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So I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Khornate Chaos Warriors as they always had some really badass looking models but I'd always managed to resist buying into them, until now.  With the arrival of Silver Tower came the perfect excuse to pickup one of the meanest looking dudes of recent times...


Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-hammer

I've always shied away from blood effects but as I've decided not to use a traditional red colour scheme on this model it seemed like the perfect opportunity to have a go at some.  This model is still work in progress and I'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions regarding the paintjob/colour choices.  I still need to highlight the skin and I intend to add a load more BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD splattered around but just wanted to get everything else right before I do so.  I'm a little worried there might be a bit too much of the greenyblue on the model or maybe it's too bright a blue, (I could make it darker).  I'm considering some freehand on the cloth (maybe just a line or some Skaveny triangle pattern) but I'm not sure. I wanted the brass to be kinda a realistic looking pale and greeny looking.  I could add some Nihilakh Oxide or just a bit more black to it, but again I'm not sure.

I am pretty excited about Bloodbound at the moment, I do have the other Slaughterpriest from the WHQ Mighty Heros expansion and I also have the AoS starter set models so I'd may do a small army in the same colourscheme.

Thanks for looking.

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Thanks Ben, it's Vallejo Extra Opaque Heavy Goldbrown, with some GW Tau Light Ochre to shade and GW Ushabti Bone to highlight.

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Thanks guys, the idea came while listening to an episode of Facehammer, I think Russ said something along the lines of yellow being an aggressive colour which I very much agree with and he's done a cool stylized Bloodbound army with lots of blood which got me thinking of doing the yellow with lots of blood for the blood god.

The straps were going to be brown but I was really trying to limit the colour palate used on the model to cool colours other than the yellow, so I went with the blue/green, I might actually tint these more towards the green.  I'll try and take some better pictures when he's finished, the yellow is a little bit more orangey brown looking (like JCB yellow) than it looks in the photo.  I think my camera picks up a bit too much green or something.

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Dig it.

Really like the skin tone and the armour plates.  Blood effect is good too, not overdone like omgbloodeverywhere. 

Nice work!

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Although I've not finished the first one I've now painted another Slaughterpriest as I wasn't 100% sure about the blue spot colour with the yellow, and I wanted to try green, (maybe a more foresty green would have been better) but I think I'm leaning towards the original blue now anyways, opinions welcome.


Again I still intend to add more blood effects, just want to get the colour scheme down before I do.  I highlighted the skin properly on this second one and I'm fairly pleased with it but I'm actually starting to doubt the brass trim, I painted it more gold looking on the second model, maybe I need to try silver trim or even just all yellow on some of the core starter set dudes...  Not sure.

Side by side:


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So this thread is now where I'll log my progress for "a tale of gamers".

Month 1: 

Starting with the Bloodbound models from the AoS starter set, I'm aiming to complete 5 Blood Warriors and the Khorgorath, along with finishing off and touching up the 2 Slaughterpriests from earlier.


I've done more assembly that I'd planned, having got the starter set Bloodbound all assembled.  Painting however is not going as well.  The Blood Warriors are taking me ages, getting a good coat of the gold on all the metal is a pain, but it's nothing compared to building up the yellow colour on the armour panels.

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I am also digging this could scheme. A great combination of colours for sure. I would steer away from highlighting the brass too far as you will start to blend the 'gold' look with the yellow. I much prefer the look of the brass on the first priest.

I'm a huge fan of unusual colour schemes so this gets a huge thumbs up from me!

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Thanks @Cowboy Boots Matt your comment helped motivate me with my army progress this month.


Month 1 completed:

I managed to get the Blood Warriors and the Khorgorath finished along with a Blood Reaver Champion.  I ended up spending a lot more time on the Blood Warriors and the Blood Reaver Champion as this month coincided with Mengal Miniatures Season of War painting competition, for which I entered those two in the Unit/Large and Single model categories respectively.

The Khorgorath was a lot more quickly painted letting the dry brushing and washes to the work for me, I'm not as comfortable with larger models in general but I'm fairly pleased with how he came out, (I've just noticed I forgot to do his red glowing eyes).


The Blood Warriors were oh my god time consuming, painting the yellow inside the brass trim and then black lining and cleaning up and repeating, I went insane half way through painting these and painted a Space Marine Tactical Squad just to work on something I could paint quickly.  I'm really not looking forward to painting another 10 of these guys!  I am however fairly pleased with the contrast of the blood against the yellow armour.



The Blood Reaver Champion by contrast was really fun to paint, (less armour and more skin).  I hope I enjoy the remaining 19 of them as much,  I'll definitely not put as much time into them individually.



This army is the first army I've done blood effects on and I've also tried to improve my basing, going all in with the skulls for the skull throne and blood for the blood god. So far I'm fairly pleased with the look but if anyone has any constructive criticism or other feedback I'd love to hear it.

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These are really fantastic. Very unusual as well, of course! I like the way the blood stands out against that yellow armour (they probably do too). The basing looks great, the broken ground and scattered skulls are an iconic Chaos look and suit the atmosphere and aesthetics of AoS in general.

What are your skin recipes, if you don't mind?

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Thanks I've never really been into Chaos or Khorne before, but since I started these guys I've been more and more taken by rage and blood lust, I just feel the need to add as many skulls and as much blood to everything I can. 

The idea is my mortal warriors start out with GW Pallid Wych Flesh and as they loose their humanity and become more powerful nourished by killing their skintones become darker and based on P3 cryx bane highlight.  If I eventually added some daemons they would have very dark skin tones, maybe black.

For the pale skin I use a mix of GW Reikland Fleshade and P3 Cryx Bane Highlight to shade the GW Pallid Wych Flesh plus a bit of GW Nuln Oil for the deepest recesses.

The darker skintone on the Bloodwarriors and the Khorgorath was based with P3 Cryx Bane Highlight, then drybrushed with GW Pallid Wych Flesh to catch the edges and identify the raised areas, which were then brush layered with thinned GW Pallid Wych Flesh to create nicer blended highlights.  The whole lot was then shaded with a 1:1 mix of GW Nuln Oil and GW Lahmian Medium, when this was dry I reapplied to the deepest recesses.  Hope that helps.


For month 2 of Tale of Gamers, I'm all ready to go with a Bloodstoker and 19 Bloodreavers.  Estimated RRP = £45 (£35 Bloodreavers + £10 Bloodstoker).


I'll work on the bases first, adding slate and sand then painting, before painting the dudes.  When they're done I'll touch up the bases and add skulls for the skull throne, tufts for the tuft god and blood for the blood god.

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Thanks! Nice work getting the drybrushes on the khorgorath to come out with such a smooth end result. I like the idea of the skintones getting darker grey with increasing power, I'm doing a similar thing with my Flesh-Eater Court.

Cryx Bane Highlight seems like an interesting colour, if I recall correctly it's one that doesn't have a direct GW equivalent?

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I think it's time for an update as we've only got just over a week left to complete our Tale of Gamers - Month 2 commitments. So here's my painting area at the moment...


I've got got base colours down on the Bloodstoker and finished his skin.  I'm batch painting the 19 Bloodreavers.  After completing their bases I started the skin, base coating with 1:1 mix of GW Pallid Wych Flesh to P3 Cryx Bane Highlight, then I dry brushed with Pallid Wych Flesh, then I shaded with a mix of Reikland Fleshshade, Lahmian Medium and Cryx Bane Highlight.  I'm now at the stage where I'm layering on Pallid Wych Flesh highlights.  I've nearly done half of them but my copy of the new White Dwarf has just dropped through the letter box so it's time for a tea break! 


 @Urauloth I don't think Cryx Bane Highlight has a direct GW equivalent, I bought it because I bought a large selection of greys to figure out what grey I was going to paint my Red Scorpions (Space Marines).  If I had to estimate/mix the colour from GW colours I'd say its something like Stormvermin Fur mixed with some Ushabti Bone, roughly 1:1.

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I managed to finish the Bloodstoker...


He's taken me a while to get to a stage where I was happy with him, he's quite a fiddly model, but I really enjoyed adding the line texture to the tentacle whip and blending it up.

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Thanks @TJ@DFG.  For the brass I use Liberator Gold then 2 coats of Nuln Oil and then add a silver edge highlight.

I really need to get back to work on this army.  I'm stuck half way through painting Khorgous Khul but I'm not really enjoying the model.

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