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Everything posted by Higolx

  1. 40k has some VERY archaic stuff in it tbh. I dunno, I think that fits 40k better and especially 30k better. When you remember the emperor dispatched a bunch of people to record stuff during the crusade, including painters, I could see a type of reporter typing in a typing machine in a siege or something. And with Guilliman doing the dame rn, that couls fit 40k too. I dunno, we would have to see
  2. Eh, I think this might be a 40k one. I could totally see a typewritter and some books in some sort of adminiatratum mini. Plus we have things like lex mechanics already (or rather they exist but their minis are old and rare). Could be some sort of imperial guard advisor, inquisitor retinue, rogue trader retinue etc
  3. I think this might be part of the chaos knight from the leaks and the teaser. It looks a lot like power scourges from Helbrutes too
  4. Just remember they are doing this with models that are 10, 20 years old. Be careful with the monkey's paw. Hopefully they will do the same with the armies with the older models (skaven, seraphon etc) and not leave other armies reach that state
  5. Jokes aside now, I think the box is ok. Like, its one of the mid edition boxes. They arent really known to have anything too impressive on them, even when they have codexes connected to them (see 1k sons vs grey knights), the chaos vs eldar being the exception since according to the leaks both armies are getting major revamps. I think our best chance of getting new, more exciting minis would be when these 2 factions get their own battletomes.
  6. Oh my, lets see what tga thought about the box...
  7. I legit spilled my drink with this one. ******
  8. Hmmmm, thats enough to build up hype. If skavens get the same treatment Eldar seems to be getting, its going to be a good time to be a skaven fan
  9. I remember something similar too. And if the rumors are to be believed one of those teams will be Eldar. Guess we will have to wait and see
  10. Dont forget to sprinkle some specialist games there too. In theory Horus Heresy is getting a big release and thats not counting all the other ones like necromunda, warcry, underworlds, killteam etc
  11. I dont think its pessimistic to say that tbh. We are on an AoS forum so I would assume we either like AoS more or even dont care about 40k that much. So an advent calendar entirely dedicated to 40k is not going to appeal to us. We can only hope we get some more AoS outside the calendar
  12. I personally dont really like those either. Some limitations are ok here and there when they are flavorful (only 1 space marine captain per detachment etc). Im just saying that since those happened before in 40k it could happen on AoS too. Only time will tell I guess.
  13. I mean, after the 40k update I think everything could happen. They also never limited a unit type like they did with fliers or limited ork vehicles or added their core keyword to like half a book before. I dont know enough about SoB to really have an opinion on this but I think it could be possible based on the precedents set by the 40k update
  14. Unless your dice are literally the same ones as your opponent's I really dont see the problem. It might just be me being used to it because of having to track counters with dice on Magic the Gathering but I really fail to see how this is such a bad or hard thing to track
  15. Not really? Leave a d6 at the side of enemy unit and use that to count. If you reach 7 you can use something else but Im not so sure how common getting to 7 is going to be. Frankly I loved it. Its really translates to game well the idea of getting sicker as you fight nurgle
  16. New nurgle article https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/12/07/in-battletome-maggotkin-of-nurgle-the-diseased-rule-is-a-gift-that-just-keeps-on-giving/
  17. Ive seen some people theorising we are getting chaos later on after the 12th and that might lead to a dual box. I dunno about the dual box but I think the calebnar might be splitted between eldar and chaos
  18. Exactly. I understand its two different teams making the minis but come on. It feels like a provocation at this point
  19. Dont take me wrong, cool model. But when was the last time we had a non specialist game monday? Feels like an eternity at least
  20. I forgot about the black library thing this weekend! Hmm, we might be into something... Asides from that, The only thing I really want is for them to announce the third Gardus Steel Soul book but since the author left BL my hopes are not that high. Hopefully we get more AoS books tho. I would love more non Order books but that might be asking too much from GW sadly. I will take any book they release tbh
  21. I actually think this might be new. My theory is that this is a book cover, probably for a black library book. That phrase gives me strong Ynnari vibes (dying to power their new death god that will ressurect them). I think they might be finally picking that plot back
  22. The new WD edition comes with a tome celestial for the Soulblight Gravelords. Did they need one tho? Like, their book came super late on 2e and they arent an army like SoB that require unique rules for the fact that it is such an unique army or an army that needed to be updated/helped. I dunno, just feels weird to unclude them instead of other armies who might need it more.
  23. Hey, 2010 banshees is a better deal than 1990s rest of the aemy I guess XD But for real tho, I think its more that this Lelith mini is not the best. If you look at other recent minis (incubi, Ynnari trio etc) those are decent. Theres also always the chance of it being a weird shot for the mini or the painting team at GW didnt do a good job. How many times have we seen a really weird face on a mini just to discover it was how it was painted? That happens a lot on 40k
  24. Thats an eldar ruin for sure. You can even see those on drukhari and harlequin models. I think craftworlds are finally getting their model on a rock Edit: forgot about Howling Banshees. They also have the same rock
  25. There's talk of a Eldar vs Chaos space marines box coming soonTM. So yeah, you might be into something
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