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@JPjr I was wondering that, too. 

Nurgle has already been in one set and has lots of models. So feels less likely.

I can see DoK or Sylvaneth as options. DoK could do with a new hero model outside the Cauldron kit. Sylvaneth are getting attention in Night Vault, which may indicate a second wave.

Hopefully Destruction will get in on at least one set.

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8 hours ago, JPjr said:

I could easily imagine a centrepiece hero for FEC that’s a bit like the Nighthaunt Kurdoss Valentian model. 

Picture a ghoul king in tattered rags and ermine, a rusted, battered, gore dripped makeshift crown upon his brow, perched high on a throne of bones, on a palanquin held aloft by several ghoul retainers in brightly coloured rags, with a musician and herald either side bearing grisly, cadaverous totems.

Just throw in a large terrain piece that’s modelled on a huge courtly feast, humans strung up on spits like pigs, etcetc.

I like this. You could make it a dual kit where there's an alt version where they look as regal and Bretonnian as they imagine themselves to be

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If they are going to make a plastic Varghulf releasing it alongside a new battletome would be the perfect time. I know I'd buy it, those things look awesome even if the quality of the model is starting to look a little bit dated, I'm definitely in the camp of both resin and metal kits need to go. I will never forget how difficult it was to put together an Archwarlock, that was a nightmare I never want to go back too. 

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2 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

maybe this chaos hero can be AoS compatible... I hope so (just get rid of the pistol belt)

Prety sure that I'll use him (after getting rid of sci fi thingies) as a StD chaos wizzard



Holy ****** sppaceballs that is an astonishingly ****** amazing model 

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8 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:

Death is already completely covered (particularly after a second FEC Volume), though I could see legions broken apart into Soulblight and Necromantic Hosts later down the line.

Deathrattle and Deadwalkers existed before LoN and they are also mentioned in the Souls Wars book as separate factions. May mean nothing but worth noting...

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5 hours ago, JPjr said:

Yeah @Skabnoze it’s a nice curveball.

Assuming they might knock out a few more Wrath & Rapture, Carrion Empire style box sets this year who do we think could also get the same treatment (or you would like to see)?

Couple of new models, along with a bundle of older sculpts, maybe with an updated Battletome.

last year 40k got how many? Tooth & Claw, Forgebane, Wake the Dead and W&R, any others (not including Kill Team too of course)? So could def see a few more squeezed in.

Guessing there’ll be a 2nd Realm of Chaos one for both games (Decay & Change?).

Ironjawz would only need a model or two new so would be a good option, then versus some Duardin force peut-etre?


Braggoth-type box might work.

- Ironjaws need nothing replaced, but could use a few more kits.

- BCR need new plastic cats and yhetees. A Frostlord on Mournfang might be a nice addition too.

Obviously, in the box they would be presented as fighting against each other, but a battalion already exists for these factions to combine as one army as well.

Edited by Kyriakin
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47 minutes ago, Carnelian said:

Hope that doesn't also apply in uk

£9.99 for ebooks is already out of line with other non gw ebooks! 

You can probably find out. Just look at the April releases on the BL webpage. Both the Khul novel and the new Steve Parker Deathwatch eBook have the increased price. 

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55 minutes ago, Kyriakin said:

Braggoth-type box might work.

- Ironjaws need nothing replaced, but could use a few more kits.

- BCR need new plastic cats and yhetees. A Frostlord on Mournfang might be a nice addition too.

Obviously, in the box they would be presented as fighting against each other, but a battalion already exists for these factions to combine as one army as well.

Super clever idea!

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8 hours ago, GeneralZero said:

maybe this chaos hero can be AoS compatible... I hope so (just get rid of the pistol belt)

Prety sure that I'll use him (after getting rid of sci fi thingies) as a StD chaos wizzard



And now you know what it looks like when Nagash gets his hands on Stormcast souls and decides to make his own........

I'm thinking put a book where the Bolt Pistol holster is, remove the backpack and hide the backpack socket and the underlying armor detail on the back with a fur cloak.  Now you have a twisted Knight Incantor.


Edited by Aegisgrimm
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Looks like some AOS subfactions might get some attention. This is from "Garro" on Facebook who attended the event:

"General white dwarf news.

Specialist games and forgeworld will have content going forward in the 'non 40k/aos' section. Necromunda battle report coming soon.

AoS will be getting an 'index astartes' style segment adding new sub-faction rules like what we got with crimson fists this month.

The new rules section will alternate between AoS and 40k. So 40k got crimson fists this month, next month sees AoS get a new stormhost.

Regarding 40k, these rules will not be locked to only loyalist chapters but will include chaos and xeno factions; basically anyone with a sub-faction rule will be looked at in time. (Remember there will only be six new sub-faction per game system each year and Loads of armies to cover.)

WD team excited by the suggestion to look at the FW chapters that use to have rules like the badab war chapters.

Also there will no longer be a 'new releases' section at the beginning as the community site has that covered."

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Cutting new releases from WD makes a lot of sense, by the time its come out the internet has already spread all the news anyway and it only encourages leaks and screen captures to be spread around because its information the whole community wants. Plus, as they say, the community pages are already covering the releases well in advance of WD ever hitting the shelves. Shifting WD to being more a hobby magazine than a content advertising one is a very sensible and positive move. 

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2 hours ago, Overread said:

Cutting new releases from WD makes a lot of sense, by the time its come out the internet has already spread all the news anyway and it only encourages leaks and screen captures to be spread around because its information the whole community wants. Plus, as they say, the community pages are already covering the releases well in advance of WD ever hitting the shelves. Shifting WD to being more a hobby magazine than a content advertising one is a very sensible and positive move. 

This is perfectly sensible and correct and yet... 

I look at the community site on my phone and because my phone is not as big as a magazine, I don't get the full glory of the new releases. Also I love seeing pictures of the new models, and picking out cool things about them I wouldn't othersize see or understand. For example I spent ages looking at the ork 40k vehicles thinking how I might convert them for necromunda. I wouldn't come across them so much normally as I'm not really into orks or 40k vehicles. I will miss the new releases section a lot. 

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4 hours ago, Shearl said:

AoS will be getting an 'index astartes' style segment adding new sub-faction rules like what we got with crimson fists this month.

The new rules section will alternate between AoS and 40k. So 40k got crimson fists this month, next month sees AoS get a new stormhost.

Also there will no longer be a 'new releases' section at the beginning as the community site has that covered."

This is good, I've been wanting to see citadel Journal come back for ages now, lets just hope the WD team can keep up or they start taking in homebrews again. I loved the journal but this would be an acceptable alternative (and having it in white dwarf stops people moaning about having to pay for an expensive publications for rules that can be a bit OOT or OP)

Fast forward three months and I'm looking forward to the stream of 'not fair, I don't have that issue and it's no longer on sale' or 'I'm not playing with made up rules' (as if the whole game isn't made up by the very same kind of people writing these experimental rules)

It's silly to get rid of the new release section completely. They just needed to bring the schedule forward so it matched to what is actually new. I don't buy the 'Wd is made three months in advance' any more. So is every new release, they know what they are releasing months in advance. Other smaller magazines can get news and reviews out every month, and they rely on sourcing their info and advanced copies from outside sources. The WD team at most have to walk to another office to find out what's going on.
Its current model is completely redundant thanks to the community and social media and therefore is a waste of printed page. But getting rid of it completely seems like such an extreme 'fix' for something that some people still enjoy. I certainly like spending less time in front of the screen, I spend all day online as it is, sometimes its nice to read the magazine and see the new releases with out having to trawl through the community page (which is a pain, if your looking for something older) or have to put up with the issues on social media.

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