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CommissarRotke last won the day on September 29 2023

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Lord Celestant

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  1. That's fair! The content reviews were generally complaining about bugs and the lack of a 4th LL. i'd be interested to see if there's sales numbers for all the TWW DLC
  2. how do we vote for the outside? i don't see anything on the Hel Crown site Total War games always have a peak when DLC releases because it comes with major patches and FLC too. Chaos Dwarf DLC was the first DLC that got heavy backlash because it felt like CA was reducing the amount of content while raising the price--it is still a "Mixed" rating on steam. Maybe it did unseat Tomb Kings as the most successful DLC in terms of sales, but it was not received well.
  3. 2.5m video views is not a guarantee of anything though? I, like probably a ton of other older WHF fans, watched that trailer to see how Chorfs were digitized into TWW because they haven't had models since everything was metal. but I did not buy the DLC nor am I really interested in the faction. I'd be more interested in them with a clockwork aesthetic than just straight Evil Babylonian/Assyrian, when regular duardin do not remotely have the same aesthetic. (tangentially: give duardin more aesthetics!!). Rarely are those aesthetics used in fantasy pastiche, and it's disappointing they only show up in Warhammer as evil factions.
  4. very funny to see that's what the debate is called, because to me wargaming has always felt like a combination of tabletop gaming and boardgames. like they synthesize aspects of both to create an analog RTS. I do like this as a Manifestations fix, feels like a better middle ground if they're being kept pointsless.
  5. the severe pivot to everything except AOS is weird, and it doesn't feel like a new edition really showed up. i'm also behind (havent finished Dawnbringer Chronicles) but most articles are a quick 3-5min browse and they're done. they could be revisiting the Youtubers that they had for that too-quick teaser for Spearhead--have them give fuller reviews. Have them review their favorite faction's battlepack. etc. Have BL teasers and a WH+ animation ready to go. Instead we got a slew of 40k books and another 40k show..?
  6. Anyone else think it's another missed opportunity that the newest WH+ show is 40k again..?
  7. how was the book btw? Soul Wars is probably the most recommended AOS book but Dominion fell flat, both are edition novels
  8. solving a cloak RE just to get another one... Morrda cloak?
  9. TYSM, looks like I won't be buying in GW so it will actually come out to 100 USD
  10. it's Starter Set and Ultimate Starter, but either way what are the conversions what blunder? the new codex?
  11. 87.50 euros for the Starter Set - anyone know what this translates to for USD pricing? I will straight up buy this inside a GW store if it'll be 100 USD.
  12. and if they didn't talk those complaints would be "wow just showed pics of the models? why even stream that!"
  13. started the 4.0 thread after wanting to ask a Manifestations question
  14. Figured I'd start the new edition thread with this question: Are our Endless Spells a must-take now? Are there any generic Manifestations that we want to look at? I like the new Regiment system for Stormcast a lot, I just wish you could use Warrior Chamber only lists. Hopefully with the battletome.
  15. what sucks is their inclusion of interviews IS a good idea, it was the bad editing cuts where everything was on repeat and sounded too similar; like they did separate pre-recordings with slightly different answers that went wrong. i can def see the money for conventions being pulled back for other budgets
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