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Community Answers

  1. Similarly, the blue scribes casting a spell with their 2+ ability also generates a fate point despite not making a casting roll.
  2. Shouldn't we have our own sub-forum now that we're an AoS3 book?
  3. If it could make unlimited spawns I would start every game with MSU Kairic Acolytes and a burning sigil and just swarm the board with spawns. Thankfully that's not how it works.
  4. The Sigil only creates 1 spawn per activation, not 1 spawn per unit.
  5. Genuinely surprised they updated the wonderful curseling sculpt over the fatemaster that everyone always proxies because its so hideous. Knowing GW they'll keep the fatemaster's rules quite good so everyone will be forced to cut up an Ahriman from 40k still 😅
  6. They do disease points on retreat now, not MWs. But I agree that beasts are awesome now.
  7. Very unlikely to change points. Nothing in the book is so undercosted that it's likely to cause a problem. In fact nothing in the book is undercosted at all 🤣 I hope they FAQ the GUO's warscroll spell. Strong contender for worst rule in the book and totally baffling why they nerfed his spell so much from the last book.
  8. I've used Really Useful boxes for several years. After seeing how much damage people's models take from foam boxes I honestly can't imagine another way to transport my army than magnetizing. 4L A4 will fit your wardens, loreseeker, cathallar and sentinels (the Sentinel unit champion is too tall however). I'm afraid I don't have any bladelords or stoneguard so I can't say for sure that they would fit, but it looks like they would except for the bladelord banner bearer. These will fit a Sanctum of Amyntok, but Twinstones and Rune of Petrification are too tall. 9L A4 is a great size. It will handily fit 90% of your army. Dawnriders, Windchargers, Eltharion, Windmage, Stonemage, Bannerblade, Lord Regent/Lyrior, Endless spells and Ellania + Ellathor. However, I think it would be a bit too short for a Spirit of the mountain/avalenor. I have a Sevireth kit, but haven't built it yet, so I'm afraid I can't say for sure if it would fit. I also use a 19L A4. This is tall enough for both Teclis and the Shrine Luminor and will fit both models at the same time. If you aren't taking Teclis, there would be enough room for 2-3 spirits of wind or mountain and the Shrine at the same time. I put my shrine on a base and measure from the model instead of the base for ranges just so it would be easier to magnetize and so it would share basing with the rest of my army. Hopefully someone else could help with measurements for Avalenor and Sevireth.
  9. Worth noting that several other models that should clearly be unique aren't in the same document (like the new father/daughter witch hunter duo) so I wouldn't get too excited about the Loreseeker being able to take artefacts and command traits until the FAQ drops.
  10. Erasure is the stupidest spell in the game imo. One of the printed versions has a typo that says it does d3 normal wounds instead of mortal wounds, and d6 mortal wounds if marked. That at least made sense because you would save up against units with a mortal wound save. But after the FAQ it was corrected to mortal wounds on both sides. I agree, I can't see much point in marking over simply doing 2d3 mortal wounds over time except in extremely niche situations. But even in those situations doing a guaranteed D3 over the potential for a d6 is probably better. Say your target has a mortal wound save this turn, and you think they won't have it next turn. Then it might be worth it, if you are also confident that the target will still be in range, you will be able to pass your second casting roll and your damage roll is at least average. But even then: do you have no other spells worth casting this round, or no other targets for erasure? An FAQ I'd like to see in the future is that the marked condition stays even after being hit with the second casting. That way it becomes a decent spell for whittling down big, high wound targets over several rounds.
  11. Yeah, you use the same attack profile. It just adds the extra effect for one volley of attacks.
  12. Finished my Shrine Luminor last night. Feels good to have the two huge models in my army done. After this and Teclis, I'm going to treat myself to a nice, straightforward Loreseeker 😅
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