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madmac last won the day on November 10 2023

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  1. For some armies it's fine, for an army like Lumineth that is built around having several distinct thematic spell lores it seems like a huge downgrade.
  2. Yes, but the thing is, left with scraps of an army I'm much more likely to drop orcs completely than I am to try and rebuild based on leftovers. I think in the long run, separating the armies is a good move, but doing it now, after losing Bonesplitters feels more like a 2nd punch in the gut when I hadn't even gotten my breath back yet.
  3. If you didn't have a fully built out Ironjawz or KB army, you're kinda boned with this move, and Warclans was a soup for two editions, so that's a lot of people playing orcs over the last six years.
  4. As someone with a motley assortment of Bonesplitters, Ironjawz, and KB, I feel your pain. The largest part of my orc collection was outright removed from the game, and I can't even cobble my leftovers into an army anymore.
  5. I do not like armies having to pick a single spell lore, that's a huge step down in theming and flavor. LRL are built around having a generic lore of light vs all the unique elemental lores, and many other armies have similar divides. Orcs for example, you'll have to basically choose between Ironjawz and KB magic for your entire army instead of having dedicated support pieces.
  6. I do not like the bland battle formations replacing the cool subfactions 40K style. I'll just leave it at that.
  7. True, I wasn't thinking about the old kit, not that anyone actually built them with double weapons but this way they can handwave backward compatibility without bothering to stat out weapon options.
  8. GW battletomes are simply insanely expensive. I personally stopped buying them outside of army box deals a while ago, and it not because I dislike physical media, it's just impossible to justify spending $50+ on a slim hardback with rules that will be out of date before it even ships, not to mention all the copy-pasted lore, reused art, etc. Making them digital but at the same price point just makes the price-gouging feel that much more acute.
  9. As someone who has read a lot of Black Library, it has always been thus, even back in the days of yore.
  10. And you won't be able to buy the models if you don't already have them, either.
  11. I would never burn my army, but being real with you selling (and shipping!) used models is a lot of work for likely a pittance of pay. I'm not going to judge anyone for just quietly tipping a box of models into the garbage bin instead of bothering.
  12. Now that I think about it, the hero thing is potentially really awful for armies that have very few heroes available, like BoC(I know I know, I don't care) or Bonesplitters. In a lot of cases you might end up not only having to buy heroes you don't particularly want, but even multiples of the same hero just to fill out regiments. Not to mention the inherent "Oh you want to run a spare cavalry unit? Better own this specific hero or pay the auxillary tax!" problems that could arise.
  13. Yeah, as someone who plays both KO and Fyreslayers the last LAST thing I want is for KO to get nerfed movement and shooting and Fyreslayers to get nerfed melee and durability so that they can be played as a "balanced" army. But I've been over this a thousand times already, souping only appeals to people who don't like two armies by and large. I don't expect it to happen though, at most it'll just be Grombrindal having his own Army of Renown rules for people that do want to go down that road.
  14. Harlequins were merged in the 9th edition Eldar codex, tho.
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