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5 minutes ago, DinoJon said:

I've been out at an event all weekend, have I missed any lizard rumors? 🦎 

A new Lizard species was discovered in Peru, named "Proctoporus titans" and it lives in the Andes mountains. 

Other than that, not much

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2 hours ago, Captaniser said:

A new Lizard species was discovered in Peru, named "Proctoporus titans" and it lives in the Andes mountains. 

Other than that, not much

From the TGA forum, scooper Captaniser says gw is making a new lizardmen/seraphon model called a 'proctoporus titan'. Model is rumored to be a sauropod based model 😛 😛


Edited by StarFyreXXX
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2 hours ago, Ogregut said:

I think we might see the rest of the lizards at the open weekend, this coming Saturday and Sunday. 

Would make sense as while it would be a big deal, it's a line we're expecting so they can save bigger reveals for adpetacon. 

That's a good point. As they want to keep something good to show at the weekend, I wouldn't expect anything special today. 

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1 hour ago, Lich King said:

What are the odds of a Dawnbringer Crusades reveal @ Adepticon ? It feels like a meme at this point. should of at least had some basic trailer showing troops by now …

I would say chances are low. Just because there are too many other books coming out first. As long as we have not seen all of Seraphon, I would not expect Dawnbringers, at least.

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30 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I would say chances are low. Just because there are too many other books coming out first. As long as we have not seen all of Seraphon, I would not expect Dawnbringers, at least.

Full Dawnbringer reveal will still be far in the future but I could see them at least showing a single model as a teaser. Since Warhammer Fest will for sure be 40k 10th edition so I wouldn't expect anything else big at that. So if they want to start the Dawnbringer reveals at an event it will have to be even later than that

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If Flesh Eaters get a sizable release (at least, beyond the standard pity hero) in Autumn, then I wouldn't be surprised if Dawnbringers end up being a winter release. We might even end up with an "army box in December, full release in January" situation like StD. It would fit with the roughly two year release schedule we know GW has and similarly align with how long the Sisters of Battle took from their announcement to release with the teaser blogs inbetween

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On 2/26/2023 at 6:56 PM, Clan's Cynic said:

Kharadrons pre-order next week ALREADY!

Also the Regiments of Renown and Underworlds DoK.



The rumours were true this time! 



Cawdor riders
Outlander Beastmaster Millisaurs & Ripperjacks  (Forgeworld)

Age of Sigmar
Special Darkoath
Regiments of Renown
Kharadron Bt, cards, dices and new Hero

Spring Chaos Battletome
Spring Chaos Battletome
Spring Death Battletome
Spring Death Battletome
Seraphon Battletome - Slann, Saurus, Skink riders, Astrolith, Salamander and much more

Nightmare's Quest

Morathi Aelves + rival's deck

Horus Heresy
Alpha Legion heads + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)
Raven Guard heads + Pauldrons (Forgeworld)
Exodus (Forgeworld)
Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer

Despoilers upgrade kit
Contemptor Dreadnought
Heads 1 & 2
Daemon Assassin
Sicaran Venator

Warhammer 40k
Special Commissar
World Eaters Combat Patrol
Azrael, Dark Angel
Wrath of the Soul Forge King
Brutalis Dreadnought
Desolation Squad
Primaris Lieutenant
Arks of Omen: Vashtorr + Vashtorr
Arks of Omen: Unknown
Boarding Boxes Grey Knights, Necrons, Genestealers, Daemons, Death Guard, Mechanicus, Aeldari, Drukhari

 Kill Team 

Osgiliath terrain boxes

Blood Bowl
Puggy and Cindy
Skinks duo

I'm going to remove the GSG/Beasts dices. :(

Edited by Nezzhil
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1 hour ago, Matrindur said:

Full Dawnbringer reveal will still be far in the future but I could see them at least showing a single model as a teaser. Since Warhammer Fest will for sure be 40k 10th edition so I wouldn't expect anything else big at that. So if they want to start the Dawnbringer reveals at an event it will have to be even later than that

It's alway a possibility. Dawnbringers don't necessarily play by the normal hype building rules. They got confirmed to be in the works last May, after all (which I am super grateful for, by the way, otherwise we would definitely be hearing everyone speculate about Cities getting squatted right now).

They are my personal most anticipated release. I'm just trying not to set myself up for disappointment in terms of expecting reveals any time soon.

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36 minutes ago, Grungnisson said:

Varying degree of savings there. Soulblight one, for instance, gives you nearly 23% off, while the dwarfs only around 20%. KO Vanguard box is actually fantastic value, as it offers 37% off the individual kits.

That's obviously on full GW RRPs, your local FLGS mileage will vary.

Rune-Throng you more or less get the Runelord for free at RRP as it stands now. I guess these are already at the 'new prices', so if Longbeards and Ironbreakers go up in price (and there's every reason to believe they will) then 'technically' it's better than that. I suppose the other way to look at it is there's no other way to get Longbeards at a discount, so if you're after some it's not bad.

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7 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

Rune-Throng you more or less get the Runelord for free at RRP as it stands now. I guess these are already at the 'new prices', [...]

Sure, but we'll have to wait and see what goes up by how much. I had a chat with a guy from a store recently and he said thet the 6% rise was supposed to be on average, with some kits actually staying as they are and others going up by far more than that. Also, allegedly, it's the bigger army boxes, starter sets etc that will go up the most. And additionally, different territories will get affected to different degrees, so if you're overseas from the UK, brace yourselves.

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