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4 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Ive been painting and collecting AoS since launch, but haven't really taken the time to learn the rules or play a game.

Jesus Christ it's overwhelming. I played 6th edition fantasy and 40k back in 5th edition, and I don't remember it being that difficult. Could be just getting old.

But I've been looking with a degree of envy at one page rules, and that is so much more of an elegant game - to me at least.

Would love that to catch on more widely as the stupid/drunk person's alternative 

I've moved into Middle-Earth recently and have loved it! I'll always love my Gitz and Iron Jaws, but MESBG is cheaper, has (IMO) better, easier to understand, and more balanced rules, and absolutely does not suffer from the bloat that AoS and 40k do.

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4 hours ago, Newtype_Zero said:

I've moved into Middle-Earth recently and have loved it! I'll always love my Gitz and Iron Jaws, but MESBG is cheaper, has (IMO) better, easier to understand, and more balanced rules, and absolutely does not suffer from the bloat that AoS and 40k do.

Could u explain why it is cheaper? I know next to nothing about MESBG, i have watched a demo game in the local warhammer store when the goblin town set released and that was a long time ago. I kind of regret not jumping on the wagon then.

Also is a Battlehost enough to play the game?

Edited by Gitzdee
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Sorry I know it's off topic but I want to benefit from the awesome knowledge of you brilliant folk.

Any recommendations for a D and D forum anywhere near as fun friendly and informative for D&D as TGA is for AoS?

I heard a rumour that some of you might know. (back on topic? 😉)

Edited by EntMan
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12 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

Ive been painting and collecting AoS since launch, but haven't really taken the time to learn the rules or play a game.

Jesus Christ it's overwhelming. I played 6th edition fantasy and 40k back in 5th edition, and I don't remember it being that difficult. Could be just getting old.

But I've been looking with a degree of envy at one page rules, and that is so much more of an elegant game - to me at least.

Would love that to catch on more widely as the stupid/drunk person's alternative 

The thing is, AoS was not even an especially difficult game up until fairly recently.

AoS 2nd edition was definitely a lot simpler than 3rd, but also than any Warhammer Fantasy edition that I am personally familiar with.

3rd edition introduced some valuable concepts and cleaned up the rules quite a bit. I would say the biggest weakness of the game right now is the high cognitive load, moreso than the high complexity of the game in general. That and the high amount of supplementary rules (Incarnates, seasonal GHB rules, battlescrolls, battletome-specific battle tactics and grand strategies...).

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15 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:


Just seen this posted on the Warhammer Community IG, is this new? Cos I don't remember seeing this before, and that is a glorious looking Minotaur, if only the models reflected this badassery. 😭

There’s so much to love about this picture (looks like a more elite Stormcast armour)

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12 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:


Just seen this posted on the Warhammer Community IG, is this new? Cos I don't remember seeing this before, and that is a glorious looking Minotaur, if only the models reflected this badassery. 😭

That art is fantastic.  I think we'll see Gloomspite and BoC next alongside the rest of the Guard. 

While waiting at the dentist I did a little checking and discovered that this year has had by far the fastest ever start  to a year in terms of new releases. In the first 3 weeks of pre-order we've had 45 releases not counting black library. It took last year 7 weeks to reach that number. GW have finally got their factory up and running. This could be the year that we see a full capacity release schedule looks like. 

If I was a betting man, I'd expect to see something like this:

1/21 guard.

1/28 Gloomspite/BoC.

2/4 World Eaters and arks of Omen 2

2/11 black library celebration

2/18 Kill- Team and Necromunda.

2/ 25 warcry and Underworlds.

4/3 arks of Omen 3

11/3 Seraphon 

There will probably be a week or two of things I haven't guessed but I would be surprised if we didn't see all of this previewed at LVO and released by the end of March. 










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1 hour ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:


Just seen this posted on the Warhammer Community IG, is this new? Cos I don't remember seeing this before, and that is a glorious looking Minotaur, if only the models reflected this badassery. 😭

Just gorgeous artwork here. I really feel like when AOS is done Grimdark it helps ground its High Fantasy setting and I love it!!

1 hour ago, Chikout said:

That art is fantastic.  I think we'll see Gloomspite and BoC next alongside the rest of the Guard. 

While waiting at the dentist I did a little checking and discovered that this year has had by far the fastest ever start  to a year in terms of new releases. In the first 3 weeks of pre-order we've had 45 releases not counting black library. It took last year 7 weeks to reach that number. GW have finally got their factory up and running. This could be the year that we see a full capacity release schedule looks like. 

If I was a betting man, I'd expect to see something like this:

1/21 guard.

1/28 Gloomspite/BoC.

2/4 World Eaters and arks of Omen 2

2/11 black library celebration

2/18 Kill- Team and Necromunda.

2/ 25 warcry and Underworlds.

4/3 arks of Omen 3

11/3 Seraphon 

There will probably be a week or two of things I haven't guessed but I would be surprised if we didn't see all of this previewed at LVO and released by the end of March. 










Woah I didnt realise it was that many releases already!! If the Factory is up and running I hope we can look forward to a chock a block year!!

Theres so much to look forward to with potential new Seraphon, 2 new Warcry boxes (4 Warbands!?) not to mention CITIES OF SIGMAR!!

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6 hours ago, Gitzdee said:

Could u explain why it is cheaper? I know next to nothing about MESBG, i have watched a demo game in the local warhammer store when the goblin town set released and that was a long time ago. I kind of regret not jumping on the wagon then.

Also is a Battlehost enough to play the game?

Games are generally smaller, so you don't need to bring as many models as you would a 40k/AoS army. It also scales down to low points values extremely well, meaning you can run it with one box of generic dudes and a Hero or two (or one box of Heroes if you want to run the Fellowship or something). Equally it scales up just as well, so you can bring as many models as your AoS collection if you want - and big battle events recreating scenes from the films and books aren't uncommon.

Most of the range is 19-21 years old now. It's seen plenty of price rises over the years (I remember when the Last Alliance box was £12 and now it's £27.50), but they're generally still cheaper than 40k/AoS equivalents. The Hobbit released during the very worst of the GW Dark Ages however, so they had truly ludicrous pricing even back in the day, but Lord of the Rings stuff wasn't as badly effected. 

A Battlehost is more than enough to play the game.

Sorry for the off-topic, don't hurt me mods. To bring it back to AoS a bit, I'm angry that GW had their best ruleset ever staring them at the face when they made AoS in the form of MESBG and didn't think it just take it and change some things around. 


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Beasts of Chaos fluff article, including the above art.



As the power of Ghur swells, a supernatural malady of mutation and devolution is sweeping the realms. Known as the Turnskin Plague, this unnatural flux is carried on campfire tales and spread through dark rituals, causing unfortunate victims to start braying, mewling, and making themselves at home in styes and stables.

Many of those afflicted begin to mutate into gor-kin themselves, and are driven out into the wilds by their fearful neighbours – until a rampaging Brayherd sweeps them up, anyway. Life isn’t great for these half-beasts – the true beastmen name them “gaves” and “turnskins”, tormenting any who can’t prove their strength.

Whether born or made, this swell of bodies empowers the Beasts of Chaos all the same. The influx of numbers has seen many herds reshape their primal hierarchies through vicious infighting.* Plenty of new Beastlords have emerged from this bloodbath, with some claiming to be descended from the primordial Sire of Ruin himself.

All beastmen wish to reduce the realms to a primeval hunting ground, but few have stumbled across as effective a method as Ghorraghan Khai. This grizzled Bray-shaman is a zealous worshipper of Morghur, the Bringer of Mutation, and he has discovered that enslaving the incarnates of Ghur will help accelerate the breakdown of the Realm of Beasts into a primordial wasteland.

Even the slow-witted and frenzied Ghorgons and Cygors have banded together under the banner of the crimson-skinned Cygor known as Uzkhad Shatterhoof. Their great Quakefray now rampages up and down the Coast of Tusk, growing in numbers by the day.

These splintered happenings may seem like outbursts of savage energy, united by no greater plan or purpose – but they all further the agenda of ruin that beats at the chaotic heart of the Greatfrays.



Edited by Clan's Cynic
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3 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:


Just seen this posted on the Warhammer Community IG, is this new? Cos I don't remember seeing this before, and that is a glorious looking Minotaur, if only the models reflected this badassery. 😭

Imagine seeing that as a new player, asking the GW staff member what that cool creature is, them telling you its a Bullgor, asking to buy some and being shown these



Or perhaps they'd just lie and say "that's an Ogroid Theridon".

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24 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Imagine seeing that as a new player, asking the GW staff member what that cool creature is, them telling you its a Bullgor, asking to buy some and being shown these



Or perhaps they'd just lie and say "that's an Ogroid Theridon".

yes! when I saw it my mind immediately went "LinkedIn pic vs real life"

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58 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Two interesting mentions: the Bray-Shaman is a devout follower of Morghur who seems to be mentioned more and more.


They also mention a Quakefray which is likely a subfaction centered around Ghorghons and Cygors. Personally not a huge fan of the monster subfactions but we're getting one it seems.

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10 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

I think the one on the right is probably not Slaanesh (haven't had a main God vs main God Warcry box for a while), so I'm thinking either something for Soulblight, or Daughters of Khaine (DoK would fit with the "Bloodhunt" title).

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14 minutes ago, Vastus said:

Two interesting mentions: the Bray-Shaman is a devout follower of Morghur who seems to be mentioned more and more.


They also mention a Quakefray which is likely a subfaction centered around Ghorghons and Cygors. Personally not a huge fan of the monster subfactions but we're getting one it seems.

Even if they don't have unique models, I hope to see Ghorraghan Khai as a unique bray-shaman or Uzkhad Shatterhoof as a red-skinned Cygor Hero, or something like that. 

I'm curious to see how the "enslaving incarnates" mechanict will work.

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19 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

"Hey bro we heard you liked teasers, so we put a teaser with your teaser."

I guessed back when they first teased the one on the left it would be a Khorne cultist warband for War Cry and it looks like I might be right.

The right is probably another Daughters of Khaine spinoff then? I wish they gave this much auxiliary attention to Fyreslayers, another semi-naked, infantry-heavy army collecting the pieces of their dead god and in desperate need of more visual diversity...

Also really rubbing the salt in the wound with that Ogre Butcher in the video GW.

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13 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

Okay, looks like that elf(?) was not a part of an Underworlds Warband. My money is still on it being a Slaanesh cult since the other warband is Khorne themed.

I like the idea of non-human cultists. We've had a handful amongst the original lot of Warcry warbands, but no elves yet, and Slaanesh is the perfect fit. So I hope you're right.

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