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The Rumour Thread

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My two cents:
-Seraphon are perfect....i can't see any complaint.Also love GW gave us BOTH version of our beloved Kroxigor (crocodile headed and classic styled).
-The death heroes seems bad: the ossiarch one is just a boneshaper with some tweaks and the soulblught ones being a special character is even less "useful"(tbh not bad model in their own right,but they seems just an afterthought considering what the armies needs).
-Underworld warbands are nice, though i prefer the stormcasts sculpt (Tzeentch is not bad either).
-Cities are promising.The paintjob seems a bit off quality wise(sadly) still the idea seems solid, they makes me think of the Discworld watch also XD.
Still i like they are more archaic than empire state troops but seems enough Baroque and grim....can't wait to see the rest.

On the 40k side:
-Lion is perfect, 4 type of heads, charisma and a really good sculpt.
-The kill team are good, hoping to see that Jump Pack for Leagues becoming an unit in their own right (loving the knuckleduster guy also), beastmen are beautiful and i hope "if" they'll make again the lost and the damned army they'll get some beastmen as well...sadly no cross-system kit like the Tzaantgor.
-The Terminator are spot on, perfect upgrade of the old sculpt....the trailer also seems to indicate some other niches things for Tyranids (the screamer killer!!!!).

Overall a very beautiful preview.....i'd hope the Fest will ramp up this hype with some more cities goodness! XD


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4 hours ago, madmac said:

Basically in general my takeaway from all this is that Wanderers will be fully replaced by Kurnothi as part of Sylvaneth, Ironweld will just be part of Dawnbringers with new models, Phoenix Temple will be replaced with future LRL releases, Dispossessed will apparently continue to limp on with fewer kits than ever until they finally get a revamp, and Dark Elfs will continue to exist as basically a mostly complete WHFB army range until Malerion finally decides to show up.

Sort of annoyed that all the people that warned us that Cities was a placeholder army will turn out to be right in the end.....

On the bright side I guess we will still have years before dispossessed and Dark elves get touched lol?

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1 hour ago, KriticalKhan said:

I was kinda surprised that the Sunblood and Eternity Warden didn't get new minis, but (assuming they survive to the new book and don't get dropped) they're almost guaranteed to be the obligatory single foot-hero release for the next time Seraphon get a Battletome.

After sleeping on it, I'm still unimpressed with the Dawnbringer armour design, but I've completely come around to how weird the faces look. Imagine you're some elite Chaos Warrior who's plagued the realms of mankind for centuries, backed up by daemons from ****** beyond your comprehension and riding a flesh-eating horse that shoots lasers out of its eyes, and the blokes who rock up to challenge your domain all look like this21d02e5fa93e2c9d3fca4b8b36727c16.jpg.50169e20f9ad0eb1a36acaa1d36a9e64.jpg




They’ll get a special ability though.

in the box is a model of a cat that you can place in any enemy unit.

They get +1 to hit and reroll leadership against that unit because someone told them that they can stroke the cat if they can get to it.

”Those guys over there have a cat you can stroke..”


this increases to +2 against bone reaper armies as they misheard and though his name was Kattycross

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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11 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Think of it this way. The Battletome is Cities of Sigmar and Dawnbringers are a sub faction.

Meh. The different cities are the subfactions. Dawnbringer Crusades are campaigns they go on. Would make sense as the next Broken Realms narrative series honestly.

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3 minutes ago, willange said:

@Whitefang So I'm gonna go sell my Phoenix temple and Wanderers before they are worth nothing, but

what about my demigryphs and Griffons?  Should I sell those as well?  Will they get new sculpts? (If they get new sculpts, I'd rather sell and then get the new)

If anything they will be worth more once discontinued. 

Have you seen how much high elf kits like white lions and the flying chariot go for? 

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3 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

If anything they will be worth more once discontinued. 

Have you seen how much high elf kits like white lions and the flying chariot go for? 

True, but mine are painted and such, so I figured they wouldn't be worth as much.

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The new Seraphon models are just incredible. The only thing that feels like a miss is no updated temple guard. I suppose I can just 3d print them, but still just something that sticks out, and hopefully this doesn't mean they are gone because that is frankly an iconic unit for the Lizardmen, going WAAAY back. 

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I was under the impression that Dawnbringer Crusades was a Wrath of the Everchosen-type narrative campaign book. Probably coinciding with or coming out around the same time as the Cities battletome but something that lots of different factions (and therefore players) can get involved with and have fun with. 

Edit: A nice ❤️ from His Toothiness

Edited by The Brotherhood of Necros
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Seraphon are out of this world, and I’ve never been interested in the lizards. Among the best GW model lines now.

Death heroes are cool but hard to get excited about.

Stormcast have been incrementally increasing my interest, surprising myself. Really liking the newer models.

I’ll never be a good enough painter for Tzeentch…

Still processing how I feel about Cities. Those are some homely dudes. Wondering if they will grow on me. 

Wanderers being squatted surprises me as I feel that they have been featured in the narrative and novels quite a bit.

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Generally good, especially the underworlds bands, which might tempt me back to the game until i see the inevitably too high price lol

Those Dawnbringer crusaders are a big dissapointment, im torn between describing them as freeguild with all the character/flair removed or as Oh ******, we corrupted the files heres some D&D watchmen we can sub in. Dire.

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2 hours ago, Tervindar said:

The new Seraphon models are just incredible. The only thing that feels like a miss is no updated temple guard. I suppose I can just 3d print them, but still just something that sticks out, and hopefully this doesn't mean they are gone because that is frankly an iconic unit for the Lizardmen, going WAAAY back. 

I'm planning on kitbashing armor bits onto the Saurus Warriors and calling them Guard

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28 minutes ago, Talas said:

ICv2 just posted their list of Top Non-Collectible Miniature Lines in Fall 2022 and surprisingly (at least for me), AoS climbed to #2 once again:



im not surprised, AoS models are the best that GW make imo and arguably better models than every  the game on the list including 40k.

AoS is also in an extremely healthy place with almost all battletomes on a equal footing and tight ruleset. 

I'm glad it's getting the recognition it deserves. 

Edited by Ogregut
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5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Think of it this way. The Battletome is Cities of Sigmar and Dawnbringers are a sub faction.

To me that sounds just like how the current Stormcast book is. They can go Stormkeep or Scions but still have their subfactions as well. 

Not sure why people are calling those guys Dawn whatevers since GW only calls them Cities

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37 minutes ago, Ogregut said:

im not surprised, AoS models are the best that GW make imo and arguably better models than every  the game on the list including 40k.

AoS is also in an extremely healthy place with almost all battletomes on a equal footing and tight ruleset. 

I'm glad it's getting the recognition it deserves. 

Fully agreed(but maxed out my reacts because limited reacts after big reveals is a fair and balanced system…) but I admit to being still a little a surprised because between the halfway year to now it’s been mostly tome updates with StD and regiments of renown carrying most of the weight. 

I was expecting just a 3rd placing but this is a far better outcome especially with the bigger list they’re showing.

And I can only imagine with this AoS jam packed year the Mortal Realms will continue to flourish in their cosmic fantasy glory! Bring on the space dinos, Discworld guards and noble knights Hungry for glory/flesh! 🍻 🤩

34 minutes ago, Malakithe said:

To me that sounds just like how the current Stormcast book is. They can go Stormkeep or Scions but still have their subfactions as well. 

Not sure why people are calling those guys Dawn whatevers since GW only calls them Cities

I suspect that will be the case. Cities for defensive builds and objective holding with Dawners focus on fast advances to hit key targets.

I’m very excited to see how they’ll work out so many possible varieties of sub-factions with their new roster! I wish the battletome and Dawncrusade supplement was already here! 😆

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11 hours ago, KriticalKhan said:

I was kinda surprised that the Sunblood and Eternity Warden didn't get new minis, but (assuming they survive to the new book and don't get dropped) they're almost guaranteed to be the obligatory single foot-hero release for the next time Seraphon get a Battletome.

After sleeping on it, I'm still unimpressed with the Dawnbringer armour design, but I've completely come around to how weird the faces look. Imagine you're some elite Chaos Warrior who's plagued the realms of mankind for centuries, backed up by daemons from ****** beyond your comprehension and riding a flesh-eating horse that shoots lasers out of its eyes, and the blokes who rock up to challenge your domain all look like this21d02e5fa93e2c9d3fca4b8b36727c16.jpg.50169e20f9ad0eb1a36acaa1d36a9e64.jpg




I cried laughing while reading this and sent it to all my friends in the hobby.

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Mixed feelings on the cities reveal and news. Great to see the human elements revamped (really like the new models and definitely something i want to get into) but disappointed with Ironweld going. As an old WFB Dwarf player I had just picked up the Dwarf regiment of renown box with a view to starting a Dispossessed force to complement my FS and KO. I really enjoyed the recent Grombrindal novel which had given me hope and enthusiasm for the 3 distinct Dwarf factions getting more focus.

Not sure whether there is any point now...? Looks like half of the start collecting greywater box is going to be axed (gyro/cogsmith) so that's now a pointless purchase and it feels like there are no actual rumours on a classic Dwarf range / new army. So as far as I can see there is nothing to say this is little more than a stay of execution for Dispossessed for 1 more cycle... And then that's with an even further reduced range of models than they have now... death by a thousand cuts...?

Hopefully I'm missing something...! 

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4 hours ago, Ogregut said:

im not surprised, AoS models are the best that GW make imo and arguably better models than every  the game on the list including 40k.

AoS is also in an extremely healthy place with almost all battletomes on a equal footing and tight ruleset. 

I'm glad it's getting the recognition it deserves. 

Completely agree. 40k probably seeks better because it's 40k, but I'd say AoS had more creativity in its sculpts (generally the raw quality is about comparable between the two). Sure AoS has things like Skaven, Cities of Sigmar, Beasts of Chaos etc. that are old and bring down the average quality, but 40k has Tyranids, old Eldar, old Marines etc. doing the same. Comparing purely the newer sculpts between the two (say 2012 onwards) I'd rate AoS higher.

Beyond that, whilst I know a lot of people like to say otherwise because people are critical of GW (quite rightly often), I just don't think any major mini producer compared to GW for quality. There are smaller producers who do (Karol Rudyk does for example), but not big miniatures ranges.

So yeah, of put AoS at the top of that list (arguably is put Underworlds at the top actually, but it's but in the list so AoS can go at the top).

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12 minutes ago, Freypal said:

Mixed feelings on the cities reveal and news. Great to see the human elements revamped (really like the new models and definitely something i want to get into) but disappointed with Ironweld going. As an old WFB Dwarf player I had just picked up the Dwarf regiment of renown box with a view to starting a Dispossessed force to complement my FS and KO. I really enjoyed the recent Grombrindal novel which had given me hope and enthusiasm for the 3 distinct Dwarf factions getting more focus.

Not sure whether there is any point now...? Looks like half of the start collecting greywater box is going to be axed (gyro/cogsmith) so that's now a pointless purchase and it feels like there are no actual rumours on a classic Dwarf range / new army. So as far as I can see there is nothing to say this is little more than a stay of execution for Dispossessed for 1 more cycle... And then that's with an even further reduced range of models than they have now... death by a thousand cuts...?

Hopefully I'm missing something...! 

The missing part is new models. We already know there is a Bombard coming probably with some Duardin crew as we know that the new range will not be entirely human. Will there be a new version of other support pieces, a new gyrocopter or a new steam tank that looks more Duardin? 

We will almost certainly have some coalition rules for the various cities. You could definitely use a gyrocopter as a counts as gunhauler in a tempest eye army. You could also sub in a cogsmith for pretty much any KO character. 

 I wonder if this is the reason some of these models are disappearing. GW want people using the new AoS models which serve a very similar function to the old units.  The removal of Phoenix guard clears the way for new Lumineth equivalents for example. 

It's possible that we won't see truly mixed units of Duardin Aelves and Humans but the concept of a Cities army that features three or more races is still very much alive. 

This is definitely an area where GW's secrecy acts against them. All new factions can safely be kept secret as there's nothing on the line, but changes to an existing faction should really be discussed earlier. This is also why @whitefang is so great. They can help people to set expectations of what is to come so the news isn't too shattering when it drops. 

I remain very excited about the new cities army and the possibilities it contains but if would be wonderful if GW said:  "You can safely buy these kits. They will stay in the battletome and we don't have any plans to update them in the foreseeable future." 


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