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  1. Very true, I like chariots but think a creature that behaves as a chariot would be cooler, maybe if the razogor was beefed about and looked less like a boiled chicken. But then again I think Ironjaws have cemented their claim on boars, so maybe something completely new? What other animals like charging? Rhino (too ogor), Bull (already bullgors), elephant... that might be fun! Also I've run out of reacts today so please assume I am liking all BoC related shenanigans!
  2. It's funny you say that as I was thinking the idea of taming beasts to ride seems a little unbeastly to me, I think I would rather them riderless.
  3. I would just like to say that reading the forum this morning and seeing the avid defense for the BoC warmed my udders. There are more of us than I thought. I am in the position that I like the goat design over introducing other animal types but seeing the passion makes me think perhaps a warcry or underworlds warband with a left of field animal inspiration might be cool. For people wondering what new beasts could look like, I personally like the raven twin miniatures ones. I feel they are true to the warhammer aesthetic but with more dynamic poses and some interesting new ideas too:
  4. I feel/hope the not wanting dual kits for ToW and AoS is more that they don't want to restrict their sculpters having to make new AoS models that also have to be able to rank up on square bases. I don't think it means any pre-existing model in AoS will have to be squatted as it can also be used in ToW. I think it's more about allowing AoS modelers creative freedom for cool sculpts. With BoC being in both settings, I can imagine them making new chariots for ToW and heroes like wargors, while also taking a new direction for AoS beasts.
  5. I understand this point, and while I'd still play with a beastmen army in ToW and buy the new models, it would seem strange to me for them not to also support them in AoS. Even if the only AoS-exclusive thing for them is a rulebook. It just seems more effort to remove them than leave them in at this point.
  6. Sorry to bring up BoC again, but if we look at the Gdubs pattern recently it seems they have been doing the opposite of squatting recently. E.g. In 40k, LoV got unsquatted, the Kroot who were looking dated and who I don't often see on the table, massive new range. The Old World, an entire gaming system along with Brets and TKs all unsquatted. So the idea that "hmm yes BoC gonna get squatted" seems so against the grain to me. I think people have tunnel vision on what happened with CoS models, which were always a hodge podge mix of armies before the update, probably in order just to have things to sell as they transitioned to AoS. Why waste the molds, they're expensive. Though I think Gdubs did such a good job in the lore writing that CoS went from a weird mix of models to somehow making sense, so much so that people actively miss the strange mixture that the early CoS was. GW is so big now that surely even their worse selling models probably still sell well enough to justify their existence. So leave my goats alone! 🐐 They'll get their day in the Sun and it's gonna be glorious! But in all serious no disrespect to anyone's opinion, but I'm always gonna back the beasts.
  7. This so much, BoC for me are the purest chaos and I want to see this in the models. They should be dark, twisted and secretive, so much that they make chaos god aligned factions think: "oof now that's a little much". They should be out in the woods conducting rituals that make no sense to bring about imcomprehensible dooms and omens. So much potential. I love the goat and bull looks, mostly as they bring to life the old Christian aesthetics of what pagan evil looks like, and the fear of what happens when you stray further from civilization. What I'm saying is I want the devil goat, Black Phillip, from the film "the Witch" in model form 🤣
  8. Looks almost like an imperial assassin to me
  9. Our lord and saviour, nipping false rumours in the bud with one fel swoop
  10. There are so many incredible vampire sculpts, I feel like at some point the warhammer team had a competition for every member of the team to design a new vampire hero, and they were all so good that they went "to hell with it, let's make them all!"
  11. That a certainty for flagellants for me, the nail in the weapon is bent to be a thunderbolt
  12. I know it's a little early, but any rumours as to what will be in the FEC vanguard? I don't wanna buy an Archregent only for him to be included in the box for a much better deal. Any predictions on what might be included?
  13. Oh man some good guesses so far, only thing I'm thinking is: Carrion - too pristine Tzeentch - no gradient and looks to be a more natural pattern painted on it DoK harpy - already have a flying unit Some other ideas to throw in: Seraphon - lots of the new sculpts have feathers, perhaps a skink riding winged serpent that was mentioned I think in the BoC tome? BoC - maybe we'll get a winged shaman like the old Malagor model. Kurnothi - some kind of animal companion or beastial elf?
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