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Everything posted by acr0ssth3p0nd

  1. NGL - yes. I'm getting back into TOW *because* of the doofy models. They're a low-pressure, nostalgia-laden painting experience and I'm having so much fun redoing my old Orcs right now. That said, I recognize that a lot of people have some really valid criticisms of that old Skeletons kit, especially when it comes to building TK variants and not having enough parts to do so.
  2. Attached leaders, an Objective Control stat, and universal special rules would all be brilliant. Also, the simplification of units and factions to focus on having a smaller number of focused, more-impactful rules.
  3. I loved how the old Black Orcs were actually competent and not just louts in scrap metal, so if we get something like Ironjawz Kommandoz, I would be *all over* that lot.
  4. The other thing is that, by and large, removed Firstborn Marines usually get a Primaris equivalent eventually, if they don't already have one - so it's less "they're squatted" and more "they have better rules and better models that play basically the same but have a different name". So in the case of the Wanderers, I'd be a little less miffed if we had lots of Kurnothi out or clearly on the way, and a *lot* less miffed if we had new aelf units actually in Cities of Sigmar that filled a gameplay role where the old Wanderer models could be easily proxied in.
  5. I put together the Stormvermin from my Echoes of Doom box last year, and I was surprised at how well those models hold up. They're well-posed for foot troops, with natural stances that imply a readiness to fight without being too dynamic, and the level of detail is perfect for the number of them you'll need to paint. I'd be happy to see them stick around.
  6. Yeah, this is an area where I feel that Warmaster works way better. You're at a smaller scale but with the same movement distances (or more) so you have a much greater emphasis on maneuvering and positioning.
  7. Man, I'm not gonna lie, this is really disappointing that there aren't any aelves in this unit. I know I can proxy, but aelf units have the aelf keyword, and this unit almost certainly won't, which means that there is an actual mechanical disparity in the gameplay.
  8. 100%. Fyreslayers deserve some better support in their model line.
  9. The most recent White Dwarf has an in-universe lore article on the nature of the gods, and Kurnoth is mentioned as a notable example of how the gods are killable - but this is used as a lead-in to the very next paragraph, which talks about how a god "dying" is far from a permanent, mortal-style death. The same issue also has an article from the Warhammer Studio talking about how lore seeds get sown far in advance, and how release dates like "2027" are pretty casually tossed around in the studio right now. I'm not saying Kurnothi are 100% coming, but I'm absolutely gonna use this as an excuse to go KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI KURNOTHI
  10. Yeah, my "they'll still be around in The Old World" stance is more about just the availability of the models. Sucks to see the unit profiles get dumped - there's only so much that proxying can do, especially with more specialized units that had thematic mechanics.
  11. I'm very hopeful for a balanced, useful option for bringing some Nurgle into my Slaves to Darkness, and I've wanted a Harbinger of Decay for ages!
  12. I know it's a small thing, but I appreciate GW actually letting the customer know about this up front.
  13. Love these changes! The main thing I'd add is just for certain Heroes to be able to join specific units, so you can more-reliably keep them in buff range (especially with things like Charges). For example, a Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig might have the ability to join Squig Hopper and Boingrot Bounder units.
  14. I loved Dark Harvest, so this very much piques my interest!
  15. As a fan of weird spooky fey, I maintain that the fact that Wild Riders aren't Sylvaneth is a crime.
  16. Damn, but I love the weight the animators gave to the Stormcast armor. Really helps sell them physically in the world.
  17. Between Skaven and Beasts of Chaos, I think Skaven are more likely. They're more out-there and eye-catching than BoC tend to be. They've got this great combination of broader appeal and closer, clearer ties to the Warhammer universe and IP, which makes them great for a beginner-focused product that wants to draw in new players while getting them quickly attached to Warhammer as a specific IP
  18. Yeah, Stormcast definitely feel like they could do with a slowdown of the number of new units they get. There's still space to expand them, of course - I'm waiting on a 5-model squad of pegasi cavalry, myself - but warscroll bloat is a real thing and it can be a big obstacle for new players trying to wrap their head around the Battletome.
  19. Man I need to do more Kurnoth art. I've got this idea floating in my head of a deer centaur with 4 arms and 6 legs and a weird, hungry face that looks like a cross between a kruelboyz and an aelf with antlers...
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