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Everything posted by cb_rex

  1. The Blood Bowl Orc conversions are great. The Black Orc drummer in particular works really well.
  2. Lovely work, I really like the pink bits on them!
  3. Make the book physically smaller i.e. A5 so it fits better on the table, maybe use smaller print or even separate it into a pack of mini handbooks for each type of play. More varied Battleplans including ones for smaller games and multiplayer games. Varied gameplay: have objectives that have to activated on particular turns or in a sequence and require maybe require models not to attack or run/charge whilst completing objectives, maybe even make them more vulnerable or have an item that is picked up by an individual model making them more powerful (bonus attacks/wounds/save) allowing a model from a unit to act independently while they have the item. Most importantly; have a giant Orruk on the front cover stomping all over the tabletop, stomping all over your opponents hopes and dreams.
  4. Lovely stuff, Gorbad is my all time favourite WHFB model and you've really made him shine.
  5. Those large spray cans are the most unnecessary product GW have come up with in a fair while, if they're twice as big they'll probably be twice the price so you could just buy two tins, and storing super tall tins will be a pain, also the nozzles of spray cans become susceptible to clogging the more paint you spray through them as well. The only thing they might be good for is priming a realm of battle board, where you need more than a single regular tin. I like the other Christmas releases.
  6. Is that a giant pig in the bottom right!? I love it and really nicely painted army too, good work!
  7. That Warchanter conversion looks super cool now he's painted, he looked a bit weird before when he was grey plastic, maybe the angle of the photo or something, but he's turned out great.
  8. cb_rex


    These look nice on the red bases, good work!
  9. cb_rex

    coven throne

    You've clearly put some time and love into this model with a stunning result. The contrast of the throne from the spirits is perfect, great job!
  10. Very cool army, great stuff!
  11. cb_rex

    Knight Questor

    Knight Questor from WHQ: Silver Tower I tried to paint a really dark silvery black armour to represent the Heldenhammer Stormcast dudes, by mixing black and white into GW Iornbreaker but I wasn't really happy with the effect, so he went on the back burner for a while. When I came back to him I decided to just quickly paint up the gold bits, the red bits and the cloak to get him finished. He's going to go on a Shattered Dominion base when I get the rest of the Silver Tower stuff done.
  12. These models are great, do you have a display board or are you thinking of making one? With your basing scheme in particular it kinda steals the show and totally deserves to be its own thing and tell a story of its own.... Where does the pink gloop come from? Are the worms evil? What happens if you touch the pink? Why are some worms smooth and others ribbed? So many questions, I'd love to know more!
  13. cb_rex


    Good work, I've recently painted this guy, he's quite tricky the hair in particular as you've mentioned. You could have maybe painted the straps between his legs leather so they contrasted better against the trousers, and I'd maybe give the whippy bits another top edge highlight. I like the red and the gold bits on him a nice job overall.
  14. You've done a great job on this guy, the conversion is really subtle and effective and the red has turned out really nice. Good work!
  15. I managed to finish the Bloodstoker... He's taken me a while to get to a stage where I was happy with him, he's quite a fiddly model, but I really enjoyed adding the line texture to the tentacle whip and blending it up.
  16. I hope they don't just end up having one rule set for both sysyems. I enjoy the various rules for 40k, vehicles for example. Yes it could be simplified and streamlined a with better use of keywords and synergy, also having it more digitafied like AoS would be good and simplifying and balancing army selection methods. However, I don't think 40k has a issue with lack of sales so why mess majorly with a winning formula?
  17. I love this colour scheme, it's going to look great on these Stormcasts, are you going to use green as a contrast colour like the traitor marines eyes?
  18. There's some great progress here in just a month. The Maw Krusha looks great, the orange armour is weird and kinda metallic looking, very unique! Also, if you haven't already you should totally join in with us doing the Tales of Sigmar's - Tale of Gamers as it seems your months line up perfectly as we've also just started month 3, if you get your gaming group buddies to join in as well they might find having an active blog associated with a project really helps keep the motivation up. Also chance to win a Battletomb.
  19. cb_rex


    These look super cool, I love the black Juggernaughts and the basing is great, although a dryer looking tuft either pale yellow or even burnt brown would work better than green.
  20. cb_rex

    Tales of Gamer

    Great work, I love the colour scheme the green, blue and pink are really set off nicely against the dark brown parts. The only thing I'm not sure about is the brown base rims, the colour works quite nicely but maybe black would look cleaner.
  21. I think it's time for an update as we've only got just over a week left to complete our Tale of Gamers - Month 2 commitments. So here's my painting area at the moment... I've got got base colours down on the Bloodstoker and finished his skin. I'm batch painting the 19 Bloodreavers. After completing their bases I started the skin, base coating with 1:1 mix of GW Pallid Wych Flesh to P3 Cryx Bane Highlight, then I dry brushed with Pallid Wych Flesh, then I shaded with a mix of Reikland Fleshshade, Lahmian Medium and Cryx Bane Highlight. I'm now at the stage where I'm layering on Pallid Wych Flesh highlights. I've nearly done half of them but my copy of the new White Dwarf has just dropped through the letter box so it's time for a tea break! @Urauloth I don't think Cryx Bane Highlight has a direct GW equivalent, I bought it because I bought a large selection of greys to figure out what grey I was going to paint my Red Scorpions (Space Marines). If I had to estimate/mix the colour from GW colours I'd say its something like Stormvermin Fur mixed with some Ushabti Bone, roughly 1:1.
  22. These are great, it's nice to see something other than green on Nurgle. The basing is cool too, it looks really spooky.
  23. Great stuff, I imagine when this faction gets fully fleshed out we could get some amazing and wacky Warhammer steampunk models.
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