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About this blog

After I started painting my next project. After the Daughters of Khaine Battletome came out I bought some models (ehm about 145 models) and had already some Darkling covens. In some time they perhaps will get some Order Serpentis, too. Now came the point, that to make with them.

One Idea that came to me, was was the Idea of "Frost Aelves". I know they aren't actually part of the Age of Sigmar World, but the world is big enough so they could fit.


Here is first my Modelslist

  • bought/primed
  • work in process
  • finished


Darkling Covens
Sorceress On Black Dragon (300)
- Darkling Sword

Sorceress (80)
10 x Black Guard (160)
10 x Executioners (180)
20 x Bleakswords (200)

10 x Darkshards (100)
10 x Darkshards (100)
20 x Dreadspears (200)
20 x Dreadspears (200)

Total: 1520

Daughters of Khaine
Slaughter Queen on Cauldron Of Blood (330)
Bloodwrack Shrine (220)
Hag Queen (60)

Bloodwrack Medusa (140)
5 x Blood Sisters (140)
5 x Blood Sisters (140)
5 x Blood Sisters (140)
20 x Sisters Of Slaughter (240)
- Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers
20 x Sisters Of Slaughter (240)
- Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers
20 x Witch Aelves (200)
- Pairs of Sacrificial Knives
20 x Witch Aelves (200)
- Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers
20 x Witch Aelves (200)
- Sacrificial Knives and Blade Bucklers

5 x Blood Stalkers (160)
5 x Blood Stalkers (160)
10 x Doomfire Warlocks (320)
- Lore of Shadows: None
5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)
5 x Khinerai Heartrenders (80)
Avatar of Khaine (180)

Temple Nest (80)
Slaughter Troupe (80)

Total: 3390

Dreadlord On Black Dragon (320)
- Exile Blade & Shield
2 x Drakespawn Chariots (200)

5 x Drakespawn Knights (160)
5 x Drakespawn Knights (160)
5 x Drakespawn Knights (160)

Total: 1000

Total: 5910

Entries in this blog

Tales of Thalia 1

Here is another story attempt. At first the story was planned with the Fleetmaster Delayar as protagonist, but I thought the landlady Thalia could be an interesting protagonist (mostly because she can have several customers to interact in her Tavern). It's a try to fit in some official GW stuff into the story as well as some bits of my own creations. (After I mix Frostaelfs, Fyreaelfs and Shadowaelfs in this story I wish I hadn't split the Projects into two.) Character Description Thalia



Tales of Anvenna 1

Hm, I thought I had posted this story already, but I hadn't even translated it yet. The Frostaelfs from Frostbreath    



First 10 Dreadspears finished

So, I'm finished with painting 10 of my Dreadspears (but need to paint another 10 to finish the unit). After a thought the cloth was a little flat on my testmodel, I made another hightling with Blue Horror.  



The First Frostdragon arrived

So, I thought that I would paint the unit were my testmodel came from. But for the last 3 evenings I thought I would like to paint my first "Frostdragon" for this project. Here is the result.



First description and testmini

At first, here do I have a backgrounddescription about this army Yesterday I also painted my first testminiature. The Army used to have ice-blue armor, greyblue cloth and violet skin.  



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