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Everything posted by wwwwww

  1. Your screen shot presents the model at a strange angle - the screenshot below reveals that the model is a centaur.
  2. It's certainly chaos flavoured, but I doubt the non-chaos warbands were an afterthought. People were quick to assume that it was only chaos based on the initial reveal. However, the time required to develop and playtest rules for the other warbands makes it unlikely they were an afterthought.
  3. I feel the same way about the fyerslayer's molten infernoth. GW is creating outstanding monsters, but it's unfortunate they're only endless spells.
  4. I'm thinking it might be something like the Skaven terrain release. The marker sheet from Looncurse says "Tanglethorn Thicket", so that would be my guess for what the new terrain is called.
  5. At 53:10, he mentions it but says he can't talk about it just yet
  6. Warhammer Fest Schedule is up (https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/04/17/warhammer-fest-seminar-schedule/). I wonder what the Saturday reveal will be (maybe a new army?). I thought it would be about Warcry, but there's a seminar on Sunday about the each faction in Warcry. That's what I'm most excited for.
  7.  Which sort of makes sense really Curious to hear your thoughts on what the rationale for that is?
  8. The artwork is stunning. I wonder if the flying creatures or (what look to be) smaller magmadroths down by the river will be released in years to come. Wishful thinking perhaps, but more firey beasts would get me on board with starting an army.
  9. Looking back at the LVO picture as a possible source for things to come. With Fyreslayers, Gitz, anad FEC now all confirmed or released, we may be looking at a new Gutbusters book this year. The death picture is FEC, but if not, that may provide some guidance on the rumoured new death faction. Fyreslayers being confirmed gives some credit to the artwork and predictions based on it for the future.
  10. My guesses: DOK, nighthaunt, stormcast, gitz, deepkin, ironjawz, FEC and bonesplitterz
  11. I don't think it's the bug from the trogboss. This pic (although a coversion) shows the bug from the best possible angle; they look similar, but not the same.
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