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12 minutes ago, Plinketts Mawtribes said:

Yep, might be the Ogors and Gitz are the fall Destruction tomes after all!

Id love nothing more for that as I love both Factions and both are in dire need of updates. I can wait 6 months to get a new Gargant kit, what with a new Butcher coming with Mawtribes potentially!! And who knows what for Gloomspite, Spider Rider Chieftan? TroggCeo?

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6 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Id love nothing more for that as I love both Factions and both are in dire need of updates. I can wait 6 months to get a new Gargant kit, what with a new Butcher coming with Mawtribes potentially!! And who knows what for Gloomspite, Spider Rider Chieftan? TroggCeo?

The answer is yes. Yes to all.

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why people expect a lumi vs tzench box?

im sure they wont get it, since it would mean both tomes would come out at the same time aaand only lumi hero appear on generals. so or tzench wont get a new hero that i doubt it, or lumineth wont get any box, only a start collecting and the new hero on a single tome release like nurgle had.

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25 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Id love nothing more for that as I love both Factions and both are in dire need of updates. I can wait 6 months to get a new Gargant kit, what with a new Butcher coming with Mawtribes potentially!! And who knows what for Gloomspite, Spider Rider Chieftan? TroggCeo?

I'm expecting Maneaters! We had a hint when they were removed from the store

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39 minutes ago, Kitsumy said:

why people expect a lumi vs tzench box?

im sure they wont get it, since it would mean both tomes would come out at the same time aaand only lumi hero appear on generals. so or tzench wont get a new hero that i doubt it, or lumineth wont get any box, only a start collecting and the new hero on a single tome release like nurgle had.

Tzeench can get updated model for some older hero, like cursling. It seems they want get rid of old models like they did with branch hero for Sylvaneths.

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38 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

I'm expecting Maneaters! We had a hint when they were removed from the store

Id love for an updated Maneater kit, absolutely love it, my dream update for Mawtribes. I believe its happening BUT itll be a Warcry Warband!!

I think we'll get an updated Butcher for mainline AOS and then the Maneaters as a Warband later on.

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5 minutes ago, Vastus said:

Seems like it pools more in crevices and you get less of an overall darkening effect looking at these images. That's nice I guess if you want things to look cleaner.

From what all the early reviews have said, the new shades are basically just diluted contrast paints. I'd say that's an improvement for most purposes, but I wouldn't blame anyone for hanging on to the old bottles either.

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2 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Not sure how I feel about Nuln Oil to be honest.

I love it, seems like a oil wash without the hassle of oil paints and white spirits. 

If people like the old wash and it is great there are plenty of other ranges that do similar. 

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I normally used shades to tint a surface or thinned to use as a glaze, rather than as a wash, with oils used for panel lining, so I'd like to try these out first before judging, but they may not suit how I used the previous shade range.

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I like the new shades a lot. The old shades darken the whole surface quite a bit often means that actual shadows and recesses are less defined. That meant that unless you were going for a Blanchitsu or Horus heresy style look, you had to reapply the base coat to have a nice shaded look. I'm pretty sure that's why quite a few pro painters recommend avoiding them.

The new shades seem to avoid this problem which for me is great. The regular contrast are already pretty good for tinting or glazing. 

All that said it's disappointing to see a two week pre-order. That goes some way to explaining why we won't see the next AoS books until autumn. Are we really going to get two weeks of hype articles when the YouTubers have already done a much better job of explaining the pros and cons of the new paints?

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8 hours ago, Ogregut said:

I love it, seems like a oil wash without the hassle of oil paints and white spirits. 

If people like the old wash and it is great there are plenty of other ranges that do similar. 

That was my first though & that would be amazing. As someone who regularity uses oil washes for some contrast and general „pop“ on miniatures I‘d be delighted to get the same with less hassle.

Edited by Rachmani
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14 hours ago, Clan's Cynic said:


The Nuln Oil looks interesting. If it really stains the surface so minimally while still black lining well, I will pick up a pot. I don't usually like Citadel shade paints, maybe because I am more used to Army Painter and homemade ink washed that tint more strongly. But that new Nuln Oil definitely fills a need I have.

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1 hour ago, Wordy9th said:

My first cynical reaction is - these look like shades but diluted more? Without the option of greater opacity from the old range which I could thin myself.

The concept is interesting though, I'm looking forward to hearing more about them.

This is my thought too. I generally use them as a glaze, to tint the surface less than contrast would. Its rare I want a shade to just go into the recesses, but when I do, I can always dilute it a little. I feel as though they've just focused on one potential use of these paints, and in trying to make that "better" they've made the tool less versatile as a result. I don't want to say its just pandering to the lowest common denominator, but serious, dilution isn't that difficult people!

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Quite a common use for nuln oil was for creating a nice weathered black. A lot of people paint black templar armour this way, Eshin grey, dawnstone drybrush then a couple of coats of nuln oil to darken it back down and tie it together. Looking at the new nuln oil pics above I can't see this working any more...

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Yeah I use shades to well... shade so if anyone can point me towards the alternative company to buy shades that will continue to act like the current shades do that would be appreciated.

I mean sure Nuln looks good for when you ONLY want black lining but all in all... meh. As others said I could dilute shades myself for cheaper.

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