Lumineth Aesthetics
Lumineth Aesthetics
127 members have voted
1. Choose the Statement(s) that most apllie(s) to you. Multiple choice is possible.
I like the Lumineth Aesthetic and/or collect the army now, or plan to collect it in the future.
I liked the Pointy Aelves Video but quit when the first Models where revealed.
I liked where the Release was going but quit when the Alarith ( Battle-Cattle, Hammer-Aelves, Stonemage) showed up.
I quit when there was no hope of Tyrion (and his forces) coming any time soon.
I bought a few Models but then lost Interest in the Army.
I liked the Models but disliked the lore and decided against collecting the Army.
I like 50% of the Model Aesthetics but not the other 50%.
other reasons
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