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Grungnisson last won the day on February 1

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Lord Castellant

Lord Castellant (8/10)



  1. Sure, if you ignore the fact that KoW is square-based, rank-and-file game, which is the opposite of what AoS is supposed to be, there's definitely no reason why GW shouldn't implement a similar design. Oh, and aside from the fact that they only just released a different, square-based, rank-and-file game. But other than that, there's absolutely no reason.
  2. Oh my god, yes... Revenants, Harridans, Grimghasts... are nigh on unplayable if they need to be this close.
  3. In short, you can still count like we have so far. What it really means, is that you don't have to track, who's wounded. It's just declaring that 'one of these lads/lasses has one wound remaining'.
  4. Also, at this point, GW is just actively trolling the Skaven players, aren't they?
  5. I can already see Shoot in Combat missing from all KO warscrolls, to be updated in an FAQ two weeks after release.
  6. Don't you think it's possible to have a model that's actually worth fifty quid? Because GW has much more expensive kits and people seem to buy them all the time. Other than that, all the standard commemorative minis are within the £25 range, so why would this be any different? Not that there is any reason to expect one, bar wishlisting at this point, of course.
  7. I wasn't entirely joking. Seeing the mortal care workers and the IDK inclusion in Blacktalons, I guess we need now to be open to the idea that Stormcast are far less homogenic and mono-aesthetic now.
  8. Therefore, more Stormcast, probably. I mean, we've just made rome room, innit? (too soon?)
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