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6 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

Yes please! Been waiting forever for this big lad to hit the States one day and I’d snap that up in a minute along with all the other Questing demigods I missed over the years if they were put on Made-to-Order.❤️ 


Are they bringing this back?

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Happy for all the eldar players, the range refresh is really shaping up to be great. 

Ka’Bandha is an amazing looking figure and as it looks like he's on a knight sized base, he's huge. I'll need to remove the marine and the other bits he's standing on, but will make a perfect Daemon to my fledgling chaos forces. 

Less stuff for AoS directly, but I do like those crossbow ghosts. They would make a nice small project. 


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I don know guys, the fact that there is no news on Battletomes really angered me

The dok box have no sense, there is already the idk and FS one, why push another? with one of the the faction that got updated recently and is doing more than great in tournaments


Still no roadmap/news on updates, really kills my will to play aos, probably i will play 40k in the next months

i am tired to play my outdated AF armyes (BoK and sylvaneth), let alone go to tournaments

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I assume that they'll just casually drop the new battletomes. (or at least I hope)...

Edit: Ka'bangha is nice, but he is made of (inferior) forgeworld resin which means three things: He'll be warped beyond believe, hsi own weigth might make him collapse and he'll be exorbitantly expensive (even for Warhammer standards)

Edited by JackStreicher
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21 minutes ago, xking said:

Do we have anything on AoS rules for 


I think the hosts mentioned using the Exalted Bloodthirster rules. A sign of FW’s continued retreat from providing any real support for AoS and a shame. Though he was mostly a 40k character, Ka’Bandha did play a big role in the End Times and there’s no reason for him not to get AoS rules.

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1 hour ago, HollowHills said:

Wow ****** me for playing Idoneth right. Toss me a FOMO hero and weird unit update then don't announce my book. Optimist me says it's because we're getting something more than just a book. Realist me says it's because GW hate my army.

Also poor DoK players, two FOMO boxes in little over a year. The new character is cool though, I wonder if she has Idoneth armour in lore that she got from fighting them / with them. The paint scheme is the same as the GW Idoneth armour and doesn't match the normal colours for DoK.



It is strange... The palette is a combination of both factions

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Weird preview, in my opinion.

The good:

All the models that were revealed are cool. The Nighthaunt scribe looks really neat and the crossbow ghosts might help give Nighthaunt a stronger identity among the Death factions. nighthaunt can probably even expect another model when their tome gets updated, judging by rumour engines. Maybe that means more models are possible for Fyreslayers and Idoneth, too? As for the DoK hero: It would not make me feel ashamed if my female friends saw it, and that's an achievement in my book. 

The bad:

Everything is stuck in another battle box, the worst model delivery mechanism GW has to offer.

The ugly:

No battletome announcements at all. The pace of 3rd edition really feels glacial right now. It's kind of mysterious, too. you would think that books should be the easiest thing for GW to push out.

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9 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

It's not though.

If you look at the blood stalkers, that new blueish metallic theme has been a thing for DoK quite a time.

It’s also apparent in the WHU DoK scheme.   

As a side note, does this battlebox seem a good bit bigger than most recent ones?


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20 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

...and he'll be exorbitantly expensive (even for Warhammer standards)

Note that infantry heroes on FW are around 25 euros, which is also the price of new sculpts of Infantry heroes of AoS, and something like the old Keeper of Secrets, while more expensive, isn't THAT far off (130 vs 110 euro), the Verminlord on FW is cheaper than the Verminlord on the GW site.

Main line GW has been creeping up on Forgeworld prices.

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The frustration with no new battletomes makes perfect sense to me, though I take the avalanche of battleboxes to mean that GW is willing to work their way quickly through army updates, (hopefully) leaving armies in a better place. I know people in the RPG publishing industry who are looking at major delays in book shipments from China. Maybe something similar is happening here?

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Echoing what others have said, I found that underwhelming. Just… flat. The crossbow ghosts feel particularly unimaginative. Really missing a roadmap at this point to sustain my hype, and I don’t mean hype in a ‘Next Big Thing’ sense but rather the hype I used to feel when the story was moving and things were happening. The buzz around rumours, around the community. Everything seems to have dropped off a cliff.

Side note, they have now revealed the few AoS glimpses we had from the New Year video. Does this mean there isn’t anything else coming for AoS until the summer? 😫

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1 minute ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

Echoing what others have said, I found that underwhelming. Just… flat. The crossbow ghosts feel particularly unimaginative. Really missing a roadmap at this point to sustain my hype, and I don’t mean hype in a ‘Next Big Thing’ sense but rather the hype I used to feel when the story was moving and things were happening. The buzz around rumours, around the community. Everything seems to have dropped off a cliff.

Side note, they have now revealed the few AoS glimpses we had from the New Year video. Does this mean there isn’t anything else coming for AoS until the summer? 😫

Mostly yes, i will see my armyes updated in 2024 at this pace


I am not  mad because my plastic crack wont get updates but because the thing i hate the most in a game is a stale meta, its not funny to play against the same armyes with the same rules and see the same lists in the podium

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55 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

I think the hosts mentioned using the Exalted Bloodthirster rules. A sign of FW’s continued retreat from providing any real support for AoS and a shame. Though he was mostly a 40k character, Ka’Bandha did play a big role in the End Times and there’s no reason for him not to get AoS rules.

It's bullsh*t

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I hereby decree that the following...

The Elf domigladiatrix is trying to be a dwarf.

Look how un elegant and short her armoured legs are. - See, dwarf aspirations.

Look how Morathi didn't pick someone who has longer legs than the rest to carry off armoured legs - see, longings for dwarven-ness.


Dead wispy Blokes...

The not-dead-bret crossbows are all of the cool. I love them. That is all.


What is it with GW and gardners and accountants?

Nurgle, and Slaanesh have both got gardens, Khorne has angry farmers in iron dungarees, and large animal pens for his iron and brass dog-cow herds to stampede.

Nurgle has an accountant to keep count, and now Nagash has one too. But you know it counts for nothing as Manfred will just fiddle the books.


K'bunga bunga...

Well, that thing can go do one.   It's awful.

The Angrath Thirster that FW do is sublime, a brutal model that just speaks to you so perfectly about what a thirster is, but this thing... oh my poor aged and unassisted eyes.. they have truly been offended.

Leaping kitty Thirster got angry and put some armour he'll grow into one day on and pulled  a pose for his Instakhorne page.

Sweet mother of destruction and all that is pointy and hurty... dear chaos gods on a lettuce leaf, save us from this terrible sculpting and just give me more of your sublime FW Angrath thirster.

You can tell that the main GW studio have gone in there and imposed their "design language" onto the poor denizends of FW island. "Your thirster was always better and ours sucked Rhinox cluster.. we can't have that so you're using this stupid thing.. or else.."

You know what... I'd have loved to have a weapons upgrade pack for the Angrath thirster to allow me to make the other thirsters available - that would have been amazing.

Oh my holy days...   Chaos... moving with the modern times by killing your opponent by making them literally laugh themselves to death at just how comical you look.

 Terrible business... terrible I tell thee.

I therefore am of the opinion that in the worlds that these creatures inhabit there's a role playing wargame called payrolls and Paychecks where the players can get to play office workers and mindless salary drones and gain experience by becoming supervisors and managers.

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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