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1 hour ago, Kaz said:

And I wonder for sylvaneth: GW might do a Skaven style terrain, a box of 3 Wyldwoods, that are same size as original Wyldwood, so veteran players can still use their own, but limit the ability to create more, so as to reduce cost of entry? Because the Fyreslayers cost of entry has decreased MASSIVELY (from 120 models in a list to 50!!!!). So I feel GW is focusing on making the armies more accessible to LooncurseUnboxing-Apr29-Tokens4us.jpg.49999e4555bdfc9458229e9f5b982e7f.jpgnew players. 


I'm thinking it might be something like the Skaven terrain release. The marker sheet from Looncurse says "Tanglethorn Thicket", so that would be my guess for what the new terrain is called.

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4 minutes ago, wwwwww said:

I'm thinking it might be something like the Skaven terrain release. The marker sheet from Looncurse says "Tanglethorn Thicket", so that would be my guess for what the new terrain is called.

Tanglethorn Thicket is the name of the ability Kurnoth Hunters use

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1 hour ago, Murder Pancake said:


New Warhammer Community update shows the rest of the model. Looks like the other rumor engine. 

I'll build him/her without that insect thingy. I never really digged that insects are now part of our trees XD (sticking the wings directly to his back might work)

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Talking of Sylvaneth terrain/endless spells, I had initially crazily thought maybe the 'Tanglethorn Thicket' marker was a proxy for one of them (as unlikely as giving that away as a piece of card would have been) but yeah, close to 100% sure that @PJetski is bang on the money there as most of those are just tokens to use to mark what units have done.

I only suspected it as my hunch had been that when they get them the Sylvaneth Endless spells would include either a souped up more thematic version of Soulsnare Shackles, like twisted vines erupting out of the ground to slow/trap units and/or a version of the Prismatic Pallisade/Fyreslayer rune wall made from trees and thorny branches, either of which could have been a 'Tanglethorn Thicket'*.

looks like the other tokens include objective markers maybe (the 3 cauldrons and 3 shields). 'Mirror Prism' I guess is possibly related to the new Sylvaneth characters abilities/spells, unless I'm missing something existing (probably am), and I guess the 'Cave In' ones maybe have some narrative function, unless they're redoing the Loonboss Warscroll already, which I'd be surprised about.

Terrain for Sylvaneth is going to be an interesting one if/when it does come. Much as it will cause howls of outrage I could see definitely see a set of Sylvaneth woods that are more Gnawhole sized, and possibly the rules changed so they're limited to 3 and with the Citadel woods going back to being just ordinary woods or taking on some other role.

Of course that would be understandably a bit annoying if you have invested heavily there and bought a dozen of the big buggers to cover tables with, but hey at least you'd still have lots of scenery and we'd have the grisly spectre of YouTube videos of burning plastic trees being threatened.



* With Sylvaneth endless spell number 3 being a damage dealing Spite Swarm counterpart to the existing Emerald Lifeswarm. Calling it now!

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3 hours ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

I’m not entirely convinced they are terrain sets. Or more accurately, I’m not convinced they’re all terrain sets.

The ziggurat is actually what’s throwing me. I mean, it could just be a custom build by the scenery team made out of foambord. It certainly doesn’t look any more complicated than that and if it is a terrain kit then it’s going to need a lot more to it to tempt me. If I’m going to buy scenery, it’s got to be something I couldn’t make for myself at home.

Nothing wrong with the look of any of it, just a bit boring in my opinion.

It says ‘With the recent release of the new Stormvault scenery range...’, so yeah, they’re terrain kits. 

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1 hour ago, JackStreicher said:

I'll build him/her without that insect thingy. I never really digged that insects are now part of our trees XD (sticking the wings directly to his back might work)

Wings to me look like they'll work better on a flying Squig...... :D

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42 minutes ago, Ivo said:

Theres a kurnoth preview on the comunity site. Is it normal for it not to have all weapon options?

It is normal for boxed games to have incorrect and/or incomplete warscroll cards (for example:  the Soul Wars warscroll cards were insta-recycling).  Having warscrolls with only one loadout option on them for a unit with three different loadout options available would be par for the course.

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26 minutes ago, amysrevenge said:

It is normal for boxed games to have incorrect and/or incomplete warscroll cards (for example:  the Soul Wars warscroll cards were insta-recycling).  Having warscrolls with only one loadout option on them for a unit with three different loadout options available would be par for the course.

Not really: in the new version, we will have several warscrolls for kurnoth, hunters being the ranged ones with bows.

Like they did with FEC in Carrion empire  (horrors / crypts etc...). But all warscrolles were INSIDE carrion empire because the kit itself didn't change and you can build either unit.

Edited by GeneralZero
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2 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

I'll build him/her without that insect thingy. I never really digged that insects are now part of our trees XD (sticking the wings directly to his back might work)

I'm pretty sure that thing is actually a Spite (just a big one in insect form). That's what Alarielle's beetle is, and they are all over the Treemen kit. Sometimes they take the form of the insects, sometimes small woodland creatures, sometimes little men/fairies, sometimes even stranger shapes. They've been part of the Sylvaneth/Wood Elf aesthetic since before the End Times. IIRC, at one time you could buy them like magic items and they'd give boosts to your characters.



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3 minutes ago, DarkWingDuck said:

I'm pretty sure that thing is actually a Spite (just a big one in insect form). That's what Alarielle's beetle is, and they are all over the Treemen kit. Sometimes they take the form of the insects, sometimes small woodland creatures, sometimes little men/fairies, sometimes even stranger shapes. They've been part of the Sylvaneth/Wood Elf aesthetic since before the End Times. IIRC, at one time you could buy them like magic items and they'd give boosts to your characters.



I know =D. I just dislike everything that looks  insectoid (and all of their shapes) XD

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4 hours ago, HorticulusTGA said:

My only statement is : I think that a new AOS version of WHQ is currently in the work at GW.

Does that idea annoy you ? No need to get all worried about it and to respond harshly, uh ;)

And to be more precise, my statement is based on a few important points : firstly the talk from Pete Foley, yes, but also from Jes Bickham, the whole AOS studio Manager, who also talked about it in the last Stormcast Podcast episode. It makes two GW rep talking about it already : knowing that GW watch carefully the informations and news about future releases (and that they like giving hints), the fact they are allowed to discuss this in a podcast is already meaningful. IIRC there is also a recent White Dwarf article about AOS and WHQ.

Anyway, as I said above, such games design and models development takes months and even years to complete, and they have source materials to work with already, so a new AOS edition for WHQ is surely coming in the future. I'll dare to add that given the current pace of release, it could very well come as soon as 2020, but that's pure conjecture ... :P

Unless I'm forgetting something, the last AOS Quest article was the slightly undercooked rules for including a few of the Nighthaunt miniatures as exotic adversaries from June 2018

(As much as I'd like to see a well supported new WHQ with themed expansions)


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4 hours ago, Still-young said:

It says ‘With the recent release of the new Stormvault scenery range...’, so yeah, they’re terrain kits. 

Well that’s..... underwhelming. Still, anything is better than nothing.

I’m more excited by a potential re-release of the Wyldwood alongside Sylvaneth.

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2 hours ago, Jefferson Skarsnik said:

Unless I'm forgetting something, the last AOS Quest article was the slightly undercooked rules for including a few of the Nighthaunt miniatures as exotic adversaries from June 2018

(As much as I'd like to see a well supported new WHQ with themed expansions)


Thats the last of whq ive heard too

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I know I am beating a dead horse, but I think the amount of egyptian vibe ( remember the Warcry and Forbidden Power trailers) and the fact that there is a yet unanounced faction for War Cry left, with Death as the only GA only having 2 warbands, point to a certain someone who DOES NOT SERVE.

It is also worth mentioning that Slaanesh's prison is right next to Shadespire, where once the Katophanes lived. These guys and their shadeglass could turn out to be the new construct death faction.  Say what you will but this is hardly a "coincidence" anymore.


Edited by 3nondatur
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