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Haywire Lodge

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A Danish hobbyist and his friend exploring the Mortal Realms. 

Entries in this blog

Garreks Reavers

My local gaming store was hosting a painting competition, you had to either enter a Kill Team or a Shadespire Warband. A few night later and I had finished my Garreks Reavers. I might not win a prize, but now I can start playing Warhammer Underwold! So if you should visit Aarhus, Denmark please feel free to swing by Dragons Lair and take a look at all the great looking models on displayed there.  



Whispers in the dark

In order to really get going with AOS 2.0 I have startet a Nighthaunt army. My approach has been very different from what I did with my Sylvaneth, they took me 2 years to paint. My Nighthaunt army is a speed paint projekt, Its all about getting the job done an hitting the gaming table as fast as possible. I have startet out with the Soulwars set, and have only added some more Grimghast Reapers, for now. The aim is to make a well rounded 1000 point army, play a few games and see how it goes.



Tales of Gamer

When the Tales of Gamer was first introduced  I jumped straight in. I knew that I was going to build a Sylvaneth army. I had just picked up some Ironjaws and had started getting into AOS. But the annunciation of the Sylvaneth made my go and leave the Ironjaws for later. My goal is to have 1000 GH point worth of models finished by the end of the year. Hopefully I will also have played in a Path to Glory campaign and participated in an upcoming tournament. But first here is my great



Path to Glory Campaign

Me and my gaming group is preparing for a 'Path to Glory' campaign. We are not going to roll our Warbands, but will instead use the points from  matched play. The first goal is to write a small introduction of the Warbands and to name the Hero. We will be starting out with 300 points a build from there. Warbands are gathering for the coming storm. The forces of Orders have secured the Seeds of  Hope, but the Chaos gods are never contend and never truly defeated. Lord Nurgle is  pr



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