My Yellow Bloodbound
So I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Khornate Chaos Warriors as they always had some really badass looking models but I'd always managed to resist buying into them, until now. With the arrival of Silver Tower came the perfect excuse to pickup one of the meanest looking dudes of recent times...
Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-hammer
I've always shied away from blood effects but as I've decided not to use a traditional red colour scheme on this model it seemed like the perfect opportunity to have a go at some. This model is still work in progress and I'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions regarding the paintjob/colour choices. I still need to highlight the skin and I intend to add a load more BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD splattered around but just wanted to get everything else right before I do so. I'm a little worried there might be a bit too much of the greenyblue on the model or maybe it's too bright a blue, (I could make it darker). I'm considering some freehand on the cloth (maybe just a line or some Skaveny triangle pattern) but I'm not sure. I wanted the brass to be kinda a realistic looking pale and greeny looking. I could add some Nihilakh Oxide or just a bit more black to it, but again I'm not sure.
I am pretty excited about Bloodbound at the moment, I do have the other Slaughterpriest from the WHQ Mighty Heros expansion and I also have the AoS starter set models so I'd may do a small army in the same colourscheme.
Thanks for looking.
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