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1 hour ago, Nerdkingdan said:


Counter point, when we knew the dragons were coming and they were not able to meet the original date people also lost their minds.

I attribute a lot of this to supply chain issues, and other events we have seen the last couple years now.   My small company has had to delay something we had planned for summer 2020 because of the shutdowns we had in my area, and because of supply chain issues now we may have to kick it back summer 2022.   If we made a promise or reveal on it it would have been a disaster.

Its hard to reliably predict anything these days.

GW is notoriously bad at providing any type of timetable/release schedule for any of their stuff. It always appears to be a rough approximation of "we're working on A, B, and C, and you might see them sometime, um. soon?" Its an annoying relic of a business model of ages past, before age of instant information and gratification. These days I try not to stress about it, and take it in stride. If I miss the release of some small plastic army men, its not going to kill me. And heck, I might actually have to go paint some of the last ones I bought that are still covered in dust! :)


I must say, worldwide shutdowns and quarantines have done wonders to getting my backlog painted! Now If I could only leave the house for a game....  😜

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22 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I am an absolute Glutton for Christmas. It's my favourite time of year and this will be the first with my now Wife. I am so stoked for it.


And I am one of those still on the hunt for a Series X. Damn scalpers!! No CEX I will not pay you £800 for that console. 

Yeah, it seems impossible to get next gen consoles. Computer parts ain't cheap either. I was lucky that there was graphic cards available to not extreme prices at October 2020.

I think most of the world ain't back to pre-corona levels, and who knows, there might be more lockdowns coming up, but that won't stop Tyrion from showing up sooner or later!

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3 hours ago, Howdyhedberg said:

Why are people feeling like aos is dying? It felt like 40 k almost got no releases before the aos3 launch. At the same time we had new stuff all the time.

Anyone have a clue if the white dwarf updates will come to FAQ updates, or you specifically have to buy those?



they got 5 codex from january to 3rd release and 4 between 3rd release and nurgle. And they got 3 out of space marines/necrons in the same time aos got 1 (and because of the delays of 40k)

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9 minutes ago, Ragest said:



they got 5 codex from january to 3rd release and 4 between 3rd release and nurgle. And they got 3 out of space marines/necrons in the same time aos got 1 (and because of the delays of 40k)

Yeah, I don't get it either. 40k has had consistent releases with an updating roadmap and only minor, quickly communicated delays this entire year.

40k has a roadmap, Necromunda has a roadmap, Underworlds has a roadmap, it's literally just AoS and Warcry that are still playing the Mystery Game with every release, huge delays with no communication for months beyond "Uh, Covid" and stealth editing old articles time after time.

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1 hour ago, Gothmaug said:

GW is notoriously bad at providing any type of timetable/release schedule for any of their stuff. It always appears to be a rough approximation of "we're working on A, B, and C, and you might see them sometime, um. soon?" Its an annoying relic of a business model of ages past, before age of instant information and gratification. These days I try not to stress about it, and take it in stride. If I miss the release of some small plastic army men, its not going to kill me. And heck, I might actually have to go paint some of the last ones I bought that are still covered in dust! :)


I must say, worldwide shutdowns and quarantines have done wonders to getting my backlog painted! Now If I could only leave the house for a game....  😜

Except I am sure that there are members of this board that would kill for some AOS news that was just, "we're working on A, B, and C, and you might see them sometime, um. soon?"

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1 hour ago, madmac said:

Yeah, I don't get it either. 40k has had consistent releases with an updating roadmap and only minor, quickly communicated delays this entire year.

40k has a roadmap, Necromunda has a roadmap, Underworlds has a roadmap, it's literally just AoS and Warcry that are still playing the Mystery Game with every release, huge delays with no communication for months beyond "Uh, Covid" and stealth editing old articles time after time.

40k has a leak roadmap heh.  We had a roadmap in 40k last year but then they stopped doing it. Or they announce in mid December that next year sometimes Q1 there will be Tau. If you didn't follow the leaks you could have bought into Tau and their codex just before christmas. 

MtG has a roadmap. I can tell you all the main sets next year their names themes dates for the whole year.... GW doesn't get that people will buy anything no matter if they know about it or not nowadays. Their marketing is from the last century when people had it in them not to impulsively buy stuff on credit.  (PS I am an impulsive buyer) 

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3 hours ago, novakai said:

It more of their general Q&C when it comes to their miniatures 

In my own experience, the last couple of resin mantic models I bought have been very good, the last two warcry warbands I got have had broken pieces lying in the tray. Not a great sample size, but I'd have no reservations buying again. In my opinion,  neither mantic or GW are as good as Mierce or Creature Caster in pure quality.

It's the design of the mantic stuff I usually find issue with, but they have improved alot in the last couple of years, the older stuff I find ropey enough though. I'd buy an army of ogres if they looked like this Ogre warlock.

GW models are usually excellent in design, apart from some models being far to fragile.IMG_20211109_000448.jpg.419a9f6478bc9bd87f70f36d741581c9.jpg

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It's quite fun to see that the Age of Sigmar section of the Warhammer Community thread mainly consists of 40K rumor engines with the occasional 'Skeaky Gitz' strip or Maggotkin article sprinkled in. And when I say 'fun' I actually mean 'a bitter wasteland of despair and painful, unrequited desire'. 

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I think that some people are too salty. I still have lots to paint and even more models that I would buy and paint. It is not like the old fantasy days, now we have lots of new factions/minis to paint and the rules are really fine (with issues, ofc, but fine overall). I know this is the rumour section, but I don't feel this bitternes and backlash legit.

And don't compare us with the 40K people, AoS is still a kid compared with 40K. We had an incredible growth but we are still far from being like them in size.

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1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

It's quite fun to see that the Age of Sigmar section of the Warhammer Community thread mainly consists of 40K rumor engines with the occasional 'Skeaky Gitz' strip or Maggotkin article sprinkled in. And when I say 'fun' I actually mean 'a bitter wasteland of despair and painful, unrequited desire'. 

Tau had more articles in one day than Nurgle did in the whole release period.

WarCom just neglects AoS.

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I agree with the above. Sure, AoS has not had the attention many of us would like for the rumor engines, miniatures or books. The salt really isn't necessary. The sun will shine on AoS again, but there are a lot of Eldar players who have been waiting for their turn for key unit updates for more editions than AoS has been around.

The "want and demands" are killing the excitement of what will come. I'm looking forward to seeing this new IDK mini if it is based on the Soulslayer art. Who knows what it will do and how it will impact the army. There is no point in complaining about something we know nothing about. The possibilities for new and interesting ideas are why we discuss rumors.  It is unfortunate that a hobby people choose to do can bring so much mental anguish and despair. 


Anyways, I'm really excited to see whatever is to come for AoS. I'm curious about how they will pitch the conflict between IDK and FS in the rumored box. 

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thats 100% eldar rangers in byke.and as eldar player im sorry for other guys. but when most of my army is metal, finecrap or plastic with an average of 15-25 years old models... im really happy to see some justice now, and even then it isnt likely to be so big release as sixters or necrons, despite being in worst place by far.


and yes. it is infuriating to see the threatment 40k gets in contrast with aos. but at least last year and broken realms were great. but since 3.0 release....

Edited by Kitsumy
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16 minutes ago, Lavieth said:

I agree with the above. Sure, AoS has not had the attention many of us would like for the rumor engines, miniatures or books. The salt really isn't necessary. The sun will shine on AoS again, but there are a lot of Eldar players who have been waiting for their turn for key unit updates for more editions than AoS has been around.

The "want and demands" are killing the excitement of what will come. I'm looking forward to seeing this new IDK mini if it is based on the Soulslayer art. Who knows what it will do and how it will impact the army. There is no point in complaining about something we know nothing about. The possibilities for new and interesting ideas are why we discuss rumors.  It is unfortunate that a hobby people choose to do can bring so much mental anguish and despair. 


Anyways, I'm really excited to see whatever is to come for AoS. I'm curious about how they will pitch the conflict between IDK and FS in the rumored box. 

I get what you and others mean, but Domimion and with it basically all the new Stormcast and Kruleboyz models got previewed in June. After those releases the only new model was the Nurgle Sorcerer. Since June 40K got Sororitas, Orks, the Grey Knights vs Thousand Sons box, Black Templars, now new Tau and heavily implied Eldar and Chaos Space Marines. Weren't there also Custodes and Genestealer Cult releases in between?

I think the inbalance, not only in actual model and/or rules releases but also in previews is quite ridiculus. 


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1 hour ago, Maogrim said:

I get what you and others mean, but Domimion and with it basically all the new Stormcast and Kruleboyz models got previewed in June. After those releases the only new model was the Nurgle Sorcerer. Since June 40K got Sororitas, Orks, the Grey Knights vs Thousand Sons box, Black Templars, now new Tau and heavily implied Eldar and Chaos Space Marines. Weren't there also Custodes and Genestealer Cult releases in between?

I think the inbalance, not only in actual model and/or rules releases but also in previews is quite ridiculus. 


I think sister was earlier then June but both Hexfire and Orks where suppose to have been release before dominion and got push back because of AoS. The beginning of the year AoS had a lot of release at the beginning of the year between BR, LRL, Belekor, soulblight, Kragnos, Kroak, Slaaneshi, and Redacted city. So looking at the years as a whole AoS probably had way more releases and this recent surge of 40K is going o catch back up on the stuff push back by AoS and releasing the delayed codexes

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It seems to me that GW has a release order for their main stuff and they are sticking to it, for better or worse. When one thing gets delayed, it seems like everything gets pushed back. After Dominion, that was the case with the Stormcast minis in particular. I find it unlikely that issues with the Stormcast dragons should have made it necessary to delay the release of the Nurgle battletome and the new sorcerer sculpt (although I obviously can't say for sure). So I would guess that the draught of AoS news since the 3.0 launch has been caused by a combination of the general global logistics issues and GW's unwillingness to compromise their release order. It seems to be messing up their marketing, as well, as evidenced by Nurgle not getting a proper hype cycle.

I would bet money on AoS new around christmas/new years, though. Probably a battletome announcement, but at the very least a preview of the next Underworlds warband is what I would expect.

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We can all agree that it's a little rough on the AoS front right now, particularly since all or most of us were expecting to be basking in the glory of the new edition and all it had to offer. 

I'm legitimately wondering (and I suppose somewhat hoping) if GW is going to course correct the AoS releases a bit, focusing in on Nurgle-esque 1-model Battletome releases for a few factions until they get themselves caught up.

I'm not surprised that they've been prioritizing the 40k releases. It's always been their cash-cow, and despite the fact that AoS is rapidly growing in popularity, we're still a long way from matching 40k's following. It's not fun for us, but it is good business sense, and in the long run will help GW get the resources it needs to get back on track.

I'm keeping my own enthusiasm alive with my backlog and Battlereports (so glad that RR1's is back!).

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24 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

It seems to me that GW has a release order for their main stuff and they are sticking to it, for better or worse. When one thing gets delayed, it seems like everything gets pushed back. After Dominion, that was the case with the Stormcast minis in particular. I find it unlikely that issues with the Stormcast dragons should have made it necessary to delay the release of the Nurgle battletome and the new sorcerer sculpt (although I obviously can't say for sure). So I would guess that the draught of AoS news since the 3.0 launch has been caused by a combination of the general global logistics issues and GW's unwillingness to compromise their release order. It seems to be messing up their marketing, as well, as evidenced by Nurgle not getting a proper hype cycle.

I would bet money on AoS new around christmas/new years, though. Probably a battletome announcement, but at the very least a preview of the next Underworlds warband is what I would expect.

For underworld it depends since the next release is suppose to be only Rival decks and the next warband isn’t until Q2 (April at earliest)

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