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  1. Hi all, I'm playing my first game in 3.0 (and first game with Sylvaneth) next week with one of my friends at 1500 points. He plays CoS dwarfs. I came up with a couple of list ideas down below. I'd love some input on which list you'd go with at 1500 points (or any improvements you might make to them!). It's not meant to be a super competitive match, but at the same time I'd prefer to not get totally stomped either. =P List One: <p>Allegiance: Sylvaneth Glade: Gnarlroot Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery Core Battalions: Battle Regiment Triumph: Inspired Leaders: Alarielle the Everqueen (740) Treelord Ancient (General, Nurtured by Magic, Chalice of Nectar, Spell: Verdurous Harmony) (295) Battalion: Battle Regiment Units: 5x Tree-Revenants (80) Battalion: Battle Regiment 5x Tree-Revenants (80) Battalion: Battle Regiment 3x Kurnoth Hunters with Greatswords (225) Battalion: Battle Regiment (Alarielle summon: 3x Kurnoth Hunters with Greatswords (0)) Endless Spells: Gladewyrm (60) Wounds: 53 (68 w/ summon) Points: 1480/1500</p> I put Verdurous Harmony on the TLA since Alarielle already has her healing aura and can cast Regrowth if needed, so I figured him being able to resurrect a whole Kurnoth/multiple Revenants might be better than doubling down on regrowth? List Two: <p>Allegiance: Sylvaneth Glade: Gnarlroot Grand Strategy: Prized Sorcery Core Battalions: Warlord, Battle Regiment Leaders: Warsong Revenant (Chalice of Nectar, Universal Spell: Flaming Weapon) (275) Core Battalion: Warlord Treelord Ancient (Deepwood Spell: Verdurous Harmony) (295) Core Battalion: Warlord Branchwraith (Deepwood Spell: Throne of Vines) (95) Core Battalion: Warlord Spirit of Durthu (General, Nurtured by Magic, Arcane Tome, Deepwood Spell: Regrowth) (340) Core Battalion: Battle Regiment Units: 5x Tree-Revenants (80) Core Battalion: Warlord 5x Tree-Revenants (80) Core Battalion: Battle Regiment 3x Kurnoth Hunters with Kurnoth Greatswords (225p) Core Batallion: Battle Regiment Endless Spells: Umbral Spell Portal (70) Spiteswarm Hive (40) Wounds: 61 Points: 1500/1500</p> I'm a bit worried I might have too few non-leader units in this list. I'm also unsure whether Durthu is better as a self-healing wizard or with a just a straight up 5+ ward (Amulet of Destiny) . Overall, I'm just unsure about most things with this to be honest. =P
  2. Slightly off topic, but I've sometimes kind of wished they'd have kept Fantasy's % system for determining troop types. Having to take 25% minimum core units in 8th was sort of a nice touch in my opinion as it made the units more relevant and prevented mass spamming of specials/rares. As far as the points for units go, I'm not gonna lie, some of those increases definitely feel like they're going to hurt. That said, until I can I actually play some games (and see how the new edition affects my opponents' armies and strategies) I'll reserve my judgement.
  3. I totally agree with you. I've seen so many arguments today about how Alarielle will get nuked before she can heal, and I've honestly just been baffled by that logic. She should be holding back for at least a couple of turns and using her (now improved) spear and her spells (from the full lore now) to dish out some damage, and only committing to combats against units that aren't obviously going to massacre her. She's got enough range (and can even see through the forests now!) that she doesn't have to position herself so aggressively as to invite an immediate charge, and if need be can literally bubblewrap herself with a unit of 20 dryads from out of thin air if things are looking too dangerous. I don't think Alarielle is going to be amazingly competitive, but I think she'll be able to hold her own in more casual games with some creative playstyles.
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