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About this blog

Thought I may as well get everything on here in one place so people can see what I've finished and what I'm working on next. It will be mostly Skaven to start with. While I do have a huge Daemon army, none of it is actually finished!

Entries in this blog

More finished models for my Chaos Allegiance

Some of the work in progress pictures of my Great Unclean One which was about 99% finished for Warlords! So I started by building the majority of the model and the cut off the tentacle whip arm and positioned it on the rear of the model to be his new tail. I cut away a large amount of the top of the model and then filled the body with pieces of scrap cork so the repositioned spikes on top would have something to attach to.   I then filled in the top of the model with some old

Terry Pike

Terry Pike

Finished first unit of Skaven Stormfiends

First unit finished! 3 Stormfiends with magnetised weapon options. The full selection of pictures is available in the Gallery. As a lot of people have asked I'll put them colour recipes here: S75 = Scale 75 AP = Army Painter Armour plates: Based with S75 Mars Orange - Airbrush Highlighted with S75 Sol Yellow - Airbrush Shaded with S75 Red Leather - Airbrush washed all over with AP Soft Tone and GW Lahmian Medium 50/50 mixed - Brush Edge highligh

Terry Pike

Terry Pike

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