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Whispers in the dark



In order to really get going with AOS 2.0 I have startet a Nighthaunt army. My approach has been very different from what I did with my Sylvaneth, they took me 2 years to paint.

My Nighthaunt army is a speed paint projekt, Its all about getting the job done an hitting the gaming table as fast as possible. I have startet out with the Soulwars set, and have only added some more Grimghast Reapers, for now. The aim is to make a well rounded 1000 point army, play a few games and see how it goes.



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Just played my first game with Nighthaunt. Vanguard size, Knife to the heart against the Devoted of Sigmar.

I actually managed a turn one charge using up a lot of command point to rush forward. Only problem my heroes got left a little behind. That was my first learning point, Nighthaunt heroes need to stay close.

The game turned into a long grind, and in the end I could not remove enough Flagellants to actually reach the objective. That was my second learning point, use flight to move deep into the enemy zone fast.

My List so far

Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)
- General
Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (140)
Lord Executioner (80)
Spirit Torment (120)

20 x Chainrasp Horde (160)
10 x Grimghast Reapers (140)

4 x Glaivewraith Stalkers (60)

Total: 840 / 1000
Extra Command Points: 3
Allies: 0 / 200
Wounds: 55

I very much enjoyed playing Nighthaunt, and I'm looking forward to my next game and expanding the army.




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Liking the look of the army, even if it was a speed paint. What are you thinking of adding? I personally love Lady Olynder. She is both a sweet model and a mortal wound machine. 

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I have just started analyzing the Battletome. So I havent really decided yet. But it seams that the Lady Olynder is the most diverse of our heroes. 

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So this Thursday I had the pleasure of playing AGAINST Nighthaunt. To make the game more interesting I brought my Sylvaneth.

Its always find it enlightening to play against an army that I am currently collecting myself. Facing the Nighthaunt gave me some insight into the  strengths and maybe some of it weaknesses of the army.

We played 1000 points, Places of Arcane power, but modified so that all models could score on the objectives.

So after playing this game, Im still not sure what to think about our Heros. My opponent used a Harrow as his general, It gave him a certain edge on scenario play, since he could easily zip across the board bringing units with him. Im wondering how this would work In 2000 points? Can we get away with only using our smaller heroes?

The Grimgasts are just awesome, with the right support they cut through my Kurnoth Hunters way too easy. I actually think that it was the Grimghast and the Harrow that won my opponent the game, and some cunning play on his behalf.



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