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2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

I hope not, Grungni returning is fine and all, but keep him away from Kharadron.

Ignoring the obvious "it's all fake they'll do what they want" argument, do you think there's an in-universe way for Grungni/Grombrindal to bring K.O even slightly back into the fold? Maybe a campaign run slightly smaller than Malign Portents/Broken Realms?

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I mean the obvious answer is, Grungi makes overtones, some Kharadon are interested. Its pretty much the logical way for things to work, i mean (trying not to get political) people have often been suckered in by much less compelling causes than a literal god, with much less sense/effort than GW would probably put into it. 

Then bam, you have some KO/FS/D as we know them now and some following the soup faction/ideology, just like the Ynarri or Kragnos. 

The obvious angle is to appeal to the Old ways and lost knowledge. Dwarves in particular tend to be suckers for that, even if that in practise means combining them with the Kharadon science/gear.

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4 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

I hope not, Grungni returning is fine and all, but keep him away from Kharadron.

Ironweld and Disposessed could work though.

I'm 100% with you. Part of why I love Kharadron is because they are very anti-standard dwarf. Very progressive, ingenuity and science focused, eschewing the gods because they abandoned them, etc. It's a cool spin. 

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22 hours ago, Beliman said:

I'm still thinking that it's a mistake. Kruleboyz, Ironjawz and Bonnesplitterz are written as their own factions (all of them have their own Allegiance Abilities and stuff) and not as a soup'd army book or subfaction.

Orruks are not soup'd. Let's be honest here, any other army with any Coalition units has more interactions and synergies with them than Ironjawz in a Kruleboyz army (mainly because you can't take them!).

All orruks should be coalition between them (appart from Big Waaagh).

When I put my hand up for Duardin soup if they weren’t going to add models to Fyreslayers, Orruks Warclans is exactly the type of book I meant - all 3 retain their own separate allegiances, with an additional combined one

now, the issue with Warclans as a book, is that taking Big Waaagh to gain access to the other Orruk units loses you too much (contrary to the previous book). My plan for my Bonesplitterz was to add the Kruleboyz monsters and run them as Big Waaagh….until I read the rules. Now I’m not buying any Kruleboyz because I can’t use them (Bonesplitterz lose too much of the little they have to run them as Big Waaagh)

I believe it is intentional that you can’t take other orruks as allies, Big Waaagh is what you’re meant to do if you want to mix the Warclans, unfortunately 

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8 hours ago, novakai said:

I believe combined duradin tome originated from Tom of Warhammer weekly but I believe he was just saying what he thought or wish would happen rather then it being an inside source saying it. And like Vampirates it just take a life of it own and get regurgitate everywhere from 4chan and anon post.

just like how I feel combined Beast and STD book came from Neverchosen 

I always thought if Grugni was returning into AoS as a model he would just get Legion of the first prince rules instead of a dedicated tome release

I personally wouldn’t trust any rumours that originated from him. He said Flesh-Eaters endless spells were “not long for this world” and the battletome was “on life support” as in going away. Nobody who hadn’t watched/listened to that episode had heard of this before, and nothing ever came of it (this was during the hype for Cursed City, in the weeks prior to the preorder date)

I personally believed Flesh-Eaters would be rolled into Soulblight, but that was on the basis of it being a vampire only book (aka expanding the Soulblight keyword faction, like Nighthaunt) rather than a replacement for Legions Of Nagash

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9 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Ignoring the obvious "it's all fake they'll do what they want" argument, do you think there's an in-universe way for Grungni/Grombrindal to bring K.O even slightly back into the fold? Maybe a campaign run slightly smaller than Malign Portents/Broken Realms?

No, because it's a god/dwesus.

Don't smear gods over Kharadron, it's the only godless faction.

Now drawing up good contracts, mehret of Fyreslayers, Ironweld and Disposessed and having mutual benefit might work, just not "Hey, I'm back from buying cigarettes (after helping that golden dude before even glancing at you), and here's my son, I'm your god now".

Edited by zilberfrid
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I would see the interaction between Grungni and KO as a business partnership: Grungni needs the help of KO for his big plan of restoring the Dwarf civilization (the logistic capacity of KO is crucial), KO get in exchange fancy items and AetherGold in abundance. 

I imagine that maybe some skyport might see this allegiance in a more spiritual way and get more involved (I guess Barak-Thryng guys would be super enthusiastic about it), but I would explain KO in a duardin soup battletome in a simple way: business is business.


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I hope that with Era of the Beast we do get another narrative Campaign at some point, one that focuses on some of the more 'forgotten' Factions in AOS.

Have the Seraphon, Fyreslayers and Sylvaneth against BOC, Skaven, FEC, Gloomspite and Mawtribes. 

The more Bestial forces and usually ones not in the spotlight.


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11 hours ago, CommissarRotke said:

Ignoring the obvious "it's all fake " argument, do you think there's an in-universe way for Grungni/Grombrindal to bring K.O even slightly back into the fold? Maybe a campaign run slightly smaller than Malign Portents/Broken Realms?

The line of "they'll do what they want" is really blurry. It's up to the consumer to decide when they step on the red line, and the most important thing, if anything will be lost along the way.

I will only talk about Kharadrons, an army of Dwarfs that fly above the sky (?), mining clouds (?), Big Game Hunting aether-monsters (?), with their faith deposited on The Code and not in their Gods and traditions(?), being meritocratic and not about kings and bloodlines (?) and breaking from old classic clichés, even Grudges have been turned in to something like profitable and close to a "job".

Yes, they are still duardins: they grumble, smoke pipes and drink beers, exactly like Dispossessed and Fyreslayers. But their diferences is the main reason we collect, read and play them.

Say what you want, but Garaktornum was an opportunity and not a disaster.

Edited by Beliman
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9 minutes ago, Sonnenspeer said:

The supernatural might of the Eidolons is not power drawn from a deity, (as Mathlan is dead) but rather energies from the Idoneth’s past. What ever that is 🤣

But still they had Teclis as a god...

It is a physicalized mish-mash of IDK Souls.

I'd like if the IDK would revive Mathlann - Would really be cool to have a mysterious Deep-Sea God!

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Yeah the Eidolons are sort of fusions of the 40k eldar concepts of the avatar (shards of a broken god summoned for war) and wraith constructs (the souls of the dead summoned in times of need). Even less, if anything, not sure if they really have agency or minds.

It’s one of those cases of the IDK having inherited (and rather sad) nostalgia for things from the world-that-was that they never actually experienced, like stories of the Silver Helms/elvish knights inspiring the martial culture of the Akhelians. Seems to fit the role of the gods in IDK society in general: culturally important, acknowledged in art, not worshipped because they’re dead and gone*. The kind of thing you base the shape of your war-construct on but seemingly not the subject of devotion or organised religion. Again quite similar to 40k eldar.

* apart from Teclis himself and I think it’s fair to say that the IDK have complex feelings about him.

Edited by sandlemad
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2 hours ago, Sonnenspeer said:

Idoneth is godless, too. Somehow... 

I thought Mathlann was their god, but he's dead. But then, Idoneth still seem to worship him in some way (in the cursory glance I had).

Kharadron aren't atheists, because you can see the gods and put bullets in them, they just don't believe they are neccessary.

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So to get things back on the rumour track, I've been thinking about the upcoming release schedule. There's a whole lot of 40k on the way with Eldar, Tyranids, chaos and chaos Knights, but not much else. The talk about Ash wastes suggests it's not coming out for a while. 

Horus heresy has long been rumoured but the lack of official info suggests it also is not coming for a while.

There's a Killteam box coming soon but that's it. 

GW could release the 40k stuff back to back but that hasn't been their custom. They usually alternate 40k with something else.

This all to say that I think we could be seeing the next battletomes may be coming pretty soon. I think the next release will either be Killteam or Fyreslayers and Idk. 

I also think we will see the next battle box in March with Nighthaunt and DoK in April. 

It wouldn't surprise me to see the other two books in June. That would mean 9 books in 12 months. That's actually a good pace and would  allow them to release an all new book or two and still get every book updated before the next edition. 


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It is probably going to be FS and IDK in Feb, and then we might see DoK and NH in April. The 2 mystery tomes probably for June and then that might be followed up by a GHB and balance update. Then perhaps another DoK book, then a chaos book and perhaps then another DoK book or campaign update ;)

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Hey, don't forget to leave space for a Lumineth book in there, be reasonable now!

My guess would be that we're going to see the Eldar codex out within the next few weeks, which has enough accompanying kits to spread over multiple release dates, and after that is when we're likely to see the first couple of AoS books.

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The Eidolons of Mathlann are a bit like the Yncarne in Ynnari armies. Basically using the soul energy of dead elves to summon a powerful entity than represents their god. Except for Ynnari their god hasn't been born, whereas with Idoneth he's dead.

It would be interesting if they gave Idoneth a plot to restore Mathlann as a way of defending themselves from chaos / Teclis. I'm guessing they think that is too similar to the DoK / Eldar stories though.

It would be nice for Idoneth to have more of a narrative than just hunting for souls. 

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2 minutes ago, Lucentia said:

Hey, don't forget to leave space for a Lumineth book in there, be reasonable now!

My guess would be that we're going to see the Eldar codex out within the next few weeks, which has enough accompanying kits to spread over multiple release dates, and after that is when we're likely to see the first couple of AoS books.

I find it easier to think of the short term. What are they putting out next week?

Probably not the Eldar codex already. And the Necromunda thing feels far off, and the Kill Team release hasn't been covered past a single model yet. Nothing going on with Warcry or Underworlds for a while, obviously.

Good chance we'll see at least one AoS battletome next week, IMO.

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21 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

The Eidolons of Mathlann are a bit like the Yncarne in Ynnari armies. Basically using the soul energy of dead elves to summon a powerful entity than represents their god. Except for Ynnari their god hasn't been born, whereas with Idoneth he's dead.

It would be interesting if they gave Idoneth a plot to restore Mathlann as a way of defending themselves from chaos / Teclis. I'm guessing they think that is too similar to the DoK / Eldar stories though.

It would be nice for Idoneth to have more of a narrative than just hunting for souls. 

At this point I'd guess they'd be reincarnation Mathlann from the sort of memories of the souls they got as part of their deal with Morathi?

Would be kind of interesting to see them try and stitch this sort of fantastical notion they have of Mathlann back together from scraps, which some what ends up going... badly.

Would be kind of interesting to me if the Idoneth ended up with a god that created them and wants them dead as well as a god they created for themselves who also wants them dead. Could see why plenty wouldn't be all that keen though.

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1 hour ago, madmac said:

I find it easier to think of the short term. What are they putting out next week?

Probably not the Eldar codex already. And the Necromunda thing feels far off, and the Kill Team release hasn't been covered past a single model yet. Nothing going on with Warcry or Underworlds for a while, obviously.

Good chance we'll see at least one AoS battletome next week, IMO.

knowing how little love the iondeath and fyreslayers get by GW, I'm betting next weeks codex  will probably be the nighthaunt!!!  🤪

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