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1 hour ago, Chikout said:

If they stick with form they will also do three smaller starter sets for 40k and a stop gap summer release of a few marine and Nid kits. For AoS we got the Stormcast chariot and the Mirbrute Troggoth in that window. 

Did 9th edition 40k have a stop gap release? I always assumed the SCE/Kruleboyz release split was due to supply chain issues rather than a deliberate decision.

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10 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

Did 9th edition 40k have a stop gap release? I always assumed the SCE/Kruleboyz release split was due to supply chain issues rather than a deliberate decision.

Just went and checked and what I thought were the stop gap minis like the quad bike actually released with the codexes, so maybe there won't be that kind of release this time. 

Edited by Chikout
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2 hours ago, PJetski said:

I think somebody read my AOS 3.5 wishlist and "leaked" it onto 4chan


Love these changes! The main thing I'd add is just for certain Heroes to be able to join specific units, so you can more-reliably keep them in buff range (especially with things like Charges). For example, a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig might have the ability to join Squig Hopper and Boingrot Bounder units.

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On 5/28/2023 at 11:52 AM, Gitzdee said:

I miss Whitefang, its been a while since we had a good rumour.

The thing i want to know most of all is if we are getting another army or complete rework of an older army at the end of this edition or not. Mostly because we already got seraphon and CoS is up next and those are some huge releases already.

We know something Kurnoth is brewing somewhere and some mentions of Chorfs and Malerion have been thrown around. Its just hard to tell nowadays if a runour is AoS, Underworlds or Warcry (or old world).

I did notice that some of the models rumoured to leave CoS are included in the old world. Could the Aelves be returning to Sylvaneth within a Kurnoth subfaction?

My bet for an end of edition army is chaos dwarves.
We will have had a few revamps over the edition, and there's a possibility of a FeC release as well.
Chorfs could find their way into the starter box too, but I'm still putting my money on it being order vs order (Malerion vs Stormcast or Lumineth)

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Might as well cross-post these Cities rumours:

1 hour ago, 12Rings said:
  Reveal hidden contents

New Minis

-Freeguild Guards
Basically what we’ve already seen. Hand Weapon + Shield or Halberd, smaller flag than Cavaliers. Led by “Freeguild Sergeant”, option for “Guild Flag Bearer”

-Freeguild Cavaliers
Basically what we’ve already seen. Hand Weapon + Shield or Lance + Shield. Options to represent all realms – Azyr. Led by “Cavalier Highborn”

-Freeguild Handgunners
Freeguild Guard without chestplate/shoulder armour, only chainmail in some places. Option to build as “Freeguild Arbalists” automatic crossbows. Led by “Freeguild Drill-Sergeant”

-Freeguild Bombardiers
Handgunners with Warplock Jezzail type loadout. Comes with handcannon, Realm-Cleanser Flamethrower, Greywater Longrifle. Led by “Ironweld Gunner”

-Freeguild Vanguard
Basically unmounted Cavaliers, bit more uniform. Comes with greatswords, hand weapons, shield, pistol. Led by “Vanguard Captain”, option for “City Standard Bearer”

-Azyrite Devotees
Slightly better equipped Flagellants, led by “Relic-Monk”

-Maneater Castellans
City living Ogors, heavy armour. Comes with halberds and pistols. Led by “Ogor-Sergeant”

-Freeguild Marshal
Basically fancier unmounted Cavalier. Comes with pistol, sword, shield, hammer, greatsword

-Freeguild Lord Commander
Only mounted (gryphon style mount), more Azyrite (Stormcasty) in aesthetic. Hammerhal Prime Commander option with hammer. Standard comes with sword, lance, shield, pistol

-Witch Hunter
Comes with pistol, sword, axe, holy lantern

-Crusader’s Altar
Optional Warpriest mounted/on foot, “Triump of Saint Katherine” style reliquaries inside (different relics for main cities/Cult of the Wheel, Brotherhood of the Unbroken Blade, Heldenhain’s Anvils etc.), with container for Aqua Ghyranis. Comes with main pantheon (Sigmar, Grungni, Alarielle) themed relics

-Freeguild Bombard
Manned by even less armoured Freeguild (Handgunners without Chainmail, with goggles etc.), led by “Dispossessed Rangefinder”. Comes on large base with lots of scatter crates etc.

-Callis and Toll, Saviours of Excelsis (Black Library Celebration 2024)
Similar-ish to Warhammer+ depiction


Wave 2 coming Soon™ (think Lumineth time-span, maybe a bit longer)


11 Cities present


Hammerhal Aqsha: better Leadership, focus on unit banners/holding objectives (similar to what we

have already), buffs to Freeguild


Hammerhal Ghyra: better movement, shoot after moving for non-gunpowder ranged


Vindicarum: re-rolls to Devoted/Order of Azyr, better Leadership to humans, War Altar conditional battleline. Can have Kharadron units


Living City: better Ghyran spells, buffs to aelves, redeploy units mid battle. Can have Sylvaneth units


Excelsis: more ward save abilities, hard to move by opponent, Ogor Castellans battleline


Misthavn: buffs to Corsairs, redeploy Corsairs mid battle, off board fire support. Karibdyss battleline


Lethis: good against ward saves, buffs against Death factions, focus on Witch Hunters


Tempest’s Eye: better movement, buffs to cavalry. Can have Kharadron units, Cavalry units battleline


Greywater Fastness: buffs to gunpowder weapons/artillery, buffs to Dispossessed, Freeguild Bombardiers battleline


Settler’s Gain: buffs to wizards, Luminark/Hurricanum conditional battleline. Can have Lumineth units


Hallowheart: buffs against wizards, buffs to Devoted/Collegiate



All Phoenix Temple/Wanderers removed


All Ironweld removed, Cogsmith and Gyrocopter moved to Dispossessed, Steam Tank temporarily staying awaiting refresh and moved to Freeguild


All Freeguild replaced/removed


Shadowblades moved to Darkling Covens


Darkling Covens Dreadspears and variants removed


Scourge Privateers combined with Order Serpentis


Flagellants removed, Devoted replaced by Order of Azyr subfaction (see.: Hexbane’s Hunters Warscroll)


Dispossessed fine


Collegiate Arcane fine




Warcry Warbands:


-Idoneth Soulflay Anglers

Elite Akhelians with nets riding the Aethersea


-Fyreslayer Holdseekers

Lost Slayers looking to settle


-Ogor Realmway Maneaters

Maneaters with AoS-specific trophies/clothing


-Gloomspite Gitz Knightly Bottle-Snatchaz

Armoured Stabbas/”Loonknights” with glass stuff led by small, armoured troggoth



-Sylvaneth Claws of Hamadreth

Spite Revenant Menagerie


-CoS Crusade Wayfinders

Freeguilder Human and Aelf scouts


-Ossiarch Ambertusk Necroarchs

Ossiarch “wildforms” led by beastmaster Mortisan


-Nighthaunt Huntsmen of Nagash

Warband based around Glaivewrath Stalkers concept


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34 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Might as well cross-post these Cities rumours:

The only reason I have for not believing this is because in the warhammerfest AoS audience questions, I'm pretty sure they said not all wanderers will be gone (or something to that effect).

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3 minutes ago, Hawke said:

The only reason I have for not believing this is because in the warhammerfest AoS audience questions, I'm pretty sure they said not all wanderers will be gone (or something to that effect).

Where did you see the AoS Q&A results? Afaik it's lost eldritch lore.

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4 minutes ago, Hawke said:

The only reason I have for not believing this is because in the warhammerfest AoS audience questions, I'm pretty sure they said not all wanderers will be gone (or something to that effect).

My reason for doubt (as I mentioned in the other thread) is that the units are specifically named, and the ogres are named Maneaters, which seems unlikely in a Cities army.

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1 minute ago, Asbestress said:

Where did you see the AoS Q&A results? Afaik it's lost eldritch lore.

I was there 🙂 I did an admittedly poor attempt to summarise on the day, so not surprised it wasn't remembered

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12 hours ago, Nezzhil said:

Thanks! I love to maintain the list.

If anyone want to know, the kits that could be launch this summer are:

- LoTR diorama
- Lancer Knight - HH -
- Generals & Harbringers
- Leviathan

Not confirmed content but the kits could be released this summer too:
- Arks of Omen special characters
- Forgeworld resin models (HH/Blood Bowl)
- Underworlds previous core warbands
- Warcry Starter set with Underworlds models (the leaked boxset)
- Seraphon Vanguard

I love this list and te work you pout in it i wish some moderator cold make it the first post in the rumor tread so it easy to find

keep up the good work


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3 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

Might as well cross-post these Cities rumours:

If COS follows the same pattern as Votann or Seraphons, we'll have another mini reveal for Cities next Monday. So we'll know on 5 June whether this bunch of stuff is trustworthy or not.

So far, it seems credible, even if it seems a little too good for Warcry... 12 references is the norm for an almost-new army or a major overhaul (Leagues of Votanns had 11 last year and Astra Militarum has just had 12 too).
We're also on the right track when it comes to Warcry warbands, in relation to the roadmap unveiled at WarFest : 2 Destruction (safe), 2 Death (1 safe, the other for next spring?) and 4 Order (3 safe, the last one in the spring?).

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2 hours ago, rattila said:

Would love to keep the possibility to mix stormcast and cities. 

Also, cant wait to see if this rumor is true for the cities and ossiarch warband for warcry. Its always a Nice set of miniatures.

Yeah, I think lots of armies would be cooler if mixing them was handled a bit better. As of now, you‘re usually just gimping yourself if you field a couple of units outside your own battletome - which is a shame and would be a real shame with cities.

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