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My journey into the Mortal Realms.  A blog about my round based fantasy hobby and stuff.

(I hobby in my tiny loft and like doing conversions)

Entries in this blog

Rocky Terrain Project

With AoS and particularity now with Skirmish coming out I feel that more dense terrain on the table = a more visual, tactical and thematic game.   I'd go as far as to say the current (May 2017) GW offerings are pretty bad for positioning units entirely within them to take advantage of the bonus save.  The Wild Wood for example, whilst large enough to place a unit within, actually doing so is so fiddly because of the trees branches that hook onto everything, (especially Dryads ironically).



My Yellow Bloodbound

So I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Khornate Chaos Warriors as they always had some really badass looking models but I'd always managed to resist buying into them, until now.  With the arrival of Silver Tower came the perfect excuse to pickup one of the meanest looking dudes of recent times... Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-hammer I've always shied away from blood effects but as I've decided not to use a traditional red colour scheme on this model it seemed like



WHQ Silver Tower

Warhammer Quest Silver Tower is super cool.  I've set about trying to paint up the beautiful models, starting with the Brimstone Horrors. I haven't exactly decided how to do the bases yet so I'm going to leave them black until I've painted all the models then decide and do them all as one big batch.  I've nearly finished the Blue Horrors and I'm also working on a Slaugherpriest.



The Freepeoples Em-pire so far

Here's a group shot of Freepeoples Em-pire so far... There's 5 more Knights and 10 Swordsmen still to assemble, the knights are on the Hurricanium horses and I intend to give them greenstuff fur cloaks using a Micro Art Studio light fur mould, (I can sculpt small areas of fur but find it takes ages so the mould should really help).  They are sort of Knights Panther but in the new age, so maybe I'll call them something a little different (I'm open to suggestions) I'm thinking maybe Pant



Hello world

Hello world.  I decided to start a shiny new blog here to report on my round based journey into the Mortal Realms.  Going forward with this new game and new army/s it made sense to start a fresh blog.  I've previously played High Elves and now maintain a massive Orcs & Goblins army (Orruks & Grots for you young whippersnappers). You can see my greenskins on Da Warpath.  Below is a hidden montage of my best miniatures to date. I find gaming casually using my greenskins on squa



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