules, or the ghb, and the wording on the new Wyldwood warscroll only says it doesn’t block line of sight for Sylvaneth. I expect it will be clarified in the errata and made a keyword or at least made more explicit.
  11. Which means hunters + an infantry unit on an objective can’t get shot.
  12. Same as before, but martial memories now give free all out attack or defense for free
  13. Wow! Alarielle gets a resurrection effect, and can make every piece of terrain on the board overgrown for a turn!!!
  14. Tree-revs go to two wounds confirmed, spites as well (also spites get MW on hits of 6+) I’ll post more when I can read the rest if somebody else doesn’t get to it first.
  15. I went back and reread the warscroll. It does mention “The burgeoning”, but it’s a monstrous rampage, which is odd because they don’t usually duplicate names on abilities like that. Also, it refers to overgrown terrain, but calls it “overgrown mysterious terrain”, which is also weird. I dunno. It’s possible it’s a fake, but if it is, it’s a good one. It’s also possible it real, and if so it’s also weird.
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