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Anyone who loves a faction like @HollowHills is going to want new kits for their army but I honestly believe IDK are in a good place when it comes to minis. They have 2 foot units, 2 types of fast cavalry, a chariot equivalent, 2 mounted heroes, a big monster, several on foot heroes of various types and two big heroes. 

That's more options than Slyvaneth, KO, Fyreslayers, DoK, FEC and any one the warclans. 

For the longest time the balance of the book meant that the eels were too powerful but nothing else was powerful enough. It has got better recently but for the IDK the pressing task is to fix the internal balance. 

The Fyreslayers on the other hand are in a really bad spot minis wise. They have lots of little guys on foot and heroes on monsters but that's it. 

The Infernoth should have been a unit of three troggoth equivalents and not an endless spell. They need mini magmadroth cavalry and some kind of warmachine. Three kits, each with multibuild options would help a lot. 

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6 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

I just dont believe Silent People will be Death. To be fair we know basically nothing about them but they just scream Destruction to me, though Setient Roach swarms sounds incredible and if so would definitely be my first Death army.

OBR in January would be out of nowhere, though I also wouldnt be surprised if they did announce this Battlebox this early in advance because of the lack of AOS content at the moment and this far into 3.0 without any hype.

Ogor Summer is something I've heard repeatedly and I truly hope is true. I would love if we get a range refresh but with Rumour that it's just an updated Butcher I'll keep my hype low.

Im still of the mind that an Ogre refresh isn't super in the cards. They've aged pretty well, and most of the whole range is in plastic. New Butcher and characters is what I really want to see for them in the short/ to medium run for them.

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10 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

I held in my heart hope, for if you could hold in your heart the youthful joy for all thing elves, then maybe today wasn't as dark as it became to be. To see our friends from the sea, whose love for seafood rivalled only by their mirth towards Idoneth, sing songs of lamentations was hard enough. But I wanted to believe. Believe that the man who exemplifies the virtues of the aelven kin would look at his seaside cousins, and break a smile. But alas, not even a scowling eel could bring you into a merry mood.

As I write this I slump in my chair, in despair. I had expected those of duardin disposition harden their hearts, miniatures our ur-gold, aethergold, gromril. Our visions blurred from greed. I could see those belonging to the deepkin gaze towards Games Workshop with contempt, their fates a tragedy mirroring the fate of their beloved painted army men - betrayed and cast aside, their destiny bleak and their hearts growing cold. But when even the mighty casting their lot among the Lumineth - those who were supposed to be the purest of us - scowl, then truly all is lost.

My hands shake. My laptop slumps on the floor. I weep, for the first time in a lifetime.

And in the distance, dark gods of disappointing battle boxes laugh.

My friend, joyful approval by the sages of light is not a gift that is given lightly nor freely. It must be earned. And alas, as our distant cousins from beneath the waves have so often disappointed us with their lack of hair or armor to cover their arms ... regretfully they did so again. Eels we've already seen aplenty of. Why would those make us proud?

But we can and do see the potential slumbering in their poor soulless bossoms. If they would just expand upon their connection to the other denizens of the sea some more... That would not fail to make us smile and look upon them more fondly. But again the Deep (Workshop) on whom they depend has failed them. I still have hope however, even if you might have fallen to despair by witnessing my stoic dismissal, fair lady of the bearded ones.

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6 hours ago, Shankelton said:

Im still of the mind that an Ogre refresh isn't super in the cards. They've aged pretty well, and most of the whole range is in plastic. New Butcher and characters is what I really want to see for them in the short/ to medium run for them.

Oh the top of my list is the same, the Butcher is downright bad looking. I would just want some of the fine cast updated, specifically the Yehtee and Gorger models, I believe they could kill 2 birds with 1 stone and make that a Dual Kit.

But characters are also very important if not the most. Right now we have 2 named Ogor characters, one for Gutbusters and one for BCR and it's a terrible shame they havent recieved minis at all. A Frost King and Overtyrant model would put a stop to any Wishlisting immediately.

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6 hours ago, Shankelton said:

Im still of the mind that an Ogre refresh isn't super in the cards. They've aged pretty well, and most of the whole range is in plastic. New Butcher and characters is what I really want to see for them in the short/ to medium run for them.

I'm usually the first person to run to the defence of old Fantasy models, but Ogres are one of my exceptions because of how horridly repetitive their poses are. If AoS was still a rank-and-file game? I'd 100% agree they've aged very well indeed, but the size of the individual models means them all being in the exact same pose of arm and leg really, really shows. 

The non-Unit models? Sure, things like the Hunter and Maneaters probably still have plenty of life in them, but the Gluttons at least and maybe the Ironguts really need it - put the new Tyrant among them and it gets even worse. Leadbelchers get away with it because 'point cannon forward' doesn't need much Dynamicism(tm). 

If they gave them a new Glutton/Irongut box and left it at that I think it would solve most of the problem.

Edited by Clan's Cynic
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12 hours ago, novakai said:

I guess if you guys want some false hope, the AoS releases are sort of mirror the initial 40K release

The first non Imperium/ SM 40K codex was Nurgle Deathguard who only got a hero model

The first AoS battletome outside of Dominion was Maggotkin of Nurgle who only got a hero model

the next 40K release was piety and pain which puts the galactic space raiding pointy ear Drukhari vs the mostly mono gender religious devoted Sister of battle both getting one hero model

The next AoS release is Fury of the Deep which puts the deep sea raiding pointy ear Idoneath Deepkin vs the all mono gender religious devoted Fyreslayer both getting one hero model

later on in 40K, Sister of battle got a second wave with Nundam, shield Nuns, and a tank. Drukhari got no new kits other then Hexspear but was bless with a 70% win rate in the meta

in conclusion, Fyreslayers gets a second wave with Dwarf Gundams, shield dorf, and a fire truck, Deepkin only get the Thrallmaster but tear through the meta and replacing Realmlords as the top pointy Aelf race ( In your face Teclis)

The difference at least is that with 40k we knew long in advance what all the next Codexes were going to be, up until the Ork release this last summer/fall.

We've only just got somewhat confirmation that IDK and FS are next and nothing after that.

GW play information about AOS far too close to their chest.

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21 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

I'm usually the first person to run to the defence of old Fantasy models, but Ogres are one of my exceptions because of how horridly repetitive their poses are. If AoS was still a rank-and-file game? I'd 100% agree they've aged very well indeed, but the size of the individual models means them all being in the exact same pose of arm and leg really, really shows. 

The non-Unit models? Sure, things like the Hunter and Maneaters probably still have plenty of life in them, but the Gluttons at least and maybe the Ironguts really need it - put the new Tyrant among them and it gets even worse. Leadbelchers get away with it because 'point cannon forward' doesn't need much Dynamicism(tm). 

If they gave them a new Glutton/Irongut box and left it at that I think it would solve most of the problem.

100% mate!! More dynamic posing for Gluttons and Ironguts is sorely needed, the rank and file posing with their limbs tucked in close should be changed for more variety. It would greatly help show off also just how big and intimidating a Horde of Ogors should look.

I'd take that over anything else this Edition. 

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9 hours ago, HollowHills said:

No one really needs anything in that sense. Each army is functional regardless of unit choice.

In terms of what we'd want?

Literally anything other than a generic bald foot hero with a 6' inch move for the fastest army in the game. We don't even get a new sea creature, just the runt eel.

What could you do with idoneth?

A giant crab with/ without riders. 

A giant octopus/ squid.

Mantaray type monsters.

Hammerhead shark type monsters.

A whale like creature. 

Weird mutated deepkin (think Lovecraftian deep ones).


Even if we were going to get a foot hero we could have got an Ishrann Embaillor (a unit heavily featured in lore but with no model).

They could have at least given us a female sculpt so this new character doesn't look like a ****** mash up. It's like they used assets from the guy riding the turtle, the akhelian king and then put part of a soulrenders hat on him. Which is probably what they did.

They literally did the worst thing they could do other than just squatting the faction and releasing no models.

But it’s a battle box, where everyone gets a lane foot hero.

I‘m kinda stemming myself against the tide of doom and gloom, because of how awesome the IDK look. They are probably the prettiest of the new factions, currently hindered by old rules. 
Ofc you want new models, and I‘m with you on that. All the ideas you mentioned sound great, amazing even - and show how expandable the range really is. It has such a solid foundation. Add a monster at a time, or a monstrous unit (I imagine the cuthuluesque elves to be of Ogor size) and the army will be fine for expansions to come.

And that’s amazing. No need to worry about the IDK, they‘ll be great.

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I feel that current release schedules and army variety are a reflection of distinct eras of business planning. As has been said before around here, I believe that initially they planned to release one shot and done small armies (like war bands) and simply keep adding new armies with some limited rule support (at least for a while, then maybe legends) for early armies.

current armies like lumineth break that approach. I believe that’s because they no longer want to go the planned obsolescence route. However, this leaves a lot of awkward armies with no planned development. As we know product development cycles take years, this means that those armies dont really have a a spot in the cycle to get an expansion. At least not without distorting development plans that might span 5+ years.

all that to say that unless buyers push hard on GW (e.g. not gobbling down new armies) it seems unlikely that some of the older armies will get much love.

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18 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

100% mate!! More dynamic posing for Gluttons and Ironguts is sorely needed, the rank and file posing with their limbs tucked in close should be changed for more variety. It would greatly help show off also just how big and intimidating a Horde of Ogors should look.

I'd take that over anything else this Edition. 

yup, look at what it done for chaos warriors.

You're not changing a massive amount, just a more dynamic pose and all of a sudden you've got wow factor again.

It's obviously an army that sells otherwise it would jut have languished in a soup book somewhere. 

And rhinox cavalry.. they really need those back in plastic as they were all of the awesome, and it is the age of the beast.

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2 minutes ago, Greybeard86 said:

I feel that current release schedules and army variety are a reflection of distinct eras of business planning. As has been said before around here, I believe that initially they planned to release one shot and done small armies (like war bands) and simply keep adding new armies with some limited rule support (at least for a while, then maybe legends) for early armies.

current armies like lumineth break that approach. I believe that’s because they no longer want to go the planned obsolescence route. However, this leaves a lot of awkward armies with no planned development. As we know product development cycles take years, this means that those armies dont really have a a spot in the cycle to get an expansion. At least not without distorting development plans that might span 5+ years.

all that to say that unless buyers push hard on GW (e.g. not gobbling down new armies) it seems unlikely that some of the older armies will get much love.

I agree.

What's interesting though is that I think that the grand plan didn't quite go as planned.

So when WHFB ended and AoS was about to launch there was an FAQ put out. I wish I still had that flyer and pdf document.

One of the questions was will the older armies be playable in AoS, and the answer was of course yes.

However the caveat was that the older armies would be playable but no longer supported; support being given to new AoS armies and factions. Now in that FAQ there was also another interesting line that said that all the while an army was selling it would in not so many words be allowed to live, which inferred that the minute it didn't sell anymore, it was going the way of the bretts.

So we can take that two ways, your beasts were not going to be supported as a beastman army, but have become beasts of chaos and therefore a new AoS faction, or alternatively, they had naively hoped that everyone would be dumping their rank and flank minis for the new stuff coming out and as you say gobble up all the new armies.

I think we see both happening.

I also think things like mawtribes, cities of sigmar, beasts of chaos, slaves to darkness, warclans et all, are a begrudging acceptance that we still love our old armies and lets face it after the cash we've ploughed in why wouldn't we - and therefore they're not going away anytime soon.

I think this is what we're seeing with some stuff, where you're getting a token nod, some rules and maybe a new model but nothing really more than that.  Lets take beasts and skinnydip dwarfs - we get a big rock and a barbeque oven.  Now if skinnydip dwarfs and beasts were to disspear the rock and oven would go to slaves/ chaos as a thing and the oven might go to whatever stunty faction they dreamed up next for argument sake.

We saw that certain releases tanked. people weren't buying into them for whatever the reason, be it rules, the number you needed to make them effective, cost etc.

I don't doubt that GW would like everything from rank and flank to just clear off, but it hangs around like a bad smell, but unfortunately that stink is making you money.

I feel that what GW want is new factions unique to AoS and for us all to buy into them.

What we want is that same thing, but with what we already know and love, as @KingBrodd says, we're not asking for much, just free the poses from the shackles of rank and flank.

There is a part of me that just wants them to put us out of our misery, be cruel to be kind and (very simplistically) say ok, look... These beasts, ogres, rats, whatevers are getting new sculpts, and this is their new look and feel. - you don't have anything that frees you from rank and file then sorry,  time's up.  it's been nice thanks for all the fish.

it may sound hard, but ask any TK or brett player and they'll tell you what that feels like.


Do I think they know what they're doing?

No.   well, no and yes. They had a plan. They had a vision, yes, but I don't think it's come to pass in the way they intended, and so we have this swerving and meandering, or so it appears.

So we end up in that endless loop again  - faction gets no new models, players say meh, mothership sees players saying meh, models not selling so says that model line isn't worth investing in.  Shall we kill it off? - no because models sell just to enough to be annoying and not go away, that and writers have had a brain freeze and can't work out how to move the faction or its lore forward.

I almost get the feeling that lately there's been a lot of vanity projects on the go in the mothership, which is great, dream up new wierd and wonderful take on a faction. Write book release models, and then they turn around to the originator and go ok... what next? where's the faction and the lore going from here?

and all you get is ahh.. erm... yea..

I'm going to be controversial here and say that I personally see bone reapers as one such vanity project. We cried for tomb kings, mentioned a construct army and so so guy picks up the book, flicks through it and goes yea, I can AoS this up.  Behold there it is, a new army new lore new everything - there's your tomb kings - but they're not. they never will be, and in truth whoever did them just never got what TK's were about if that was the case (which it probably wasn't to be fair).


I think with ToW looming in the coming years, it would be a good time to start banging out these new resculpts. it would help  create a clear and different aesthetic and scultping style and scale between the new and the old systems, and in so doing you still spin money from your old rope as with the old world the rank and flank minis find their proper place.

I mean come on were it not for scale the Soulblight army is literally a safe bet drag and drop into an old vampire counts army, and the vengorian lord could be used as a unit filler.  But those new skelly's ranking up happily?  yea right.

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4 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

yup, look at what it done for chaos warriors.

You're not changing a massive amount, just a more dynamic pose and all of a sudden you've got wow factor again.

It's obviously an army that sells otherwise it would jut have languished in a soup book somewhere. 

And rhinox cavalry.. they really need those back in plastic as they were all of the awesome, and it is the age of the beast.

I'm just imagining an army of Gluttons and Ironguts in similar poses to Brutogg from Cursed City, show off some of the violence and viciousness, the strength we see and know from artwork and lore.

And yes it is Era of the Beast, give the beast like Factions some love!!

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22 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

I'm just imagining an army of Gluttons and Ironguts in similar poses to Brutogg from Cursed City, show off some of the violence and viciousness, the strength we see and now from artwork and lore.

And yes it is Era of the Beast, give the beast like Factions some love!!

I'd love to see them redo Maneaters, with today's technology and ridiculousness you could get some truly silly looking dudes! Give one a swirly mustache, cavalier hat and rapier that could double as a greatsword for a normal sized person, another with a pirate hat peg leg and cannon for a hand, redo the cook with the rolling pin as their weapon.


Some new ogors could look really nice, brutogg and the recent tyrant have that nice ramshackle Armour look which would be great for ironguts. Also firebellies, the current one is super dynamic, make it a fun mawtribes wizard and have a new model with billowing flames spewing.

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I think that AoS had a crazy evolution this last 6 years.

  1. It started as a FOMO project with small-factions (Fyreslayers, IJ, etc...) and perma-factions (SCE, Khorne, etc...). First Great Purge.
  2. At some point, it shifted to a more tradition style of unique factions. Segond Great Purge. But it was a bit too much trying to support all this Micro-factions and so...
  3. ...they tried to merge them (Orruks, Ogres, etc...).

As always, nobody has infinite manpower/production. That means that GW will use diferent strategies to support their own armies: Sometimes, a battleforce of old units (usually on christmas), sometimes a new random Heroe (maggotkin, etc...), and sometimes a battlebox (skavens vs Fec, KOs vs Tzeentch, etc...). If you are lucky enough, maybe even a second wave (Lumineth, SCE, etc...), that's sadly reserved for an small number of factions...
But the main support will come from Start Collectings and the new Vanguard Box.

New editions can bring a completely new range of miniatures (first SCE, Nighthaunts or Kruleboyz) or an upgrade of an old ones (Necrons, Khorne, SCE, Space Marines) with temporal boxes or three new starter sets.

Of course, the most critical  moment (appart from new edition armies)  is when a new faction is introduced, and that means a new strategy: a lot of new kits or maybe anew starter box.

I'm not sure what's the next step after merging armies (some people talk about Dwarfs soup book and S2D+goats), but it's clear that AoS will shift again. And I'm pretty sure that a new type of support (aka, how they are going to sell their products) will come at some point, but I'm not sure what it will be.


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11 hours ago, HollowHills said:

They literally did the worst thing they could do other than just squatting the faction and releasing no models.

The battlebox is extremely disappointing. What's worse is the way their feedback loop seems to work. Players are fed up with a dull box and skip it? GW likely interprets this as IDK and FS being poor sellers and focuses on other factions. Players gobble up the box to support these factions? GW interprets this as the single foot hero battlebox model being a success and keeps doing this.

I think the IDK hero looks pretty sweet and absolutely want the model, but will just wait for the solo release as I don't need the rest of this box. And while the hero looks cool it's the last thing I would have picked for a new kit release.

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45 minutes ago, Lightbox said:

I'd love to see them redo Maneaters, with today's technology and ridiculousness you could get some truly silly looking dudes! Give one a swirly mustache, cavalier hat and rapier that could double as a greatsword for a normal sized person, another with a pirate hat peg leg and cannon for a hand, redo the cook with the rolling pin as their weapon.


Some new ogors could look really nice, brutogg and the recent tyrant have that nice ramshackle Armour look which would be great for ironguts. Also firebellies, the current one is super dynamic, make it a fun mawtribes wizard and have a new model with billowing flames spewing.

I'd love a box set of 8 Maneaters with one from each of the different Realms!! Or even a box of 3 with multi part options.

13 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



A Skaven whip

Clan Moulder Packmaster!!

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1 hour ago, Kaleb Daark said:

I agree.

What's interesting though is that I think that the grand plan didn't quite go as planned.

So when WHFB ended and AoS was about to launch there was an FAQ put out. I wish I still had that flyer and pdf document.

One of the questions was will the older armies be playable in AoS, and the answer was of course yes.

However the caveat was that the older armies would be playable but no longer supported; support being given to new AoS armies and factions. Now in that FAQ there was also another interesting line that said that all the while an army was selling it would in not so many words be allowed to live, which inferred that the minute it didn't sell anymore, it was going the way of the bretts.

So we can take that two ways, your beasts were not going to be supported as a beastman army, but have become beasts of chaos and therefore a new AoS faction, or alternatively, they had naively hoped that everyone would be dumping their rank and flank minis for the new stuff coming out and as you say gobble up all the new armies.

I think we see both happening.

I also think things like mawtribes, cities of sigmar, beasts of chaos, slaves to darkness, warclans et all, are a begrudging acceptance that we still love our old armies and lets face it after the cash we've ploughed in why wouldn't we - and therefore they're not going away anytime soon.

I think this is what we're seeing with some stuff, where you're getting a token nod, some rules and maybe a new model but nothing really more than that.  Lets take beasts and skinnydip dwarfs - we get a big rock and a barbeque oven.  Now if skinnydip dwarfs and beasts were to disspear the rock and oven would go to slaves/ chaos as a thing and the oven might go to whatever stunty faction they dreamed up next for argument sake.

We saw that certain releases tanked. people weren't buying into them for whatever the reason, be it rules, the number you needed to make them effective, cost etc.

I don't doubt that GW would like everything from rank and flank to just clear off, but it hangs around like a bad smell, but unfortunately that stink is making you money.

I feel that what GW want is new factions unique to AoS and for us all to buy into them.

What we want is that same thing, but with what we already know and love, as @KingBrodd says, we're not asking for much, just free the poses from the shackles of rank and flank.

There is a part of me that just wants them to put us out of our misery, be cruel to be kind and (very simplistically) say ok, look... These beasts, ogres, rats, whatevers are getting new sculpts, and this is their new look and feel. - you don't have anything that frees you from rank and file then sorry,  time's up.  it's been nice thanks for all the fish.

it may sound hard, but ask any TK or brett player and they'll tell you what that feels like.


Do I think they know what they're doing?

No.   well, no and yes. They had a plan. They had a vision, yes, but I don't think it's come to pass in the way they intended, and so we have this swerving and meandering, or so it appears.

So we end up in that endless loop again  - faction gets no new models, players say meh, mothership sees players saying meh, models not selling so says that model line isn't worth investing in.  Shall we kill it off? - no because models sell just to enough to be annoying and not go away, that and writers have had a brain freeze and can't work out how to move the faction or its lore forward.

I almost get the feeling that lately there's been a lot of vanity projects on the go in the mothership, which is great, dream up new wierd and wonderful take on a faction. Write book release models, and then they turn around to the originator and go ok... what next? where's the faction and the lore going from here?

and all you get is ahh.. erm... yea..

I'm going to be controversial here and say that I personally see bone reapers as one such vanity project. We cried for tomb kings, mentioned a construct army and so so guy picks up the book, flicks through it and goes yea, I can AoS this up.  Behold there it is, a new army new lore new everything - there's your tomb kings - but they're not. they never will be, and in truth whoever did them just never got what TK's were about if that was the case (which it probably wasn't to be fair).


I think with ToW looming in the coming years, it would be a good time to start banging out these new resculpts. it would help  create a clear and different aesthetic and scultping style and scale between the new and the old systems, and in so doing you still spin money from your old rope as with the old world the rank and flank minis find their proper place.

I mean come on were it not for scale the Soulblight army is literally a safe bet drag and drop into an old vampire counts army, and the vengorian lord could be used as a unit filler.  But those new skelly's ranking up happily?  yea right.

Genuinely a great analysis. I fear some might call you overtly cynical or jaded, but at least I agree with you. Yes, even the controversial parts ;)

Obviously, neither of us truly know what happens inside the walls of the Silver Tower of Nottingham, but for anybody who has been in this hobby we all know GW acts...well, let's say 'mysterious ways'. Erratic. Mostly due to apparent change in strategies that are never communicated to us, the customers. That is a completely another topic entirely, but I can't but wonder how people would have felt learning that their $300+ armies have a shelf life of 2 years. Although in a way they are learning it at this very moment, as IDK and FS get treated abysmally because they weren't designed to last and thus had no future planned for them. Maybe this is entitlement on my part, I genuinely don't know, but I feel that is such an arrogant move to make. Planned obsolescence for plastic miniatures that will outlast not only every single game/movie I own (disc/data rot) but unless destroyed, any currently living human.

I feel like you were spot on about 'vanity projects' - I wonder if the Ynnari in 40K was one such project, whose lore has them treading water. And although the bone mafia gets a chuckle out of me, I've only seen them rejected by the mummified corpse of the TK-fandom--because as you say, they aren't TK and never can be.

Although I am not 100% with you on ending factions that cannot get out of the rank-and-file curse (unless I misunderstood you) - exactly because I am an old Bret fan and I have never found any other army that resonated to me in the same degree as Brets did. They are the army that got away, the summer love army you kissed painted under the apple tree. You will learn to love again. You will love again. But nobody could be that first pegasi knight.

Maybe there was something profound in that sentence. Most likely not.

7 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I think that AoS had a crazy evolution this last 6 years.

  1. It started as a FOMO project with small-factions (Fyreslayers, IJ, etc...) and perma-factions (SCE, Khorne, etc...). First Great Purge.
  2. At some point, it shifted to a more tradition style of unique factions. Segond Great Purge. But it was a bit too much trying to support all this Micro-factions and so...
  3. ...they tried to merge them (Orruks, Ogres, etc...).

As always, nobody has infinite manpower/production. That means that GW will use diferent strategies to support their own armies: Sometimes, a battleforce of old units (usually on christmas), sometimes a new random Heroe (maggotkin, etc...), and sometimes a battlebox (skavens vs Fec, KOs vs Tzeentch, etc...). If you are lucky enough, maybe even a second wave (Lumineth, SCE, etc...), that's sadly reserved for an small number of factions...
But the main support will come from Start Collectings and the new Vanguard Box.

New editions can bring a completely new range of miniatures (first SCE, Nighthaunts or Kruleboyz) or an upgrade of an old ones (Necrons, Khorne, SCE, Space Marines) with temporal boxes or three new starter sets.

Of course, the most critical  moment (appart from new edition armies)  is when a new faction is introduced, and that means a new strategy: a lot of new kits or maybe anew starter box.

I'm not sure what's the next step after merging armies (some people talk about Dwarfs soup book and S2D+goats), but it's clear that AoS will shift again. And I'm pretty sure that a new type of support (aka, how they are going to sell their products) will come at some point, but I'm not sure what it will be.


I fully expect a Third Great Purge Impact. We are reaching--I would argue we already have--a critical level of how many armies can exist while maintaining support. Armies need to be souped together or we repeat the past of 'living dead' armies like Brets.


What's done is done, it feels so bad. What once was happy now is sad, I'll never love again...

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21 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:



A Skaven whip

inhales copium

which small-sized faction is known for their evil ways and were so renowned slavers that it would affect the lore and miniatures of multiple armies?

That's right, Chaos Dwarves.

Chorfs confirmed!

11 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

Another day Without malerion is another Lost day in AoS….


I have a friend who thinks exactly like this, and on the off-chance that there are more than one Malerion fan among 7 billion people you are her. Have faith. GW would be irrational leaving money like that on the table. And when has geedubs ever been irration-


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36 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

Another day Without malerion is another Lost day in AoS….

I agree. I've been waiting for Malerion to play AoS.

I played Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarfs in WHFB. My Dark Elves got converted to Kings of War. I sold my Chaos Dwarfs for a lot of money after a couple of AoS games.

Whenever Malerion comes out, I'll finally buy into AoS. DoK were tempting, but I never liked Morathi. Especially how she was stealing Khaine's prayers. Aint right. I'm waiting for my King

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3 minutes ago, Red Bull said:

I agree. I've been waiting for Malerion to play AoS.

I played Dark Elves and Chaos Dwarfs in WHFB. My Dark Elves got converted to Kings of War. I sold my Chaos Dwarfs for a lot of money after a couple of AoS games.

Whenever Malerion comes out, I'll finally buy into AoS. DoK were tempting, but I never liked Morathi. Especially how she was stealing Khaine's prayers. Aint right. I'm waiting for my King

God, I hate Malerion... Got thrust into the Mortal Realms, granted Godhood just because. Morathi is a manipulator, but she had to work for everything she has in the Mortal Realms and fought the followers of Chaos and of Nagash, and also Kragnos. While Malerion did nothing after helping to chain Slaanesh. And he - I will never tire to criticize that - sl@tshamed his mother in that short story. 

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