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51 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

So, to prevent another War of the Beard...

Do you think we have hit the maximum faction limit? If not, which will be the next 'full' faction (i.e, not Lumineth 3rd wave lol!) and when will we see one? Q3-Q4 2022? Malerion? Chaos Duardin?

Imho other than Chaos Dwarves and Ulgu Aelves they will not release another faction unless souped like Kruleboyz....

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1 hour ago, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Imho other than Chaos Dwarves and Ulgu Aelves they will not release another faction unless souped like Kruleboyz....

If nothing else, I can't think of anything past those two that's obviously missing. There's always the potential to pull another Deepkin but they've just about hit all the expected notes at this point.

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I think they’ve reached a point where they are close to a point where they can’t realistically support all the books in a one edition cycle with 24 tomes now in play.

i still think it’s likely that in fullness of time we see chaos dwarfs, malerion elves and kurnothi but I could see all three of those as going into existing tomes (slaves, dok, sylvaneth)

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2 hours ago, madmac said:

If nothing else, I can't think of anything past those two that's obviously missing. There's always the potential to pull another Deepkin but they've just about hit all the expected notes at this point.

Order - Halfling Knights, 
Destruction - Halfling Raiders
Death - Halfling Vampirates, Halfling Tomb Kings
Chaos - Chaos Halflings
Misc. - Halfling Silent People
Must I go on....

But in reality I kind of agree, I do however think that Grungi followers need some kind of direct factional representation. Obviously from Silent People to living Nagash Worshipers, there are other armies that could be developed, and Death and Destruction feel much less realized than Order and Chaos, but the truth is that in terms of major players we are almost there. Obviously armies may get souped, squatted or disentangled but the board is nearly set for all the major players. 

Edited by Neverchosen
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7 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

So, to prevent another War of the Beard...

Do you think we have hit the maximum faction limit? If not, which will be the next 'full' faction (i.e, not Lumineth 3rd wave lol!) and when will we see one? Q3-Q4 2022? Malerion? Chaos Duardin?

If gw keep on a three year cycle I think 24 is the magic number. 8 books a year is doable, more than that would be a struggle. This is a big reason why gw might soup things. If I was working for gw and was forced to keep to a three year cycle with the current staff, I would soup Duardin, slaves and beasts. I would add Malerion to DoK, chaos Duardin to slaves, Kurnothi to Slyvaneth and add one all new death and Destruction faction. 

Personally, I think gw should go to a 4 year cycle. 7 books a year for a total of 28 would let them add 4 new books and avoid soup. It would give them more time to write better books. 

With Horus and the old world they could still do a major edition change every year. 

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29 minutes ago, Chikout said:

If gw keep on a three year cycle I think 24 is the magic number. 8 books a year is doable, more than that would be a struggle. This is a big reason why gw might soup things. If I was working for gw and was forced to keep to a three year cycle with the current staff, I would soup Duardin, slaves and beasts. I would add Malerion to DoK, chaos Duardin to slaves, Kurnothi to Slyvaneth and add one all new death and Destruction faction. 

Personally, I think gw should go to a 4 year cycle. 7 books a year for a total of 28 would let them add 4 new books and avoid soup. It would give them more time to write better books. 

With Horus and the old world they could still do a major edition change every year. 

I would love a 4 year cycle. I only got 1 game out if my 1st edition DoK tome, and 0 games out of my 2nd edition one lol.

Give me something like Horus Heresy, where my core rules and books have been relevant for the last 5 years 😄

Edited by Ggom
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The cap in factions released is a problem when you shorten the cycle of a new edition to 3 years, update each battletome/codex during this edition,  add supplement and split the release calendar between two major games and many sides games.

Faction cap could be raised if the cycle is expanded to 4 or 5 years or/and a huge part of the tomes released during Q1 of the new edition if there is no minitatures that go with the battletome. That will leave more room in calendar to release new things...

Also a sidenote that's keep annoying me in 40k is, if they released codex instead of all the supplements (Charadon, etc)...all factions would have been updated by now...Makes me wonder how GW prioritizes their releases and how it will affect AoS (7 months-ish into new edition and only 3 tomes is really low to me if we are on a 3 years edition cycle...).

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12 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

So, to prevent another War of the Beard...

Do you think we have hit the maximum faction limit? If not, which will be the next 'full' faction (i.e, not Lumineth 3rd wave lol!) and when will we see one? Q3-Q4 2022? Malerion? Chaos Duardin?

As long as new factions keep selling lots of models, GW will keep releasing them (for better or for worse). But I also expect old tomes to be further consolidated as well at the same time, to keep the number of factions managable.

I still see potential for the following armies, which may or may not be an expansion of an existing faction:

Order: Kurnothi, Tyrion-Lumineth, new Dwarves, new Humans (Dawnbringers, Order of Azyr), Malerion elves

Chaos: Probably the most complete. The focus here should be on getting all the existing ranges updated. Chorfs I guess.

Death: Tomb Kings (eventually), but OBR and FEC could also easily double their number of kits and still be managable.

Destruction: Silent People, Grotbag Scuttlers

A lot of factions have been set up in the lore or with small one-off releases in Underworlds and Warcry. I don't see GW not putting out new factions in the near future.

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12 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

So, to prevent another War of the Beard...

Do you think we have hit the maximum faction limit? If not, which will be the next 'full' faction (i.e, not Lumineth 3rd wave lol!) and when will we see one? Q3-Q4 2022? Malerion? Chaos Duardin?

As long as new factions keep selling lots of models, GW will keep releasing them (for better or for worse). But I also expect old tomes to be further consolidated as well at the same time, to keep the number of factions managable.

I still see potential for the following armies, which may or may not be an expansion of an existing faction:

Order: Kurnothi, Tyrion-Lumineth, new Dwarves, new Humans (Dawnbringers, Order of Azyr), Malerion elves

Chaos: Probably the most complete. The focus here should be on getting all the existing ranges updated. Chorfs I guess.

Death: Tomb Kings (eventually), but OBR and FEC could also easily double their number of kits and still be managable.

Destruction: Silent People, Grotbag Scuttlers

A lot of factions have been set up in the lore or with small one-off releases in Underworlds and Warcry. I don't see GW not putting out new factions in the near future.

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1 hour ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

As long as new factions keep selling lots of models, GW will keep releasing them (for better or for worse). But I also expect old tomes to be further consolidated as well at the same time, to keep the number of factions managable.

I still see potential for the following armies, which may or may not be an expansion of an existing faction:

Order: Kurnothi, Tyrion-Lumineth, new Dwarves, new Humans (Dawnbringers, Order of Azyr), Malerion elves

Chaos: Probably the most complete. The focus here should be on getting all the existing ranges updated. Chorfs I guess.

Death: Tomb Kings (eventually), but OBR and FEC could also easily double their number of kits and still be managable.

Destruction: Silent People, Grotbag Scuttlers

A lot of factions have been set up in the lore or with small one-off releases in Underworlds and Warcry. I don't see GW not putting out new factions in the near future.

I believe it could go.

Order: Kurnothi as a Sylvaneth Expansion. Wave 3 Lumineth. COS range refresh to Dawnbringers. New Duardin Faction and Malerions Aelves as a DOK expansion.

Chaos: Chaos Duardin as either a whole new Faction or a STD expansion.

Death: FEC/OBR expansion, I dont really see Tomb King coming back as Ossiarch Bonereapers fill the elite skeletal army already.

Destruction: Silent People or another new Faction entirely. I could also see Mawtribes and Sons of Behemat being souped at one point. 

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I just want a 2d wave of Kharadron Overlords... no endless spells, no terrain, no WD update, one hero since 2017 (or 2 if we count underworlds warband) and rules that nobody knows how to play with.



Edited by Beliman
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It's not GW, but the guys who made the A Song of Ice & Fire game have said they get their highest sales figures when they release a new faction. I doubt it's much different for Age of Sigmar, particularly when there's always plenty of buzz surrounding The New Thing.

I do think there'll be a point where a whole new army is a surprise rather than expected, but I doubt we've hit that peak yet. It seems inevitable Chaos Dwarfs will arrive at some point just because it's an obvious avenue to go down to expand the the GA, Skaven are so wildly diverse there's a lot of places they could go and they're an obvious candidate for a big revamp.

Destruction still has room to be fleshed out now the carry-overs from WHFB are largely cohesive.

Plus at the end of the day, if the shareholders see the green line takes a sharp incline whenever a new faction releases they're going to tell GW to do more of that. Much like how the Space Marine bloat and questionable release practises probably isn't healthy for the game overall, if it makes them more money than not doing it, what're a few low-kit armies languishing compared to the all mighty pound? 


Edited by Clan's Cynic
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1 hour ago, Beliman said:

I just want a 2d wave of Kharadron Overlords... no endless spells, no terrain, no WD update, one hero since 2017 (or 2 if we count underworlds warband) and rules that nobody knows how to play with.



3.0 is supposed to be Era of the Beast but I would love if the Order side of this was a Duardin resurgence. If not this Edition definitely make it the core focus of 4.0. Disspossessed Faction, Wave 2 Fyreslayers and KO.

I'd rather it be this Edition though as the Aelves have had quite a lot recently and if Rumours are correct there will soon be a 3rd Wave for Lumineth and then Malerions Aelves.

1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

It's not GW, but the guys who made the A Song of Ice & Fire game have said they get their highest sales figures when they release a new faction. I doubt it's much different for Age of Sigmar, particularly when there's always plenty of buzz surrounding The New Thing.

I do think there'll be a point where a whole new army is a surprise rather than expected, but I doubt we've hit that peak yet. It seems inevitable Chaos Dwarfs will arrive at some point just because it's an obvious avenue to go down to expand the the GA, Skaven are so wildly diverse there's a lot of places they could go and they're an obvious candidate for a big revamp.

Destruction still has room to be fleshed out now the carry-overs from WHFB are largely cohesive.

Plus at the end of the day, if the shareholders see the green line takes a shark incline whenever a new faction releases they're going to tell GW to do more of that. Much like how the Space Marine bloat and questionable release practises probably isn't healthy for the game overall, if it makes them more money than not doing it, what're a few low-kit armies languishing compared to the all mighty pound? 


I do hope Destruction does get one more Faction. As right now it really is just the WHFB races spread out with Orcs and Goblins and Ogres and Giants now there own Factions. I hope for Silent People or even the Giant Eagles the Aetar to make it more diverse. 

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28 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

3.0 is supposed to be Era of the Beast but I would love if the Order side of this was a Duardin resurgence. If not this Edition definitely make it the core focus of 4.0. Disspossessed Faction, Wave 2 Fyreslayers and KO.

I'd rather it be this Edition though as the Aelves have had quite a lot recently and if Rumours are correct there will soon be a 3rd Wave for Lumineth and then Malerions Aelves.

I do hope Destruction does get one more Faction. As right now it really is just the WHFB races spread out with Orcs and Goblins and Ogres and Giants now there own Factions. I hope for Silent People or even the Giant Eagles the Aetar to make it more diverse. 

I hope for the Grotbags as we have 3 orruk races at least haves 3 grots races (unless they bring back gitmob).

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Reading this thread I have new trigger words: Silent people.

They are just not happening, they are a Story side note like the Cathrophranes or whatever they were called. Let those silent people also stay silent in this thread please 😵💫

Edited by JackStreicher
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8 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

Reading this thread I have new trigger words: Silent people.

They are just not happening, they are a Story side note like the Cathrophranes or whatever they called were. Let those silent people also stay silent in this thread please 😵💫

Silent People, Grotbag Scuttlers, Vampirates

The Holy Trinity of Rumourmongers

Chaos Duardin and Idoneth Endless Spells too, based on where you fall on the copium/reality axis, creating the Unholy Pentagram of TGA Cope

I've heard that if you draw a pentagram, with each tip representing one of these rumours, on your bathroom mirror while chanting "copium hopium mopium", you'll summon a new "credible leak" that will be crossposted to 4chan within a week.

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2 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Silent People, Grotbag Scuttlers, Vampirates

The Holy Trinity of Rumourmongers

Chaos Duardin and Idoneth Endless Spells too, based on where you fall on the copium/reality axis, creating the Unholy Pentagram of TGA Cope

I've heard that if you draw a pentagram, with each tip representing one of these rumours, on your bathroom mirror while chanting "copium hopium mopium", you'll summon a new "credible leak" that will be crossposted to 4chan within a week.

Don't forget Malerion's 'Umbraneth'.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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Ah, the cycle continues

Something cool gets mentioned in the lore -> I start dreaming of it brought into plastic -> other people do that too -> we dream so hard that it gets misinterpreted as a rumour -> some 4chan trolls mention it in their 'leaks' -> rumour is discredited -> hope lives on -> someone breaks it and I realise it was a lie all along

I just want my bug people and shadow demon aelves, Sigmar damn it

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8 minutes ago, GenericEdgyName said:

Ah, the cycle continues

Something cool gets mentioned in the lore -> I start dreaming of it brought into plastic -> other people do that too -> we dream so hard that it gets misinterpreted as a rumour -> some 4chan trolls mention it in their 'leaks' -> rumour is discredited -> hope lives on -> someone breaks it and I realise it was a lie all along

I just want my bug people and shadow demon aelves, Sigmar damn it

Malerions Aelves are almost certainly coming so keep that hope alive mate. 

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1 hour ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Don't forget Malerion's 'Umbraneth'.

True. Let's switch Idoneth Endless Spells to that, endless spells being a thing of AoS 2 anyway

1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

I think everyone is forgetting the biggest hope of all... actual legit rumours/news! 💔

To be serious, I think covid has impacted a lot on the availability of rumours. With lockdowns and stay at home working, chances are slimmer that the janitor can take a quick pic of Malerion's chiseled abs with a potato cam. I doubt the employees working on the minis are willing to risk their jobs, especially as Games Workshop has taken the approach to tease releases through Rumour Engines and sporadic events. They control the narrative then, much safer from their perspective than have one of their employees post here (well, technically they could be any one of us, but I doubt that lol!) and risk a tease being misrepresented through sheer hypium.

5 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Malerions Aelves are almost certainly coming so keep that hope alive mate. 

This. My gut feeling is that they'll be the big release of Q3-Q4 2022, kinda how Ossiarch or Kruleboyz were in their respective years. Massive hype behind Malerion, and sadly "evil elves" are more sought after than "evil dwarves".

It'll be interesting to see what this year brings. If Malerion's are to Dark Elves what Lumineth were to High Elves, I might be interesting...even if I'm 🤞 for some Dawi Zharr!

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1 hour ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Silent People, Grotbag Scuttlers, Vampirates

The Holy Trinity of Rumourmongers

Chaos Duardin and Idoneth Endless Spells too, based on where you fall on the copium/reality axis, creating the Unholy Pentagram of TGA Cope

I've heard that if you draw a pentagram, with each tip representing one of these rumours, on your bathroom mirror while chanting "copium hopium mopium", you'll summon a new "credible leak" that will be crossposted to 4chan within a week.

I just did this and the leak I summoned was that the next specialist board game is a version of epic AoS called GODBEAST

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4 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

Chaos: Chaos Duardin as either a whole new Faction or a STD expansion.

At this point all I'm expecting for is a few units for StD as it seems pretty strange to move an entire faction to Legends only to bring them back so soon™ after.

1 minute ago, Skreech Verminking said:



Quote from gw:”** Forget the Hobby Project Generator, we want to see people starting armies of Skaven in subs this year.“


A small hint towards a skaven revamp maybe?

Could be a part of a narrative campaign, perhaps? If not as a full campaign, but taking place in upcoming tomes. Khorne, NH, and Skaven are being mentioned as being involved in the FS vs IDK conflict. Could signify upcoming releases, at least I hope so, since all the above really deserve attention.

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2 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Silent People, Grotbag Scuttlers, Vampirates

The Holy Trinity of Rumourmongers

Chaos Duardin and Idoneth Endless Spells too, based on where you fall on the copium/reality axis, creating the Unholy Pentagram of TGA Cope

I've heard that if you draw a pentagram, with each tip representing one of these rumours, on your bathroom mirror while chanting "copium hopium mopium", you'll summon a new "credible leak" that will be crossposted to 4chan within a week.

Can we have Skaven Submarines as a new addition to bring the list up to 6? That's the only thing that interested me in that otherwise meh warcom article. 

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