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Everything posted by Ejecutor

  1. Don't you feel like Spearhead is starting to steep in Warcry's toes? Maybe the rumour about a Mordheim like game is true in the end.
  2. I also find it weird how the trident is hidden! The only thing that differentiates them a bit...
  3. But wouldn't be too much for the Skavens? - Yndrasta ==> Mounter Clawlord. - Vexillor ==> Warlock engineer. - 10 vanquishers ==> 20 Clan Rats. - 3 annihilators ==> 3-5 Jezzails. - Chariot ==> The mobile ratling. Rat Ogre/s ??
  4. If you want both, just pick the spearhead. Is a top pick in terms of savings. You can see the Steelhelms and Cavaliers and still have both for almost half the GW price of one of them.
  5. Where do you put the terrain, board and all that stuff in that equation? That's the problem if we compare it with Leviathan.
  6. Yeah. I think that was always the intention. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks, all our doubts will be cleared.
  7. If that's the case it is pretty sad that they always have to look for a workaround against scalpers. It is the same with the Hachette collectables. The first issue of the Mortal Realms was nuts in terms of value and people bought it by dozens, so it made them change its content.
  8. If GW is a bit following the media they know the confusion there's around this. Hopefully they give us a bone to clear the doubts soon.
  9. It is a launchbox. It will have a sweet discount. With Skavens on the box, it will sell like crazy.
  10. That's the problem. They said launch box on two different occasions. There's still a chance of them calling launch box to the starter sets internally and this being we are misled, but it is a minor one IMO.
  11. One thing to consider about this is that if the Hachette collectable follows the path of its 40k equivalent the next iteration will be formed by several Spearheads. If you have access to the collectable maybe is worth waiting a year or so.
  12. Do you mean the Gallet ones? I would also love it but don't you think people would be a bit disappointed? Especially if the launch box has less minis. If it has to contain terrain at least give us something that feels new.
  13. Currently I am more curious about how that terrain would look than about any more models from the box.
  14. Anything specific? Will we have codes in the boxes? What will we fight for? Maybe to retain/lose Hel Crown?
  15. Simple. Darkoaths were ready before the CoS refresh.
  16. LOL. Again the same thing with Loremasters. An episode's worth of content is pushed into two different episodes.
  17. Did you hear something about something similar to the campaign Leviathan got with codes inside the boxes?
  18. I don't think the Skavens Spearhead would have any old plastic model.
  19. Yeah, but we have more paper and cardboard content and the scenery. So either less minis or higher price.
  20. Yeah. Feels we've already seen 95% of the minis between the trailer and the warcom articles.
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