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Everything posted by zombiepiratexxx

  1. I use a combination of P3, Citadel and VMC in the main. I've heard good things about Pro Acryl and I have a few AK ones.
  2. FEC - love the lore! Wanted to do a Strigoi army back in WHFB days but didn't for various reasons. The AoS lore for them is fantastic and then they added the new models in with the 3.0 Battletome and I just loved them all the more. Skaven - Love painting them. Their lore is also good, they're very different to most of the other armies and are really representative of Chaos being, well, Chaotic. Some amazing models in the range too and some of the most fun I've had putting brush to plastic. If they do get a refresh in 4.0 my wallet is going to be crying.
  3. Considering that the Battletome isn't actually available generally until this weekend I wouldn't put much faith in a lot of the rumours that have been floating around. They do seem quite wishlisty as well.
  4. My wallet is sensing a lot of danger from this! At least I don't need much to finish my FEC once GW gets the Charnel Throne back in stock.
  5. Cavalry would be really useful to counteract how slow the rest of the army is. Something that can weather the fact that it's a slow army with no armour save to speak of so is insanely exposed to any ranged attacks.
  6. Umbraneth are the Ulgu Aelves under Malerion, so the new incarnation of the older Dark Elves from WHFB in effect, but possibly more shadowy.
  7. I'm trying to decide if I want the AGKoZD or AGKoTG in the new book. Currently, I'm leaning more towards the Dragon as shutting off Inspiring Presence is good to me and can help if you're going a Bravery bomb route. Obviously, the Terrorgheist can do more damage if you fish for 6s on the bite, but I think the ZD has more consistent damage even if the spell is wasted if you're not taking any other monsters. You can do shriek and Garland combo with the TG screech to make it more likely to do wounds. Not many points in it so that's not too much of an issue. Anyone else got any thoughts between the two? I understand the new book isn't out for everyone yet.
  8. Some factions within a Grand Alliance have their own sub-forums and some don't. All I'd suggest is a uniform format across all the GA forums, whether that means all have sub-forums, or none do, I'm not particularly taken either way, but it should be all one way or the other IMO.
  9. Looking at a lot of the new hero models they may replace some of the Courtiers as the hero pool is looking to expand significantly so some roles may be combined, we won't know until we see the goods though.
  10. They absolutely killed it with this model. I don't need more AoS models, but my wallet is definitely feeling impending doom.
  11. It's beautiful! FEC deserve a range refresh to finally break out of their old Vampire Counts days fully.
  12. These starter sets are what constitutes a "season" in Underworlds so there's a new one this time every year. GW are notoriously bad at making these warbands from the starter sets more available outside of the box, even after the season is over.
  13. Sadly Underworlds warbands tend towards being bad. The good news is that they'd make amazing heralds IMO. Sadly they're locked into that starter box.
  14. Wyrdhollow the current Underworlds starter is £65 from GW direct, obviously, you can save on that via 3rd party sellers. Wouldn't surprise me if the new season went up but if you only want the Slaanesh models that's a big spend for them if you can't move all the other parts to recoup some of the initial outlay.
  15. I love these, it's just sad that, once again, we have a cool unit locked behind a very expensive box set as it's the new season starter set for Underworlds. Especially when so many of the cool Underworlds warbands still aren't available in their own kits. They'd made fantastic Viceleaders.
  16. Mirebrutes and Snatchabosses are what you'll probably want to expand on your hero pool. Due to the limited models we have you've kind of then got everything already.
  17. I have the Sybarite Blade-Carnival box from a few Christmases ago and have started building the units from it. I'm having a real boggle trying to work out if I want to make 10 Myrmidesh or 10 Symbaresh (I know I could do 5 of each but I think it's best as a reinforced unit) and then the next one is Blissbarb Seekers or Slickblades. Both have their uses and I do love the extra rend from the Seekers but not sure whether overall the Slickblades are better?
  18. Fiends have always been one of my favourite units so I'm really glad that their warscroll got buffed and that they're doing well. I think I'll be hard-pressed NOT to include at least one unit in my lists.
  19. While the Fane might not have quite as much synergy as it used to, the fact that it's free means that we get at least a screening piece of terrain, as well as being able to chuck a used artefact into it for a permanent buff still and not have to worry so much about positioning or CPs for at least one hero getting a bonus. Very interesting stats on the Keeper. For my Pretenders list, I've put a non-general Keeper in there but will admit that missing SoG does give me pause, the General is so important in that sub-faction I think they'll probably be more easily taken in Invaders. Still, it's a gorgeous model and mine's been sitting in his box since 2019 so it's about time he came out to play!
  20. LoP behind some Painbringer screens makes for, on paper, a pretty survivable general so you can still bring the Keeper, yes you'd not be able to Strength of Godhood your Greater Daemon but there are plenty of other buffs going around and if you take a Lord of Hubris that makes any combat with him and the Keeper in it a great positive for you.
  21. Still reading the book, but interested in looking at this as the first list I may run. I've still got lots of options in my collection and I'm actually interested in giving Fiendbloods a try, but a powered up Kipper seems pretty cool; - Army Faction: Hedonites of Slaanesh - Army Type: Pretenders - Grand Strategy: Selfish Desire - Triumph: Indomitable LEADERS Contorted Epitome (190) Lord of Pain (135) - General - Command Traits: Strength of Godhood Shardspeaker of Slaanesh (125) - Spells: Phantasmagoria The Masque (140) Keeper of Secrets (400) - Shining Aegis - Artefacts of Power: The Crown of Dark Secrets - Spells: Flaming Weapon BATTLELINE Blissbarb Archers (150) Hellstriders with Hellscourges (160) Myrmidesh Painbringers (290) - Painmaster OTHER Blissbarb Seekers (200) Fiends (200) TERRAIN 1 x Fane of Slaanesh (0) TOTAL POINTS: 1990/2000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App
  22. Taking the Aegis on the Kipper is a good investment in your 400pts model that you want to ensure makes it into combat. While you will likely get the ward later on through DP I think I'd rather have the ward than not in those first few turns, just in case. Saving 1/3 of your damage after saves (and a 3+ is easy to get with Mystic Shield) on average is a good survivability boost I feel, especially to get through the first turn where you're hoping to get the -1 to hit up and running which just stacks superbly as well in terms of making your expensive Greater Daemon live to see combat.
  23. I think having her survive will be lucky at best, but if you can guarantee those 12 DPs turn 1 making the rest of your army more survivable it still might be a worthy trade. Especially as you've still got temptation dice to use and your opponent might end up choosing to eat more mortals rather than accelerate you into the 24 DP buff so early on. Taking out a screen or a key hero early on is going to be incredibly impactful. It wouldn't surprise me already if we don't get a few choice pts increases for certain units and we've not even got the book in our hands yet to all play games with and collect our own data. Just having some strong choices in the book already feels so nice.
  24. After an edition of more or less utter gutter trash I'm sure we can have one unit that's good. Blissbarbs are good, I don't think they are OP as they're not the cheapest unit going and to buff them up you do need a heavy character investment to do it. I think it's very early to call anything too good, I mean, they're not Lumineth with a 30" range and not needing Line of Sight!
  25. Lord of Pain is very good now and buffs pretty much everything going which makes him amazing. Slaanesh legitimately has some amazing hero options now, even among Daemons as Masque and Epitome show. Even Shalaxi and the Kipper, while expensive, can still be made to work I think, even the standard Viceleader isn't a bad pick anymore. We've got so much more variety in this new book it genuinely feels amazing and like there are secrets to be unlocked with the combinations to stuff we can actually put together, I don't see this being a one-dimensional "only pick these units to win" situation. There are some obviously strong picks in the units like Blissbarbs being really good as default Battleline, whipstriders are great for shutting down a unit on an objective, even regular Seekers can find a place and open up options for a whole cavalry army lead by Chariot Heralds in a very thematic Godseekers list.
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