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38 minutes ago, Neverchosen said:

As someone that does not subscribe to Warhammer+ does Loremasters tie into releases at all? I know that Chaos Space Marines are on the Horizon, but if this indicated anything about AOS or Slaves to Darkness that would be pretty cool.

What would be the best possible scenario for me would be if this was a tie in for a Legion of the First Prince battleforce. Although I doubt they'd ever make something that was equally such a great deal for both 40k and AOS as I think it would disappear immediately. 


I don't think it's linked to releases. Seems to be doing the really big characters, especially the ones that were around in the world that was. 

My guess is Alarielle, morathi, kroak and thanquel will be next for the AOS side. 

They are really well done and I'm enjoying the 40k ones especially as I'm not as familiar with that lore. 

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1 hour ago, Neverchosen said:

As someone that does not subscribe to Warhammer+ does Loremasters tie into releases at all? I know that Chaos Space Marines are on the Horizon, but if this indicated anything about AOS or Slaves to Darkness that would be pretty cool.

What would be the best possible scenario for me would be if this was a tie in for a Legion of the First Prince battleforce. Although I doubt they'd ever make something that was equally such a great deal for both 40k and AOS as I think it would disappear immediately. 

This is a great question and I've been wondering if Loremasters will do this. They've done Teclis and Be'Lakor that I've noticed from AOS. Both of which had Broken Realms books months before their episode.

So, possibly? Sure. Will it? Guess we'll find out when Loremasters goes back to AOS again.

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3 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

+++ Mod Hat On +++

Ive issued a temporary point because this ignored my nudge to get back into topic of rumours and is talking about piracy which is against the rules. 



Sorry for being off topic. My mistake. Thank You for moderating this place. 

I hope the supply chain problems will force GW to do some online codices/battletomes. Does anybody think we might get some news this week about upcoming products during the US open (not tennis lol) and the armies on parade ceremony?

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1 hour ago, Loyal Son of Khemri said:

I'm sorry for potentially forcing the thread off topic (a rare occasion, as we all know), but can we appreciate the detail on the CA models for the ogre butcher and firebelly? I mean seriously, if this is what we can expect for AOS when these molds do get updated, I know a few people on this site will be very happy.Butcher-ca-2048x1152.jpg.11ad33b47a258223c73dde6e4c362caf.jpgFirebelly-ca-2048x1152.jpg.56543a2bd51184dc3337da2e75689995.jpg

Absolutely loving this!! The Butcher is easily one of the ugliest miniatures GW has currently. And not ugly as in good ugly but just a not good mini!!

Hoping we get a plastic Dual kit with a Butcher and Slaughtermaster, though there was that Rumour of a SC Ogor Mawtribes with a new Plastic Butcher floating around for a bit...

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So I've been (finally) reading through the lore sections of my core book and there's a lot of potential in here.  Much of it probably won't be delivered on in the form of minis, but reading through it has been enough to get my imagination going.  To be fair, the 2nd edition core book did the same and much of it is likely just conversion ideas.

ANYWAY, the core book mentions several "nations/tribes" of people that are sort of loosely allied with the Sigmar's empire, but aren't actually a part of it.  It had me wondering how you could represent that in game.  One specific example that stuck out to me was Bataar in the NW corner of the Aqshy map.  They mention that they are traders growing rich off trade with the Cities of Sigmar and that they wear lots of body paint and mostly just live off on their own out there.  So how would that look in game?  Could we see subfaction of "Cities of Sigmar" that simply lack stormkeep rules and instead get access to like 2-3 special units?  Could we potentially see whole armies about this (obviously the answer yes you could, but in all likelihood that'll never ever happen)?  Is this just extra throwaway lore for RPG campaigns?  There's a bunch more similarly "independent" order nations mentioned that don't immediately fall under any of the current battletomes in each realm. 

What is an actually realistic way we could see stuff like this implemented in AOS proper?  I understand that they likely have no plans to do so, but if you could, how would you implement it?

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45 minutes ago, Feii said:

Does anybody think we might get some news this week about upcoming products during the US open (not tennis lol) and the armies on parade ceremony?

I don’t think we will hear anything now until Christmas/New Year. It’s possible with the delays they may choose to do some funny teasers (Say Nick and Peachy singing Under the Sea for a Deepkin Reveal) but I’m not expecting much to be shown other than cool hobby. (Side note - I’m curious how 40K will be with the update). 

GW are in a tough spot as unless they can sort out the supply issues, reveals will be different. I suspect we may see a flurry of AOS releases if they have little model updates (DoT and Khorne) to tide things over but it depend how they can juggle the releases due to the knock on effects around producing things and storing it

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1 hour ago, willange said:

So I've been (finally) reading through the lore sections of my core book and there's a lot of potential in here.  Much of it probably won't be delivered on in the form of minis, but reading through it has been enough to get my imagination going.  To be fair, the 2nd edition core book did the same and much of it is likely just conversion ideas.

ANYWAY, the core book mentions several "nations/tribes" of people that are sort of loosely allied with the Sigmar's empire, but aren't actually a part of it.  It had me wondering how you could represent that in game.  One specific example that stuck out to me was Bataar in the NW corner of the Aqshy map.  They mention that they are traders growing rich off trade with the Cities of Sigmar and that they wear lots of body paint and mostly just live off on their own out there.  So how would that look in game?  Could we see subfaction of "Cities of Sigmar" that simply lack stormkeep rules and instead get access to like 2-3 special units?  Could we potentially see whole armies about this (obviously the answer yes you could, but in all likelihood that'll never ever happen)?  Is this just extra throwaway lore for RPG campaigns?  There's a bunch more similarly "independent" order nations mentioned that don't immediately fall under any of the current battletomes in each realm. 

What is an actually realistic way we could see stuff like this implemented in AOS proper?  I understand that they likely have no plans to do so, but if you could, how would you implement it?

Honestly? the most realistic answer to your question is through conversions/kitbash and good old fashion creativity. Bataar, for example, seems to be an entire nation-state of the old "Arabian Nights" bazaar, therefore for a decent base you could kit bash the Slaanesh and Tzeentch mortals with some order factions such as (may Hashut and Settra forgive me) the Lumineth Scinari and Wind Temple kits. 

Edited by Loyal Son of Khemri
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11 hours ago, willange said:

So I've been (finally) reading through the lore sections of my core book and there's a lot of potential in here.  Much of it probably won't be delivered on in the form of minis, but reading through it has been enough to get my imagination going.  To be fair, the 2nd edition core book did the same and much of it is likely just conversion ideas.

ANYWAY, the core book mentions several "nations/tribes" of people that are sort of loosely allied with the Sigmar's empire, but aren't actually a part of it.  It had me wondering how you could represent that in game.  One specific example that stuck out to me was Bataar in the NW corner of the Aqshy map.  They mention that they are traders growing rich off trade with the Cities of Sigmar and that they wear lots of body paint and mostly just live off on their own out there.  So how would that look in game?  Could we see subfaction of "Cities of Sigmar" that simply lack stormkeep rules and instead get access to like 2-3 special units?  Could we potentially see whole armies about this (obviously the answer yes you could, but in all likelihood that'll never ever happen)?  Is this just extra throwaway lore for RPG campaigns?  There's a bunch more similarly "independent" order nations mentioned that don't immediately fall under any of the current battletomes in each realm. 

What is an actually realistic way we could see stuff like this implemented in AOS proper?  I understand that they likely have no plans to do so, but if you could, how would you implement it?

Soulbound has more lore behind the civilizations of the Great Patch. From the Floating City in Baatar to Lumnos. There are some hints about the background on the fall of the Agloraxian Empire, and the mage-wars between Baatar, Aspiria and Vitrolia (this explains why Baatar is now floating and why there is a perma-burning forest).


Steel Spike, for example, is a Massive Fortress full of defensive enchantments made during the Aspira's conflicts. After Chaos ravaged the Great Patch, many refugees moved to Steel Spike and the city become a massive City-Fortress with a lot of manpower and resources. That's why it didn't fall to Chaos. Presumably with a lot of humans using some kind of magic weapons (and a lot of gunpowders):


The famed Searing Guard with their burning halberds of blue flame still hold Steel Spike against all comers and occasionally appear on battlefields far from Aspiria in support of their allies.


Edited by Beliman
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5 minutes ago, elfhead said:

Is there a lot of lore in the soulbound books? Or is it mostly rules/scenario’s? I’ve been thinking on a slaaneshi/Arabian inspired force for a while. Bataar sounds good as inspiration 

For what I've heard there's A LOT of lore in there, mostly for order as of rn, since thats what you play as. I know there's a death and a destruction books either coming out soon or they might have come out already so I dont know how much lore they have. What I've heard from people that play stormcasts for example is that those are full of lore about them. Not sure how much that would help with chaos armies as of rn sadly.

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I'm not a RP-dude, but I collect Soulbound just for the Lore. Soulbound books are more focused on the background. Like an history book. A bit of introduction, what happened in that cities/empires, people living there and their relationship with their neighbours... that kind of stuff.

These things make me want to know more about the world and it feels more believable, at least for me.

11 hours ago, elfhead said:

Is there a lot of lore in the soulbound books? Or is it mostly rules/scenario’s? I’ve been thinking on a slaaneshi/Arabian inspired force for a while. Bataar sounds good as inspiration 

Baatar seems to be a City of Not-Sigmar.

I'm pretty sure that behind their esoteric markets, shaddy smugglers and strange (and forbidden) artefacts, there are a lot of Slaanesh Cultists in Baatar. Sadly, Soulbound does not delve deep enough.

Edited by Beliman
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That's good to know!  I actually still need to read through the rest of my soulbound stuff (also purchased for lore).  

I'd still love to see more of these "minor" order factions/nations/cities represented in game somehow though.  Maybe if only as some sort of warcry warband or underworlds thing.  Makes me wish more and more each day for a mortal realms spanning Total War AoS!

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12 hours ago, willange said:

So I've been (finally) reading through the lore sections of my core book and there's a lot of potential in here.  Much of it probably won't be delivered on in the form of minis, but reading through it has been enough to get my imagination going.  To be fair, the 2nd edition core book did the same and much of it is likely just conversion ideas.

ANYWAY, the core book mentions several "nations/tribes" of people that are sort of loosely allied with the Sigmar's empire, but aren't actually a part of it.  It had me wondering how you could represent that in game.  One specific example that stuck out to me was Bataar in the NW corner of the Aqshy map.  They mention that they are traders growing rich off trade with the Cities of Sigmar and that they wear lots of body paint and mostly just live off on their own out there.  So how would that look in game?  Could we see subfaction of "Cities of Sigmar" that simply lack stormkeep rules and instead get access to like 2-3 special units?  Could we potentially see whole armies about this (obviously the answer yes you could, but in all likelihood that'll never ever happen)?  Is this just extra throwaway lore for RPG campaigns?  There's a bunch more similarly "independent" order nations mentioned that don't immediately fall under any of the current battletomes in each realm. 

What is an actually realistic way we could see stuff like this implemented in AOS proper?  I understand that they likely have no plans to do so, but if you could, how would you implement it?

Was the Lantic Empire another? They crop up a lot …

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11 hours ago, willange said:

That's good to know!  I actually still need to read through the rest of my soulbound stuff (also purchased for lore).  

I'd still love to see more of these "minor" order factions/nations/cities represented in game somehow though.  Maybe if only as some sort of warcry warband or underworlds thing.  Makes me wish more and more each day for a mortal realms spanning Total War AoS!

Ive wished repeatedly for a second season of warcry showing a human order faction from all the different realms .

The myriad of chaos warbands representing different realms and different forms of chaos in warcey has been a big win for me. Very well done

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11 minutes ago, EntMan said:

Any idea what time the battleforce boxes will be announced today?

Chaos Dwarfs bigga bumba limited edition book and battleforce will be announced at 16:30 gmt.  aka Hashut o'clock*.

*I cannot be held responsible if this turns out to be nothing more than a wildly vicious rumour.

Edited by Kaleb Daark
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1 hour ago, Kaleb Daark said:

Chaos Dwarfs bigga bumba limited edition book and battleforce will be announced at 16:30 gmt.  aka Hashut o'clock*.

*I cannot be held responsible if this turns out to be nothing more than a wildly vicious rumour.

If this turns out false we obviously weren't sacrificing enough slaves to Hashut and it was pulled at the last minute.

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