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What Models Do You Want Updated

Grim Beasties

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Ever since GW made the Corpse Cart it has been clear to us that they are capable of making some pretty damn nice zombie sculpts. Models such as the Fence from the FEC endless spells and various corpse bits on Pusgoyle Blightlords (to name but a few) keeps showing us how awesome a Deadwalker (even a Soulblight army) could be.

Besides, zombies keep poping up  in many of the AOS novels yet we have but a single dusty box of twenty year old goofy looking zombies to show for. 

Deadwalkers please do your entry. WHQ, WHU, Warcry and of course AOS awaits your arriwal.

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2 hours ago, Greasygeek said:


Ever since GW made the Corpse Cart it has been clear to us that they are capable of making some pretty damn nice zombie sculpts. Models such as the Fence from the FEC endless spells and various corpse bits on Pusgoyle Blightlords (to name but a few) keeps showing us how awesome a Deadwalker (even a Soulblight army) could be.

Besides, zombies keep poping up  in many of the AOS novels yet we have but a single dusty box of twenty year old goofy looking zombies to show for. 

Deadwalkers please do your entry. WHQ, WHU, Warcry and of course AOS awaits your arriwal.

So much of Legions of Nagash could do with a nice update but I think Zombies are the prime candidate. Not only is the corpse cart amazing but the necromancer is super cool as well. I would love more zombie themed armies but I think at this point it is better to go freeguild units and just paint them rotten.

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I see a lot of Blood Dragons posts here, and I agree. I'm not a Death player and will never be a Death player (unless may be if Tomb Kings or Vampire Coast would happen), but I just LOVE BK aestetic and would have gladly bought them just for collection. If they would be, you know, twice as less expensive and better looking. I mean, just look at their artwork or their models in Total War, they look simply amazing there.

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I'm not massively fond of working with fine cast resin, as a material. That said the actual sculpts often aren't nearly as bad a some folks claim. some of them are legitimately derpy, but that's a small minority. Some were great as metal models but were damaged by the shift to resin, so they now deform or miscast. Honestly, though, a lot of "bad old models" are just out of fashion. Like anything there are trends in what is popular, and what is considered a good or bad model. Tastes vary, but the new fad for overdetailed, oversized models with lots of fiddly thin plastic is just that, a trend. The new sculpts are more technically complex, but from an art standpoint, they are not per se better than many of them he old single piece metal models of years gone by. As a fan of that older aesthetic I'd rather we didn't update everything just because its old.

Different styles lend themselves to different ranges, and the sort of dynamism that works great for nighthaunt or DoK isn't automatically a good fit for a range like seraphon or skaven.

I feel like gloomspite struck a good balance, they updated enough to create a vibrant range, but kept the bits that worked. They also kept things consistent so that really all goblins fit the range, no matter how old they are.

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5 hours ago, zombiepiratexxx said:

Daemonettes! Love Slaanesh, hate that kit with a vengeance. Don't have to make them nude, or anything like that, I'd just like something..... better. 

I think daemonettes would benefit massively from a reposing. I think the sculpt of the models is generally fine (could be better, but about on par with the other lesser daemons), but they look incredibly static for what they're meant to be. I don't hate the models, but conversions I've seen using witch aelves look much better because they're in motion.

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1. Bullgors (I still cannot fathom how people defended Mark Harrison's sculpting,..)

2. Dragon Ogurs (make them capture the old 1980s imagery, they fell short on the sculpt)

3. Bullgors (yup, even though I have 24 painted,.. )

4. Wardancers.  bring them back and stop being dumb about, historically, one of these most Warhammer units for 33 years,...

5. Daemonettes (two boob purist)

6. Dryads (see Daemonette reason)

7. Warhawk Riders (again, really classic, and I miss them so bad)

8. Centigors (Hastings told me GW had CADs of them in 2010)

9. Shaggoth (I want one as big as a mountain,.. the biggest model they've ever done)

10. Razorgors,  Tuskgor Chariots, Jabberslythe, (I want the units to exit, or at least be supported properly and with good rules and good sculpts


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On 9/22/2020 at 9:59 PM, Beliman said:

Not sure if it counts but here I go...:

The Ironclad/Frigate/Gunhauler stick.

I know, it's really new and fancy, but imho, it needs a new design. Maybe an scenic base for flyers, I don't know.

It works for Gunhaulers, but I admit I made myself a scenic base later.

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9 hours ago, Fairbanks said:

I’ve got a list:

1. Hitler invades Russia

2. A Mongolian man insults Ghengis Khan

3. GW forget to redo the Slann in plastic for their 2020 Seraphon release.

Seraphon are an army I thought GW would really go to town on for AoS but yeah all they got was a ziggurat! Skaven are another army that while I dislike (the enternal thorn in Nagash's side) thought GW would go all out on for AoS.

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7 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

It works for Gunhaulers, but I admit I made myself a scenic base later.

Yeah some base material would be amazing, although they are less expensive than most centerpiece models like the LRL, so Ima not complain much if they dont update it and keep the price 40 dollars lower.

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1 hour ago, Sttufe said:

Yeah some base material would be amazing, although they are less expensive than most centerpiece models like the LRL, so Ima not complain much if they dont update it and keep the price 40 dollars lower.

If you compate the Gunhauler to things like the Gyrocopter, pricing isn't that bad.

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