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About this blog


in this Blog I am keeping you up to date concerning new bits I upload to my Shapeways Account.
In this Blog I'll be adding several bits for the Flesh Eater Courts. This means that bits like breastplates, pauldrons, greaves, swords, broken swords, shields and other armor parts will be waiting to be 3D-printed by you!

I'd love some Feedback and input. What bits would you like to see?

So far I finished several bits for the "Knights" of the FeC (Crypt Horrors and Flayers). Currently I am waiting for my testprint to check if the size is right (theoretically it is, though getting sizes right in 3D for a real object is always a hassle)

as general info: I only get 2-3$ per sprue to cover at least the costs of testing the parts 🙂

Bits for your noble Knights:




These might have to get bulkier so they won't break too easily



Kind regards


Entries in this blog

Casual Painting Blog

Hello there, this is my small painting log to keep myself motivated and, maybe, I might inspire some of you to get your Backlog cleared as well. Enough said, let the images flow!   next up:   And a side Project (WIP):  



Vanari Dawnriders Review (And Conversion Capability Check)

Hello, I‘ve got my hands on a unit of Vanari Dawnriders which I intended to convert. Wait, past tense? More about that later.    The Vanari Dawnrider Kit consists of three Sprues holding 5 Knights and Horses. The Assembly is pretty straight forward as every Knight consists of 14 parts (2 Horse halves, each consisting of the Armour and the legs, the Horse Head, Front and back of the Knight‘s Torso, Front and back of the Head, two legs, two arms, one holding the reigns and one



Slaves to Darkness a WIP Army Blog

Hello, on this blog I am sharing my WIP concerning my Slaves to Darkness Army. 16 Marauders done, another 24 to go! —————————————————————— The shields arrived from Shapeways, I am not satisfied with the print quality (usually the quality is superb), but they‘ll do. 



Bitz and Bits

Hello,  as some might know I am running a Shapeways Page for bits (mostly but also Miniatures) and I am currently testing new Barbarian Shields which are meant to be universally usable, meaning for Chaos, Cities of Sigmar etc. I would love to hear some Feedback on the Designs on my page (thx in advance!) Click me Latest Addition:



AoS Mission Helper App for Android

Hello, I programmed a little AoS Mission Helper App for Android a while ago which my friends and I use to generate our games. I'll upload the app for anyone to use for free on this forum once I can make sure I don't violate any rights of Games Workshop.   Since I've checked everything thoroughly and all the art is either copyright free (background image) or self-made (the rest) this app should not violate any rights. You can get your free Android App here: Click Me   A



Jack goes Patreon

Hello! I've finally decided to start a Patreon page! There I'll upload STL files to Models, Units, Monsters,  Bits and Terrain so you can print them at home (or directly at printing Service)! All my Shapeways bits will also be uploaded there in due time. On Patreon you can participate in the creation process and you have a voice to vote for the next Model(s) to be made! So if you are interested please become a patreon and share this link: https://www.patreon.com/MadCake Cheers Jac



What Bits would you like to see?

Hello! Since all the prints in the store work like a charm I thought I‘d ask you what bits you would like to see next!   You can get all current bits here: https://www.shapeways.com/shops/mad-cake



Ghould Shoulders Setback

The print of the ghould shoulders worked like a charm though there are two major issues I'd like to correct:  - They are big. This might not me an issue to some people but I'll release a version that is about 20-30% smaller.  - They are too thin: I'll double their thickness since the material is too brittle. (Most of them are rather stable but some experience some damage if you don't handle them          with care...well this still fits the theme of the FeC but it shouldn't happen without yo



Terrorgheist Armor Success

The armor was successfully printed. It's a bit of a hassle to place it and you should cut off the big spike-heads in order for it to fit perfectly (also works without cutting but looks less good). In the images the armor has been dry-fitted, glued with super-glue and it has already been primed   https://www.shapeways.com/shops/mad-cake  



3D Print Success Bits for FeC „Knight“ Armor

Here are the pictures of the testprint. They fit like a charm. For all the poses which have one leg up you'll need to manually adjust the torso. 😃 From here on more intricate armor designs will follow soon(ish). Breastplate Pauldrons I am happy for any feedback! 😃 The Armor parts are temporarily glued via miliput, that's why you can see the yellow dots 😃 (yup the material is transparent)



40x Ghoul Pauldrons

Here you can find the first version of the Ghoul Pauldrons. It's 40x (!!) Pauldrons. I didn't manage to keep the price at 10$ though I doubled the amount of Pauldrons without doubling the price. They‘re at about 15 $ now.   Beware: The size hasn't been tested (yet).



Terrorgheist Armor Plating

The Armor Plating for the Terrorgheist’s Back is ready. Now your Royal Terrogheist can truly look royal. Consisting of 28 unique plates for the back of your Terrorgheist!  



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