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1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

(Emphasis mine)

I am once again dumbfounded by the sheer genius of Games Workshop! What is more Ulgu than miniatures reveal that you can never see, that seem to be just around the corner but disappear as if they were made of mist? Maybe all of us are Umbraneth/Malerion's aelves players now, we just didn't know it.

To leave jokes aside and return to your first paragraph, I understand where you are coming from. There is a level of detachment in tabletop wargaming compared to tabletop rpgs, where there is less (even if there perhaps shouldn't) distinction between 'your character' and 'yourself'. But at the same time, I often feel I want something...okay, to use an example, Marc Alaimo was convinced that 'gul Dukat' in Star Trek: DS9 was a hero and not a villain. He found something in that despicable character, some twisted logic the character would employ, and used it to play gul Dukat as a hero (which made that character so memorable). In same vein I prefer armies in Warhammer where I can latch onto something that I recognise and then play as that faction. It ups the narrative drama, is a fantastic source for fanfic writing and it is just plain old fun. That is a reason why I tend to prefer the 'good' factions, the little guys (and why I want duardin women, c'mon give me this GW), but at same time I could run Drycha's Outcasts, Chorfs or Skaven (and why I feel ambivalent towards Kruleboyz, despite good enough lore). I could see Drycha full of pain, betrayed by her 'mother'figure. Chorfs of fantasy forgotten by their deity and as their hearts turned to hatred something malicious answered their prayers--and now they are too far to walk back from the path they set on. And Skaven are just hilarious, cowardly creatures. Who could hate Skaven?

Now. I need the caveat that this doesn't mean I would in real world like any of the [Hashut excrement] Chorfs stand for--the opposite. I just feel it's easier to be the 'director' if you can also 'write the actor's dialogue', to continue your analogy.

If GW gives me fem KO (well, ANY fem duardin) I'll put the money where my mouth is and single-handedly raise GW's stock.

By purchasing miniatures.

A lot of miniatures.

If we dont get a single female Duardin of any sort this Edition there is something wrong with the designers at GW.

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1 minute ago, KingBrodd said:

If we dont get a single female Duardin of any sort this Edition there is something wrong with the designers at GW.

Might not be the designers, but those who choose the minis. The 2d art is already great.

Sadly, Atlas miniatures physical store is down, but I heartily recommend their female dwarves.

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2 hours ago, Doko said:

Very posible the city of sigmar warband,i think every army got his warband even 2 or 4 somes but only citys hadnt got any.

So it is pretty safe say that one of the next must be for citys and this gonna be the dark elf of that band

Has there been any announcements about a CoS warband? (Really hoping I've missed some announcement)

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2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

okay, to use an example, Marc Alaimo was convinced that 'gul Dukat' in Star Trek: DS9 was a hero and not a villain. He found something in that despicable character, some twisted logic the character would employ, and used it to play gul Dukat as a hero (which made that character so memorable). In same vein I prefer armies in Warhammer where I can latch onto something that I recognise and then play as that faction. It ups the narrative drama, is a fantastic source for fanfic writing and it is just plain old fun

I agree that having an aspect of a faction that we can connect with personally in some way always makes for a more enjoyable experience in general. It's one of the reasons I'm intrigued by what the Malerion and Eshin models will look like, as themes of cunning, guile, scheming, and subterfuge have always appealed to me. Now, I just need to see how those themes are represented aesthetically on the models, but odds are good that I'll be snatching up one of them for sure whenever they do get releases.

(Incidentally, it's also why Romulans and Cardassians are my favorite races from Star Trek. And now that I've made that fantastic segue, in my humble opinion, Gul Dukat was Star Trek's absolute best villain, and Marc Alaimo's portrayal of the character was sublime.)

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2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Now. I need the caveat that this doesn't mean I would in real world like any of the [Hashut excrement] Chorfs stand for--the opposite. I just feel it's easier to be the 'director' if you can also 'write the actor's dialogue', to continue your analogy.

I like your continuation of my analogy, I think that is why I almost always have my chaos warriors motives being initially positive but corrupted by the dark gods. It lets me feel okay with playing as the bad guy but still not being overly concerned about losses. Although, when I played Dark Elves I had pretty much no desire for them to "win" they were pretty evil but I did paint peace symbols and happy faces on their banners. 

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5 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

The Theory In Progress I've seen is that it's subtly teasing upcoming armies. Of course, Whitefang himself has teased "something shadowy" related to Skaven (Eshin?!) so if TiP is true, it would mean Skaven are a distant thing. Which would be a bummer, I want Ninja Rats!

Because he got the name wrong. 
Instead of Clan Eshin it will be the Cult of Aelfin, the new and official name of the Malerion Aelves. And they‘ll fight not Ogor Mawtribed but rather the Shining Order Warshrines. You heard right, Tyrion LRL are coming soon! ;)

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Late for the discussion on the Fury of Deep boxset, I went out drinking and German drinking is on another level then the American drinking I'm used too.


Anyway I agree with the general consensus that the box is a let down.  The new Fyreslayer hero is not at all what I wanted (All they had to do is make it a female Dwarf and I'd be singing a different toon).  Also no battletome announcement yet makes me sad. 

Edited by King Under the Mountain
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The new Fyreslayers hero really is disappointing the longer you think about it. Grand mini in isolation but he has the classic problem of nothing about his background coming through in the details. 'Funerary priest' is a cool concept but if his background was completely different, the mini would be just as relevant, there's so little there. Cool mask, cool weapon, might as well be just an update to the Runesmiter.

Classic Fyreslayer problem really, no link between the mini and the name and the background. There's nothing about the Runesmiter that says that he has a different kind of role to the Runemaster. No details of the Grimwrath Berzerker distinguish him from the Doomseeker, there's nothing about the vulkite berzerkers that distinguish them from the elite troops or even the battlesmith (apart from the standard and weapons). They're completely indistinguishable, just slight gear variations on otherwise identical miniatures with background and names more or less randomly assigned. There's none of the clear visual distinctions you have between different branches of the Kharadon or Idoneth or Lumineth forces.

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2 hours ago, Rachmani said:

Because he got the name wrong. 
Instead of Clan Eshin it will be the Cult of Aelfin, the new and official name of the Malerion Aelves. And they‘ll fight not Ogor Mawtribed but rather the Shining Order Warshrines. You heard right, Tyrion LRL are coming soon! ;)

(Malerion) deathmaster snikch on stilts and a larger black Cape than normal...

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3 hours ago, Charleston said:

I wonder what the next tome may be. Fyreslayers/IDK Update seems reasonable early 2022, althrough I could imagine GW doing a Death Tome before. 

Fyreslayers and Idoneth would be very strong contenders and judging by the chart they put up of choosing upcoming Factions I'd say theres a good chance of Ossiarchs being in there as well. Basically those 3 in any order would be reasonable.

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4 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

What brings me some joy is that "female duardin please" seems to be much more common position, at least on these boards, than I thought!

GW may yet surprise us, but I don't expect anything but a single tome coming to FS (well...for a duardin faction, at least). We'll see soon.

Female duradin would be cool. Female skaven.... God help us. Searching social media for skaven is a mine field as it is 

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7 hours ago, sandlemad said:

The new Fyreslayers hero really is disappointing the longer you think about it. Grand mini in isolation but he has the classic problem of nothing about his background coming through in the details. 'Funerary priest' is a cool concept but if his background was completely different, the mini would be just as relevant, there's so little there. Cool mask, cool weapon, might as well be just an update to the Runesmiter.

Classic Fyreslayer problem really, no link between the mini and the name and the background. There's nothing about the Runesmiter that says that he has a different kind of role to the Runemaster. No details of the Grimwrath Berzerker distinguish him from the Doomseeker, there's nothing about the vulkite berzerkers that distinguish them from the elite troops or even the battlesmith (apart from the standard and weapons). They're completely indistinguishable, just slight gear variations on otherwise identical miniatures with background and names more or less randomly assigned. There's none of the clear visual distinctions you have between different branches of the Kharadon or Idoneth or Lumineth forces.

It doesn't help that Fyreslayers were designed at a point they were still experimenting with CAD, so there's some duplicated elements across infantry and hero models including weapons and helmets that adds to the confusion. The only different between a Doomseeker hero and Vulkite is that a Doomseeker has more runes in their skin, the helmet and axe are in the vulkite kit (I think the war pick might be unique?). The battlesmith has the same two dragon helmet as one of the vulkite heads and I think the Grimwrath has a Hearthguard helmet iirc.

So the duplicated elements and everything being 32mm in a similar pose and outfit really doesn't help glance value.

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5 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

It's weird that most people are now certain that Deepkin, Fyreslayers and Ossiarch Bonereapers are the next tomes. Weren't Nighthaunt being discussed as one of the most probable tomes after Maggotkin? Or is the revamped Nagash just everything they needed? 

I think that was mostly just people guessing from Rumour Engine images. It is funny that we are so dependent on Rumour engines for rumours but sometimes it can be so misleading in terms of release order and dates. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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10 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

What brings me some joy is that "female duardin please" seems to be much more common position, at least on these boards, than I thought!

GW may yet surprise us, but I don't expect anything but a single tome coming to FS (well...for a duardin faction, at least). We'll see soon.

Yeah, I hoped for some glorious Fyreslayer valkyries with wings of fire, or riding fiery steeds, or gouts of flame out of their mouths and eyes, or just the Soulbound picture in 3d

There is so much design space with fyreslayers, and we got exactly the same thing they already had. Its best rendition, but still...

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