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4 hours ago, novakai said:

I would also add the bone flute one since it been confirm it is not Nurgle.

Hello, please report to the nearest Gnarlmaw to receive a ... Christmas Gift :^)


Joke aside, it has never been confirmed it wasn't Nurgle ? The three fingers still point to Nurgling, the paint strokes apparently imply a smaller size than a Ghoul hand (fitting a Nurgling), and the "bone flute" thingy is already present on another Nurgle miniature, the Plaguebearer musician.

Also, a new Nurgle Daemon model can either come in a Boxed Set like Wrath and Rapture (Khorne vs Slaanesh first time, so Tzeentch vs Nurgle this time ?) or with the new Daemon Codex for 40k 9th. Epidemius and Herald On Palanquin - which contains lots of Nurgling - being one of the few Nurgle Daemon kit that need a plastic resculpt. (Yes, I may be a little too parochial here).  

Edited by HorticulusTGA
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4 hours ago, Chikout said:

I think we will see new minis in the expansions. When the extra minis were first revealed before the troubles at the launch of Cursed City, the bases were already different from cursed City. 

All these rumour engines could be from the expansions. The pics we thought were Nighthaunt could be from the expansions as well .


Super happy Cursed City is coming back and with expansions! I'm fairly sure I remember the Cursed City Map having areas named which suggested Ghouls and Spirits in each of them. Hopefully we wills more in the holiday reveals.

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Glad I kept my CC box. Didn’t sell it because of the awesome models and with more stuff on the horizon I‘ll probably find the motivation to paint the minis and eventually collect SBGL and descend into madness some 120 zombies later.

Edited by Rachmani
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55 minutes ago, novakai said:

I am convince they want to do something with Firebelly, why give them there own spell lore lol

I remain convinced that the original plan was to have the Beastclaw Raiders be all-mounted frost ogres, and the Gutbusters to get canned and they produce the Firebellies as an entirely infantry fire ogre army. Then they realized they have the Fyreslayers, Crematorians, Fuethan, Blisterskins, and upcoming chaos dwarfs for the fire theme, so they canned that whole concept and re-integrated the Firebelly (which would have been renamed into something like the Firebelly Pyrebelcher or whatnot). Why else would the Firebelly be placed in his own entire allegiance?

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1 hour ago, Jator said:

I don't play Soulbound but this looks tempting.


Speaking of Soulbound and Cursed City, im really looking forward to the Ulfenkarn Expansion for Soulbound now. 

From the Production Update a few weeks ago:

"Ulfenkarn: City at the Edge of Death

Explore the terrifying city of Ulfenkarn, a city ruled by a tyrannical vampire named Radukar the Wolf. Doom grips the city as its people are stalked by nightmarish undead horrors with no hope of escape. 

Ulfenkarn: City at the Edge of Death is an in-depth guide to the cursed city of Ulfenkarn. It details the history of the city, and offers GMs advice on playing in different periods of the city’s bleak past. This book offers dozens of locations and adventure hooks, advice for GMs on running horror-themed campaigns, and a horde of new horrific creatures you’ll encounter in Ulfenkarn. As well as that, the book includes new Archetypes built using the Grim and Perilous rules from Soulbound, and gives players the chance to take on roles such as a Vampire Hunter, a Doomsayer of Sigmar, an Aelven Exile, and a Guard Captain of Ulfenkarn. 

Ulfenkarn: City at the Edge of Death is expected to release in PDF in Q1 of 2022, and in stores Q2."


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57 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

Hello, please report to the nearest Gnarlmaw to receive a ... Christmas Gift :^)


Joke aside, it has never been confirmed it wasn't Nurgle ? The three fingers still point to Nurgling, the paint strokes apparently imply a smaller size than a Ghoul hand (fitting a Nurgling), and the "bone flute" thingy is already present on another Nurgle miniature, the Plaguebearer musician.

Also, a new Nurgle Daemon model can either come in a Boxed Set like Wrath and Rapture (Khorne vs Slaanesh first time, so Tzeentch vs Nurgle this time ?) or with the new Daemon Codex for 40k 9th. Epidemius and Herald On Palanquin - which contains lots of Nurgling - being one of the few Nurgle Daemon kit that need a plastic resculpt. (Yes, I may be a little too parochial here).  

I meant it more like it didn’t belong to the new Rotbringer Sorcerer and wasn’t part of the maggot kin release but it also one of the oldest unsolved engines atm and most likely of something that has been heavily delayed which could mean it for a cursed city expansion

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2 hours ago, Jator said:

I don't play Soulbound but this looks tempting.


That is gorgeous artwork!! Look at the Firebelly!!

2 hours ago, novakai said:

I am convince they want to do something with Firebelly, why give them there own spell lore lol

I really hope the Rumours about Mawtribes just getting a new plastic butcher are false. Can you imagine if they did something with the Firebellies and gave them a full subfaction worth of models? A Gargant can dream...

1 hour ago, Aztok said:

I remain convinced that the original plan was to have the Beastclaw Raiders be all-mounted frost ogres, and the Gutbusters to get canned and they produce the Firebellies as an entirely infantry fire ogre army. Then they realized they have the Fyreslayers, Crematorians, Fuethan, Blisterskins, and upcoming chaos dwarfs for the fire theme, so they canned that whole concept and re-integrated the Firebelly (which would have been renamed into something like the Firebelly Pyrebelcher or whatnot). Why else would the Firebelly be placed in his own entire allegiance?

Interesting idea mate!! Itll be fun to see what the Mawtribes evolve into in the coming Editions. Firebelly Subfaction is right there waiting to be explored.

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Cursed City returning is a real surprise! Last time I said to myself 'I'll just wait that it hits retail' and see where it lead...

The Destruction-themed Soulbound supplement is also a real treat. Haven't ran/partaken in Soulbound yet but I can imagine destruction archetypes fitting well the chaotic energy of my group. If only we'd get a 'Champions of Chaos' with Chorfs in it... ;)

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4 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

That is gorgeous artwork!! Look at the Firebelly!!

I really hope the Rumours about Mawtribes just getting a new plastic butcher are false. Can you imagine if they did something with the Firebellies and gave them a full subfaction worth of models? A Gargant can dream...

Interesting idea mate!! Itll be fun to see what the Mawtribes evolve into in the coming Editions. Firebelly Subfaction is right there waiting to be explored.

Never forget the all important Gnboblar Hero. Champion of justice and friend to the working Gnoblar. Although truly a hero, he'd rather be called a friend: 1704125967_NewProject.jpeg.24bbff1f8cbde52e405fe2408e56e9d6.jpeg
Uniter of the Ogor Tribes, this might hero has the exact stat line of a regular Gnoblar. 

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42 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Itll be fun to see what the Mawtribes evolve into in the coming Editions. Firebelly Subfaction is right there waiting to be explored.

I've always liked firebellies, but I really hope that new pirate ogre is a harbinger of stuff to come, I love pirates, and I'll take Ogre, Goblin, Dwarf, Vampire, or even human (Gork forgive) ones.

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54 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

Never forget the all important Gnboblar Hero. Champion of justice and friend to the working Gnoblar. Although truly a hero, he'd rather be called a friend: 1704125967_NewProject.jpeg.24bbff1f8cbde52e405fe2408e56e9d6.jpeg
Uniter of the Ogor Tribes, this might hero has the exact stat line of a regular Gnoblar. 

Gnoblar, Chosen of the Ogor (pictured, before being picked up by his master)

Gnoblar, Champion of the Ogor (held in the fist of an Ogor, signifying his status among his Gnoblar peers)

Gnoblar, Exalted of the Ogor (eaten)

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13 hours ago, Boingrot Bouncer said:

So, when I looked at my gitz list In the app I had to choose a herder and a prodder to give a command model and a wargear for my squig herd to make it legal. Pretty sure that I have not had to that before. Sign of the upcoming fix/faq?

I just updated and checked, that's in there for the slaanesh units too, presumably everyone. I get the notion that this update is going to be larger than we thought, probably updating scrolls to list the unit champions as champions at the very least. I doubt we're going to see granularity in points to give specific upgrades or anything, but it's certainly a sign that something is changing.

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I’m still quite bitter about Cursed City. The hype generated around what was a limited release. A breeding ground for scalpers, and then releasing the same bloody kits at a much much higher price and without the cool tokens. 

I know GW owe me nothing ,even after 25 years (I reckon I could have bought a house were it not for them and Forgeworlds Resin). But it has been quite badly mismanaged. And if the box is released at a much Higher Price it may just be my burnout from them (He says knowing full well how much GW has him under their thumb). I can handle inflation, I can’t handle greed. 

Expansions sound awesome though 😅

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