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Dracothian Guard

Dracothian Guard (7/10)



  1. anyone put any thought towards running units of 2 gyrocopters since they are elite now, they can issue unleash hell, all out attack, or redeploy to themselves?
  2. loved that art for a while now, glad someone is finally doing something based off of it.
  3. Added a counts as KO admiral and thunderers. Currently working on a big ole crane walker but trying to figure out whether to use dunecrawler or defiler legs as the servohauler crane is huge.
  4. It has taken me.............years. but I finally have something to show. A steam tank, unit of handgunners, and a general for my cogfort force.
  5. I'm picking up with ur putting down but i doubt GW has gone back to connect it this far.
  6. meant it more as a question for the larger community, your stuff looks great.
  7. Took a look through your blog and all your stuff looks great. I wonder if and when a shift will come where GW will allow self produced/designed parts in their tournaments/events. As of now they allow greenstuff and self-sculpted if I am not mistaken. When will that digital jump happen as there isn't much difference between what you are doing and someone that sculpts out of greenstuff.
  8. @Elmir, dont you sell it! I mean, they aren't wrong BUT its a hell of a nice kit and I'm sure youll find a great use for it (like what you have above).
  9. damn you and that necrosphinx. a man could buy a house with 2 of those.
  10. very very cool, though having a ethereal shark pulling the thing would have been awesome as well.
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