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Could we please stop using racial slurs against Gotrek? Hes a Dawi dammit :D

NGL talk of a third wave of Lumineth when my Skaven army is mostly from the Storm of Chaos era did provoke some irrational rage for a minute there. 

More giants or maneaters would be cool though! 

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22 minutes ago, Sahrial said:

I’m gonna be big sad if SoB instead of Ogors or Gitz get a new book but LRL clearly proves there’s no limit to updates on healthy armies in a short time.

more eggs in my sylvaneth basket I guess

Persoanlly I would prefer an Ogor range refresh over a new Sons kit. But if I can have both? Chefs kiss.

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13 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

Autumn = 1x order, 1x chaos, 2x destro
So who didn't get a White Dwarf rules update? I think that'll explain things

Gitz didn't get one so I would suspect them.  I don't think Ogors did either. Neither did Lumineth or Tzeentch I think.  That being said, we do have a S2D release in the winter which means we are near the phase of those with Tome Celestials getting books.

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I'd like to see gnoblars replaced with halflings in a proper Mawtribes book. Gnoblars are really just another kind of goblin, but big hungry humanoids and little hungry humanoids would make a cohesive theme. Also I love the thought of nasty, brutish halflings rather than the overly cutesy Tolkien style. It'd be a bit like their dark elf/chaos dwarf equivalent.

In fact, thinking about it, I might even convert this army at some point even if they never release it... 🤔

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3 hours ago, AngryPanda said:

Hedonites updates are up from this month’s White Dwarf; what do you guys think? 

I'll past what I said in the HoS chat:

"I've been having a look at these and initially I was a bit "meh" on them, but actually I am optimistic for one reason - certainly much more than I was with Khorne. Why? Well the big thing is the reason for the design. 

So for Khorne, people had been saying for ages (longer than us) all of the issues with Khorne. They wounded on 4s, had no rend, Bloodtithe is awkward to use, cheerleaders are needed to be average in combat... basically everything you didn't want the God of Blood to be. And what did they do? Gave him a 6+ spell shrug and slightly altered the altar. 

Not only was this weak in game, but it didn't fit the narrative of Khorne at all.  More than that, it told everyone that the design team didn't know/didn't care/didn't agree with Khorne's issues. This is possibly the worst news Khorne fans could have because not only is the new rule bad, but there's little chance it getting better because the designers don't seem to know the problem. 


Enter our new rules. They're okay - they provide options to non-summoning Slaanesh which is sorely needed. I very much doubt these will change our place in the meta. I think they are undertuned and they could have done more with them.

However this is not a Khorne situation. In this case, the designers have identified a problem (summoning being such a focus in Slaanesh) and tried to fix it. Even if not fully successful, they have identified an issue and we know that they know and so we may see further improvement in the future. In our new book, whenever it comes out, we can be more confident we'll get something like this but hopefully more advanced. 


So I'm happy with these - they're not amazing and won't massively improve us without a points change to match. But the reason I'm happy with them is because they now give some sort of option - a way to play without needing to summon. 

It's not a fix, but it's a step in the right direction."

So I think it's nice update and one that shows the designers are on the same page as us in some respects, so this will hopefully be a good sign of things to come. 

Though this could be much better with a GHB points decrease too.

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Hnnnn this slanesh buff dont make sense, how is balanced delete the unique weakness of army doing a weakness before a strong point now?


I mean slanesh is fast,deadly but weak.the clasical glass canon.

Now we have other armys as dwarfs being slow but sturdy.

This is a good blance.

Now slanesh is fast,deadly AND more sturdy than dwarfs.

Where is the balance there?

Pretty sure that this is a overbuff and gonna make slanesh broken but too soon to speak.but for sure dont make sense this change,a buff to damage would make more sense but a ward5? Makes a weakness  as was slanesh save now one of the best saves of the game at the level of nurgle


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2 hours ago, Enoby said:

So I think it's nice update and one that shows the designers are on the same page as us in some respects, so this will hopefully be a good sign of things to come. 

Though this could be much better with a GHB points decrease too.

What’s make me the most happy about this update is that it (somewhat) works in conjunction with Slaanesh’s faction ability. In other words, if HoS players were already building lists to farm depravity, as you build depravity naturally throughout the game, you’ll automatically gain benefits. 

For example, if you’re saving up to summon 30 Daemonettes, along the way you’ll automatically get a bonus to your rally ability and an army-wide +2 movement. The +5 ward save is going to be awesome on all our calvary and Painbringers, and deciding on whether to keep it or summon in Daemons is going to depend on the type of list that has been built. 

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5 hours ago, Doko said:

I mean slanesh is fast,deadly but weak.the clasical glass canon.

That's the problem, they are not deadly:

  • They don't have a reliable source of mortal wounds (a few charges and some To Wound rolls...).
  • They don't have a reliable source of high quality attack (-1 rend)
  • Their average buff is completely RNG: You roll a lot of 6s, or you don't.

Appart from that, I still think that Slaanesh needs a completely diferent design: Pain Tokens and Cavalcades/ Hosts are a bit boring. Locus seems fine for Daemons, but Euphoric Killers doesn't fit the god of perfection.

It probably is just me that I view them as completely diferent from what they are.

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2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

Puppet army would be soo cool and I cannot even begin to assume what grand alliance it would fit in as I could see a case for each one!

I would probably put them in Death, because posessed puppets, or Chaos because demonic puppets (like some familiars). I'm not sure, but interested, what Destruction would be.

But maybe a faction without such strings? What does the Grand Alliance really give?

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7 hours ago, Noserenda said:

Could we please stop using racial slurs against Gotrek? Hes a Dawi dammit :D

NGL talk of a third wave of Lumineth when my Skaven army is mostly from the Storm of Chaos era did provoke some irrational rage for a minute there. 

More giants or maneaters would be cool though! 

I’m actually still enraged.

and it probably won’t go

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9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

If Sons of Behemat do get a new kit this Edition I am going to gargantually freak out!!

If I can get a box set of new plastic Maneaters and a new Mega Gargant all in one year...


I want Gitz but I think we are gonna receive Ogors with a small hero

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11 hours ago, Maogrim said:

Can you give a source? Also Whitefang liked this, so... Oh my god, it can't be true, right? All the salt that TGA will produce will bathe this forum in glorious, crystaline white..

Can't really give a source, but I'm 100% satisfied it's true.

I don't think there is any point being salty about it. It's not a big new wave of models, mostly just tidying some stuff up like mortal wound spam and fox moves. Also simplified rules in line with aos 3 because Lumineth are pretty messy in that regard.

Sylvaneth is the exciting book in my opinion. They are going to be good and also move away from the reliance on wyldwoods that we've seen since aos 1. Basically just a cool army that will be able to compete in every phase of the game. 

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20 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

Can't really give a source, but I'm 100% satisfied it's true.

I don't think there is any point being salty about it. It's not a big new wave of models, mostly just tidying some stuff up like mortal wound spam and fox moves. Also simplified rules in line with aos 3 because Lumineth are pretty messy in that regard.

Sylvaneth is the exciting book in my opinion. They are going to be good and also move away from the reliance on wyldwoods that we've seen since aos 1. Basically just a cool army that will be able to compete in every phase of the game. 

Thanks for the info. No new temple then? I actually think that would be a shame. I would dearly love to see Tyrion one day. 

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19 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

Sylvaneth is the exciting book in my opinion. They are going to be good and also move away from the reliance on wyldwoods that we've seen since aos 1. Basically just a cool army that will be able to compete in every phase of the game. 


If they are less reliant on the woods I will be one happy camper. Whilst it's a unique mechanic, I've always found it overly complicates the army and they're a pain to carry around and use. I'd love for the woods to add value, but not be integral to the army being viable. 

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10 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

A Sad React from @Whitefang!! Does this mean an Ogor range refresh or a new Sons kit? It seems we are only getting one. I hope its the Ogors...

If we are gonna get 5 books between Autumn and the end of the year with the relaunch of Cursed City and two big releases as Votann and Slaves, I think the only sure bet is SoB's kit

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5 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

I would probably put them in Death, because posessed puppets, or Chaos because demonic puppets (like some familiars). I'm not sure, but interested, what Destruction would be.

But maybe a faction without such strings? What does the Grand Alliance really give?

I was thinking of crudely made stick figures for destruction that are brought to life by the powers of the WAAGH to reign destruction on the world. Think the Wicker Man or Blair Witch for the type of models I imagined... maybe some scarecrow like pumpkin and gourd heads.

For order I was thinking of Duardin clockwork puppets. 

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