You might want to reconsider this statement. I'll leave it there but this kind of attitude is really not conducive to a good discussion.
This probably comes down to playstyle. Granted I haven’t played in a hot minute (due to positively drowning in babies atm), but T-revenants have almost always been a key part of my winning games. They don’t have to take a bunch of your opponents models off the table to be useful.
The thing is, somebody has to do it. Having hunters sit on an out-of-the-way objective is a waste of hitting power and terrible inefficient. Also, we can’t mechanically churn out dryads every turn now that the branchwraith is gone, which means if we want to take 10 man squads we have to pay for them, and there is no easy way to get them there. Also some people preferred 10 man dryad squads because they had more wounds but now they have the same number of wounds in a squad (10), and cost nearly the same. I honestly can’t think of a good reason to take dryads over tree-revs for this kind of thing, especially because their combat profiles are about the same and teleports are now limited.
I think there is a place for them in a balanced list. The idea that their battlefield performance should somehow match-up with their aesthetics is an odd point to make, since that’s a matter of personal opinion more than anything else.