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Warboss Gorbolg

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Dracothian Guard

Dracothian Guard (7/10)



  1. GW websites are consistently not user friendly. I can’t get to 20% of the factions on the GW site on my mobile phone. You can’t scroll down to them. I find their websites to have been lacking consistently over the years, and I’m really holding back here on how bad I think they are.
  2. Definitely leaning hard into Dino-vibes with the new rumor engine. The back spikes running the length of the tail don’t seem serpentine to me. At first I thought they were gems, but it looks like the spikes run the whole length of the tail, and the gem-like ones are just an overhead view of them providing a gem-like appearance. Based on them being angular, I’m saying Seraphon.
  3. Would be awesome for Gloomspite to get a war machine or two back. Doom divers are missed, and squig-apults are desired. Would also be a lot of fun for Flesh Eaters to lean even further into the “used to be Bretonnia” vibe and get a war machine or two.
  4. Guessing Doom Diver remake, and maybe Spiderfang webflinga? Some sort of squig chucka or flinga maybe? pumpwagons would be awesome but I’m still not convinced that we’ll see any more Gitmob anytime soon.
  5. Gnaw Beast is a bit small looking to me but everything else looks great. Huge improvement with the rat ogres I think. Stormcast looking really good as well!
  6. If Gitmob is really going to be expanded, and the Snarlfang Riders are indicative of the future, they could draw some inspiration from this bit of 8th edition WHFB. This always captured my imagination and is my favorite bit from that Army Book. “Other well known goblin tribes include nomadic traders that travel the wilderness in ramshackle, fortress-like caravans. They trade with all kinds of unsavory types and, unsurprisingly, are known for their thievery and swindling skills.” Would be great for Back Library stories as well!
  7. I feel like they have done a decent job with lore to keep Spiderfang within the GSG family. Spiderfang just dwell in the dark places on the surface instead of underground, and they both share a proclivity for poison. From a gameplay perspective, I also appreciate the different movement options that Spiderfang can offer. Hope we get updates to them instead of squatting, as I still like them even if they are my least favorite GSG models and theme currently.
  8. I’m skeptical that we’ll get Gitmob. If there is another grot faction, I think it will be more creative than Gitmob. Grot sky pirates would be my wish but I think any Mad Max version of grots would be great to give Destruction a technological faction. Guess I feel like Gitmob is too vanilla and Middle Earth for AOS, and GW is therefore less likely to invest in them.
  9. This is pretty cool, but I’d instantly drop $100+ USD if GW would publish a book that consolidates all the AOS lore up to the end of Dawnbringers into a single tome.
  10. First rule of GW-Club: All models can use more spikes.
  11. Still hoping Kragnos evolves into a chaos character. I can’t look at it and not see BoC. Biggest miss by far for me in the whole Destruction line. Give me something that aligns to the Destruction aesthetic.
  12. What made Mordheim great to me was that you had a warband that advanced from game to game, through improved abilities, skills, and equipment. You’d have 4-6 heroes that could also suffer permanent injuries, death, or be sold to the slave pits! You would name each model, including your grunts, and could convert models when they obtained new weapons or armor. You’d jump off second story buildings at an enemy below, risking injury or death to both models. I played for a ~decade with a group of 10-15 people, and it’s still my favorite GW game. Imbalance was kind of built into the game as campaigns progressed, but with bigger groups and an RPG-lite mentality, we found it not a big deal or we’d just reboot the whole campaign. I’m grateful for Warcry but calling Warcry the spiritual successor to Mordheim is really inaccurate from my perspective. I’d throw lots of money at a true Mordheim remake. Like, all my hobby money.
  13. Gutter runner theme seems like a great candidate for a future war cry band.
  14. Living in the US, there are pitifully few GW stores and it’s common to live hours away from the closest one to you. The exclusive miniatures do not drive positive engagement, only frustration. I’m confident many other countries are similar.
  15. Guess I’m late to the party but the Dark Oath look amazing. In the 30ish years I’ve followed Warhammer, I’ve never collected any Chaos until now (probably). I bought a Warriors of Chaos army book out of curiosity; I’m guessing it was 5th edition (black cover I think). What I loved about it was that a fair amount of the background focused on the tribesmen as opposed to warriors, etc. Some tribes followed Chaos willingly, some out fear, and many because they knew nothing else and had no other options. The stories really sparked my imagination and made the tribes more complex and interesting. Unfortunately, Marauders looked the way they do, and they were a small part of the range. This'd new release has me excited to explore those stories again, and I’m pretty confident that I’ll be getting my first Chaos force.
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