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Didn’t expect a full army, mostly because it just a weird time to do it with how back up they are with release. I guess this is why this year going to be light on AoS it because they had a lot of release and more new army comming out for 40k. Rumor is that both world eaters, IG, and daemons are also big releases

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1 hour ago, Nos said:

It's more spacce suits though. From a painting perspective those are all components ready available throughout 40k- space suit, human head, cool gun. 

I was hoping for something more like the Nordic Jerkin wearing Frontiersman sort of aesthetic, like the Necromunda guy. That would have been an interesting theme to develop and a much needed injection of some of the punkish energy of Rogue Trader and 40k that is being buried under corporate sheen right now.

More Dwarfs who are heavily armoured and technologically proficient in a Universe populated by numerous existing heavily armoured factions who are technologically proficient? Yawn.

Hopefully there will be Dwarf Women though. That would be exciting.


All very good points but considering your artistic skill I imagine these new Squats being an open canvas. 😁

I think I like them because they have a retro futurist look that I think space marines and eldar both attempt and fail to capture. Of course much like KO I feel like we will really see the personality in this faction when we get to see their vehicles. 

I also will admit that despite my hype 40k is a bridge to far and a cost to steep even for this hobby. I want to get the new Chaos Knights so badly but for about half the cost of an army I could make 2 SW Legion armies 😐

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They have a very modern sci-fi design, opposed to imperials that are inspired by gothic  influences. Compare the Squat to a Mantic Games miniature; there’s some significant similarities between the armor’s smoothness and “clean” look. 

Personally, I think the reason GW designed squats in this direction was to make them distinct from Imperial factions. They want the army to stand on its own, as opposed to getting lost in the sea of grimdark designs. 



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Hopefully they don' t do another 'technologically advanced shooty race without psykers'. Would like T'au to remain their own thing, gameplay wise. 

But just judging from the look I really like these guys! And yes, Odin is Wotan in German/Germanic, and the W in German is pronounced like the V in English.

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I'm so excited!  I vowed long ago that I would finally collect a 40k army if Squats were ever brought back...and I will keep that promise.  My heart really sank when I thought it was just an Aprils fool joke. 

Things I liked:

1  -Renaming them from Squats (although I'm sure that nickname will stick around for a long time)
2 - Distancing them from the Imperium.  I want my Space Dwarves to stand on their own two feet!
3 - Not being drowned in grimdarkness, the thing that really makes me dislike 40k. 

Excited to see more of their roster in the near future!

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23 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

Hopefully they don' t do another 'technologically advanced shooty race without psykers'. Would like T'au to remain their own thing, gameplay wise. 

But just judging from the look I really like these guys! And yes, Odin is Wotan in German/Germanic, and the W in German is pronounced like the V in English.

Squats had Psykers in the fluff. My guess is they'll have a closer ranged, slightly more elite feel than Tau.

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31 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

Hopefully they don' t do another 'technologically advanced shooty race without psykers'. Would like T'au to remain their own thing, gameplay wise. 

But just judging from the look I really like these guys! And yes, Odin is Wotan in German/Germanic, and the W in German is pronounced like the V in English.

Squat had psykers though(living ancestors)...so i think they'll bring them back also.

I'm very happy about this announcement, i like that design-wise the armor seems similar to some extent to the Kharadron ones (light voidsuit and armor on top)....
I can't wait to see them! :D

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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1 hour ago, novakai said:

Didn’t expect a full army, mostly because it just a weird time to do it with how back up they are with release. I guess this is why this year going to be light on AoS it because they had a lot of release and more new army comming out for 40k. Rumor is that both world eaters, IG, and daemons are also big releases

And don't forget Horus Heresy new edition. Good luck for Aos getting releases other than those two mystery books (skaven, sylvaneth?) and Thondia book this year....

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2 minutes ago, Blueraven84 said:

And don't forget Horus Heresy new edition. Good luck for Aos getting releases other than those two mystery books (skaven, sylvaneth?) and Thondia book this year....

Yeah which was why I wasn’t to dismissive of the The honest wargamer rumor of those being it for AoS in terms of release for this year. Though I do think there is a least one more book in the fall hopefully.

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17 minutes ago, Blueraven84 said:

And don't forget Horus Heresy new edition. Good luck for Aos getting releases other than those two mystery books (skaven, sylvaneth?) and Thondia book this year....


13 minutes ago, novakai said:

Yeah which was why I wasn’t to dismissive of the The honest wargamer rumor of those being it for AoS in terms of release for this year. Though I do think there is a least one more book in the fall hopefully.

I guess it is starting to look that way. I agree on a third book coming though. At least it should mean a massive 2023 for AOS, especially if we get Single model Tome releases for the rest of the year.

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1 hour ago, ÞórarinnSig said:

Óðinn, also known as Odin, Wodan, or Wotan. Would be my guess. Lots of good dwarf names in Norse Mythology. 

This. And if we trace back dwarves in geek culture to their progenitor (i.e Tolkien), we'll find that lot of classic dwarf names are just taken straight from Norse mythology and especially the Norse equivalent of dwarves. And as 40K names in general are derivative (and I don't say that to degrade) but get an unique spin to them, I'm personally very pleased with this. I mean, it could have been a lot worse.

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Yes I'm stupidly excited by the arrival of Squats and as a full faction! They weren't what I was expecting but really hyped for them. They look like highly advanced Kharadron to me actually with carapace over their space suits, like the KO environmental suits. I'm guessing their helmets will tie them closer to the dwarf design ethos the way the KO masks do. Also expecting more sophisticated armour for the elites and heroes as this is just a basic trooper. 

Super excited to see more and can't wait to get my mitts on them! 

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12 hours ago, Maogrim said:

Ah, my unwavering champion of hate against Aelves. Never change! :)

In the meantime will be here, defending the Mountain Realm and doing hammers and bovine themed imagery and monsters better than Chaos Dwarfs ever could. ;)

Quality not quantity my elongated teclian sock puppet.

when the sons of hashut finally reveal themselves and unleash in all their glory there will be no floating polyhedral dice to cloud the mind.  Only fire, furnaces and a heathy dose of daemonbound weaponry and artillery to delight your eyeballs and exciteables.

we may have big hats, but our troosers remain respectable.

oh yes indeed. Indeedy yes.


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+++ MOD HAT +++

As exciting and ground breaking as it is to hear about Squats coming out, I just need to point out that two pages worth of discussion is a bit excessive on an Age of Sigmar forum.  The mods have been fairly chilled about release discussions outside AoS recently, please don't abuse that tolerance.

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So as GW seems to earnestly be trying to have some representation of all past factions with the return of Squats and eventual release of the Old World hopefully heralding the release of some missing factions and the lore hints of Chaos Dwarves in AOS will there be any formally fully playable factions missing?

The only thing I can think of is something that would work in both Old World and AOS:


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Ok.  Lets be real here.  That is an Arkonaught with a slightly different backpack, a different gun, and finally we get to see the face underneath.

Amazon.com: Games Workshop 99120205020" Kharadron Overlords Arkanaut  Company, Black : Arts, Crafts & Sewing

Sadly, I can't get a good rear-view image of an arkonaught... but seriously, the heads are different, the weapons are different, and the backpacks are different.  The rest of both models could easily fit into either universe and no one would know the difference.

Basically, what I'm saying here is:

New KO Units confirmed!


Edit: Ok, I looked at it a little bit more, and I'm pretty sure that no one would complain if you ran that 40k squat as a Grundstock Thunderer

Edited by readercolin
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I just want to gush over the LoV one last time. So high tech so cool will make some good conversion kits for balloon boys. Definitely starting an army. I really hope GW includes lots of bits in there to customize them like they do with lots of AoS kits these days.  

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4 hours ago, readercolin said:

Edit: Ok, I looked at it a little bit more, and I'm pretty sure that no one would complain if you ran that 40k squat as a Grundstock Thunderer

Agree with this, looks like a 32mm base to me which would proxy nicely. 
I wonder what the rest of the range will include, tanks? Or high tech flyers that KO players may be able to pilfer!

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11 hours ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

This. And if we trace back dwarves in geek culture to their progenitor (i.e Tolkien), we'll find that lot of classic dwarf names are just taken straight from Norse mythology and especially the Norse equivalent of dwarves. And as 40K names in general are derivative (and I don't say that to degrade) but get an unique spin to them, I'm personally very pleased with this. I mean, it could have been a lot worse.

More specifically, all the named dwarves in the list of the Voluspa are used somewhere (unsure about the dwarves outside that list), with one used for Gandalf (wand-elf) and the rest for dwarves. Which is part of an explanation why there are no named female dwarves, because they weren't named on that list.

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