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Another ‘great to see Destruction getting the love and updates’ from me.


Seeing the Gorgers go from what - even at the time was considered one of GW’s ugliest sculpts - into something that looks genuinely terrifying is my favourite part of this.


Edited by Souleater
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What is the mini troggoth on the kings shoulder!

Edit:Also Im sure I recall halflings being diminutive ogres In WFB? Could be mis rememberinh. This little guy did make me think though that it would be great to have mini ogors for CoS or for Ogor kingdoms.

Edited by CDM
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Trugg the Trogg! Gloomspite continues to be the unofficial main characters of GA Destruction. His model is great, he's like an overgrown Dankhold with that ancient magic shrine. Love the cave drawings carved into his flesh and baby troggoths climbing around. Dankholds already looked ancient, but this new named Dankhold looks like he fell asleep in the tomb of Gilgamesh or something.

Ironjawz wave 2 looks great too. It only took them... 7 years? Ironjawz was one of those factions I liked the idea of, but hated the lack of unit diversity. Now they seem tempting. This is getting them a lot of new units;

• Orruk Berserkers

• Weird Berserkers

• Giant Grunta

• Giant Grunta with Boss

• Ardboy Big Boss

• Klonk the squig (and that other guy)

• Reworked Ardboyz, with better armor and it sounds like the spears give Total War-esque charge defense rules.

Oh, and Gorgers for the Ogors. Seems like a good time to be a Destruction fan.

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Just woke up, you know the deal, it's opinion time!

40k/30k: not my thing. When I looked at the marines I literally yawned, but it might be cause it's early lol. One thing I must admit is that today I found out that mark III is my favourite space marine armor. Oh, and like @Twisted Firaun said, this version of fulgrim, more that anything, makes me curious of how effed up he looks 10 millenias later

Underworlds: I think my perception of the slaneesh warband might be altered by the fact that when I first saw the silhouette of the bloated one, I thought they were gonna be nautical cthulhu-esque monstrosities, not just slaneeshi demons. Still rather cool, I like that lorefully they hate each other, fitting for demons. And the idoneth are always a hit for me, I need that squid. GW marketing really knows how to get me with those sea critters

Warcry: I'm very happy gorgers are finally getting renewed, even if they're not my cup of tea. Guess it means I'm gonna have to split the box with someone, because I still want/need the doggos and the star wars tatooine terrain is cool too

AoS proper: E-R-A O-F T-H-E B-E-A-S-T!!! Finally it earns its name. The troggoth is very impressive, definitely a centerpiece for the gitz. Painting hin would be a nightmare though lol. Ironjawz are now a proper, great army. I'm also pleasantly surprised that the rules supplememt is free. The ardboyz are an absolute gem and have my supressing me urge to buy random units from armies I don't play. And my reactions to the brutes can only be conveyed through a meme:


Edited by GenericEdgyName
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While I love to see the gorgers, I really do, probably one of the most needed refreshes in all AoS… Ironjaws won this one hands down.

We prob should’ve anticipated a dual kit for the weirdbrute/ragers and it works, both look good. Will be interesting to see how they’re differentiated ruleswise.  Ardboys are the star though, fantastic sculpts. I still want to see a size comparison with brutes but tbh my concerns about a meaningful visual difference have been pretty much put to rest. Lockstep spears and shields go a good way towards keeping their disciplined background.

Otherwise, well, Trugg is no Throgg (Throgg, my beloved) but a fine sculpt, almost like a big friendly Finnish woodland monster. Vampires are great, love the flouncy romantic shirts on the thralls, a gang of poets hypnotised onto the blood bowl pitch. Marines are marines and when the whole release is effectively upscaled old minis, it makes it even more boring than usual. Fulgrim is a real surprise, amazing mini if a sign of release weirdness, but already has EC players tearing their hair out and proclaiming that their faction is being squatted in 40k.

Some really good stuff here though. I wonder who the Warcry Kruleboys will be paired with.

Edited by sandlemad
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Age of Sigmar
Cities Battletome + Infrantry + Cavalry + Foot Marshall + Mounted + the Not-Ogor + Alchemist + Manticore + Fusiliers + Pontifex + Command Group + Cannon
Mistery book Winter
Dawnbringer: Orruks + THE HYPE BOAR + Big Boss + Ardboyz + Big Brutes + Anvilsmasha + Trugg + Vanguard
Dawnbringer: 3
Dawnbringer: 4

Scenary outside
Warbands Orde
2 Warbands (Order vs Death)
2 Warbands (who knows)
Krule Monsta-hunta
Cities Doggy Hunters + Gorgers

Starter Set Again?!
Slaanesh vs Idoneth Core box
Destro Warband
Rival Deck 2

Horus Heresy
Two more Cerastus type Knights
Old Spaceship returns
MKIII Army box
Assault Squad
Mistery Army
Legion Command Squad
Lords of War
Horus weapons
Exemplary Book

Warhammer 40k
Space Marines Codex - Launch Complete army
Marines from Agastus
Adeptus Mechanicus
Dark Angels
Adeptus Custodes
T'au Empire
Chaos Space Marines

Kill Team 


Old World
Bretonnian Paladin + Standard Bearer + Unicorn hero
Tomb Kings Hero

Blood Bowl
Grashnak Blackhoof    
Ivan the bones
Vampire Team
Count Luthor

Epic HH
The box
Dire wolfs
Support box (Deredeo, Leviathan, Tarantula & Rapier)
Support Auxilia
New terrain

Updated list post event!

Edited by Nezzhil
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40/30k: I got really hyped seeing yesterday the Space Marine 2 trailer but the minis... c'mon! They all look the same and the same all the time!!

Fullgrim is awesome, but prepare the pocket, I would imagine it close to 200$ cause... Forgeworld...

AoS: Awesomenauts. Was worried about the Brutes/Ardboys but they are easy to distinguish. A nice job. I think our new trogoth king would look even better when we see other painters picking it.

The picks from minis when they were talking about Darnbringers 2 got me thinking. Poster boys and CoS joining the action?

Wacry: As a new player I had to really look for the Ogors to see if they were Ogors or a new FEC unit, cause all the bones on the body. Not my cup of tea, but I will buy 2 and sell everyhing that is not CoS 😅.

Underworlds: Average bands imo. The new icy setting looks interesting. Maybe icy/ snowy themed minis coming?

BB: The faces are cool, but BB poses are not for me.

ToW: The head of the unicorn looks a bit small, appart from that is looks awesome. Just a shame that it is resin... cause if GW is overpriced, Forge is just the next level...

Edited by Ejecutor
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8 minutes ago, Beliman said:

Such a great preview!

Everything seems good to awesome. Until Fulgrim, that touches perfection. And that's something that completely fits him.


It is an Army of Renown like the 40k armies of renown of the multiple campaigns. It is not a Regiment of Renown.

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7 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

It is an Army of Renown like the 40k armies of renown of the multiple campaigns. It is not a Regiment of Renown.

I hope you are right.

Armies of Renown are a bunch of rules to play a thematic army. Regiments of Renown are battalions that can't be used by their main army. 

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2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I hope you are right.

Armies of Renown are a bunch of rules to play a thematic army. Regiments of Renown are battalions that can't be used by their main army. 

Big Brodd have one, are they gonna add a RoR of >1000 points? It doesn't make sense so the AoR is the only possibility

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What a stunning set of reveals. There is not one I'm even feeling, 'meh' about. Even love the Blood Bowl team. 

I did not expect those Gorgers!!! Lovely sculpts. I can only dream what new Yhetis would look like!

Ironjawz....Ironjawz, Ironjawz, Ironjawz. They've turned a relatively small faction from the beginnings of AoS and fleshed them out perfectly. Those Ardboyz, are absolutely perfect, just for the fact alone each helmet is different, gorgeous designs. The Anvilsmashes sword reminds me of one of the World of Warcraft swords/daggers. Will look extra nice modelled as a flaming sword at the end instead of metal I reckon.

Whitefang dropped a cheeky hint exactly for the new Brute designs and I didn't even realise, you glorious rumour god.

I did expect the Old World box sets or the plastic Pegasus leak, but the Damsel is beautifully sculpted in resin. 

Fulgrim, don't even have to say anything further. 

 If this is what they've done for Ironjawz, I can't bloody wait to see what's in store for the noble Carnivore Courts.



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Only had a quick look between waking up and work, but I love all of the Ironjawz. It's going to be an expensive Saturday if they drop them all at once. 

I'm more of a collector, than gamer, but the free rules update for them sounds like good news as well. 

The Big Trogg looks impressive and if it wasn't for the giant IJ release, i'd likly be eyeing him up alongside some rock troggs. There will be plenty of time for that in the future however. 

The gorgers are also very nice, they've been a long time coming and from what we can see, they've done them justice. 

Loving the potbellied Slaanesh deamon also, I hope they release that warband on it's own as it'll be something fun to paint as a distraction from all of the destruction. 


For the none AoS stuff. The marines are everything new marines should've been from the start. Nice modern sculpts for old units. They don't need to make up some special new primaris type unit, just give people newly scaled versions of the classics imo. 

It's sure tempting to start 1st company strike force using those new kits, again if it wasn't for the IJ release I think I'd be on that day one. 

Fulgrim looks amazing. I'd love to see that in person or 360 to see all the details. 


All in all, a great preview personally, I'll try to catch time later and go over the articles\images more closely. 

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Some great models there for destruction fans. Nice to see that the ironjawz rules will be released as a free downloadble document which could also be good news for future faction releases (looking at you Kurnothi)

Speaking of Kurnothi, was a little surprised to see the ogors and cities paired together was expecting sylvaneth/Kurnothi. As there is one more order warband to be revealed does this mean they will be a separate release or paired with krullboyz warband?

All this means that we could be looking at Kurnothi for book 3, maybe a couple of kits to be revealed together. I hope so. 

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Just now, Baz said:

Some great models there for destruction fans. Nice to see that the ironjawz rules will be released as a free downloadble document which could also be good news for future faction releases (looking at you Kurnothi)

Speaking of Kurnothi, was a little surprised to see the ogors and cities paired together was expecting sylvaneth/Kurnothi. As there is one more order warband to be revealed does this mean they will be a separate release or paired with krullboyz warband?

All this means that we could be looking at Kurnothi for book 3, maybe a couple of kits to be revealed together. I hope so. 

A hero for the Dawnbringer book and a warcry warband is my bet right now

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It’s not AoS, but Daemon Fulgrim might be the best model they’ve ever put out. I really don’t envy the eventual plastic one having to follow that. 

The new Ironjawz stuff is excellent. I was worried the Ardboys would be just brutes-lite, but they look well differentiated (and a lot better in my opinion). I think my biggest issue is how much better a lot of this second wave is to the first! Roll on second waves for other small armies (also free rules supplement for them is a nice touch). 

Im a little torn on Trugg. It’s cool but I think there’s a bit much going on. New Gorgers are obviously a huge glowup from the one they had. Both underworlds bands are very cool. This was a really good preview overall, plenty shown and there’s nothing I dislike. 

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1 hour ago, Acrozatarim said:

Those Gorgers are fantastic - such a huge improvement on the old models.

They might look nice, but now that the Gorgers are no longer ballin', what are the Mawtribes going to do when Sigmar proclaims the start of the Space Jam in the next edition? I just don't thnk these new Gorgers can really bring it on the court against a Stormcast Lord-Slammer or even a Soulblight Blocklord, tbh.


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The reveals are far beyond my expectations this time.

Gorgers are awesome. Didn't see it comming, but ass far as I am concerned an update of the gorger was most needed, mor than i.e. gutbusters or maneaters. So couldn't be better. Gives me hope for the yethees (second on my list.) I think they fit really nice into the mawtribe range and really glad that I can add something different from an Ogre to my army, Having als a mawpit as terrain makes this a must buy for me 100%

The Trogoth King is fabuleous as well. I think something Trogoth was to be expected, but something at this scale was beyond what I was expecting. I wonder if the centerpieces from dawnbringer will have the same predictive value for what is comming in the next 1 or 2 years similar to the ones from Broken Realms.

Another pleasant surprise...that inodeth warband, the squid! Still got hope for Kraken kind of model one time.

Even the Vampires from bloodbowl, love the classic look. Might be the first Bloodbowl team I buy. Doesn't need much changes to have it fit into 

Lad Elisse, what a great model as well. So much detail. 

Fulgrim amazing!


And although Iron Jawz was never my cup tea, Love it nevertheless.


Edited by Lowki
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