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8 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

I'm hoping we see the tides table and some news on forgotten nightmares for Idoneth. High tide is one of the most powerful allegiance abilities that they've ever made. Forgotten nightmares is niche, but with the number of shooting units in the meta also has potential to be very potent.

Im fully expecting an A or S tier tome based on playtesters and competitive teams preparing for summer events.

T-they're painting Fyreslayers up too... r-right?


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2 hours ago, Kasper said:

I dont think you should expect any new unit for any updated faction this year. 1 hero and updated 3rd edition tome is likely how 2022 is gonna look.

I mean Nighthaunt already got CrossBoos which is already more the. The usual but outside them the other 4 tomes may not get anything more

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29 minutes ago, Noserenda said:

The next issue box says Harlequins for Kill team 

I wonder how many more tome celestials they gonna release. If the assumption that they indicate a battletome coming latter in the edition for the factions portrayed we got something like this so far:



- Cities of Sigmar  - Got a Tome Celestial

- Daughters of Khine - New tome soon

- Fyreslayers - New tome soon

- Idoneth Deepkin - New tome soon

- Kharadron Overlords - No Tome Celestial and no new tome rumors so far

- Lumineth Realm-Lord - No Tome Celestial and no new tome rumors so far

- Seraphon - Got a Tome Celestial

- Stormcast Eternals - Alredy got a 3rd edition tome

- Sylvaneth - Rumored to get a new tome soon



- Beasts of Chaos -Got a Tome Celestial

- Blades of Khorne - No Tome Celestial and no new tome rumors so far

- Disciples of Tzeentch - No Tome Celestial and no new tome rumors so far

- Hedonites of Slaanesh - No Tome Celestial and no new tome rumors so far

- Magottking of Nurgle - Alredy got a 3rd edition tome

- Slaves to Darkness - Got a Tome Celestial

- Skaven - Rumored to get a new tome soon



- Flesh-eater Courts - No Tome Celestial and no new tome rumors so far

- Nighthaunt - New tome soon

- Ossiarch Bonereapers - Got a Tome Celestial

- Soulblight Gravelords - Got a Tome Celestial



Gloomspite Gitz - No Tome Celestial and no new tome rumors so far

Orruk Warclans - Alredy got a 3rd edition tome

Ogor Mawtribes - No Tome Celestial and no new tome rumors so far

Sons of Behemat - Got a Tome Celestial

This leave us with 8 factions without a Tome Celestial or a Battletome confirmed or rumored coming. I assume its safe to say we will see at least 4 more tomes on this year, on the second half of the year. Assuming no new faction been released, maybe we will get one or two of those 8 portrayed on Tomes Celestials on the following, which would help get a better idea about the remaining tomes for this year. Even if we get a huge amount of battletome releases on the second half of the year, we porbably gonna see a couple more of them.

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1 hour ago, HollowHills said:

I'm hoping we see the tides table and some news on forgotten nightmares for Idoneth. High tide is one of the most powerful allegiance abilities that they've ever made. Forgotten nightmares is niche, but with the number of shooting units in the meta also has potential to be very potent.

Im fully expecting an A or S tier tome based on playtesters and competitive teams preparing for summer events.

Showing the new Tides table is the single article I'm expecting for Idoneth. Hoping they get more previews, but the Tides are a guarantee for sure

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2 hours ago, HollowHills said:

I'm hoping we see the tides table and some news on forgotten nightmares for Idoneth. High tide is one of the most powerful allegiance abilities that they've ever made. Forgotten nightmares is niche, but with the number of shooting units in the meta also has potential to be very potent.

Im fully expecting an A or S tier tome based on playtesters and competitive teams preparing for summer events.

Forgotten Nightmares niche? In this meta?

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2 hours ago, HollowHills said:

I'm hoping we see the tides table and some news on forgotten nightmares for Idoneth. High tide is one of the most powerful allegiance abilities that they've ever made. Forgotten nightmares is niche, but with the number of shooting units in the meta also has potential to be very potent.

Im fully expecting an A or S tier tome based on playtesters and competitive teams preparing for summer events.

Forgotten Nightmares niche? In this meta?

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Sorry to dash your hopes mate, but the difference in weight is only 7 grams, not 70 grams. 0.2948 kg = 294.8 g.

16 hours ago, Matrindur said:

We already have the price list for the increase but I did overlook something.


There is one entry that stays at 35€ and seems to be the only model kit in the green part of the spreadsheet which otherwise only has starter sets, paints, hobyb tools and books which also don't get a price increase. But there are other models that are in the normal yellow part of the list that also don't get a price increase so that shouldn't be what the color means.

And then there is the second entry which goes up to 40€ and also includes the new date of 23.07.

Also both have the same size but different weight but thats probably just packaging so they should be staying at 16 per box




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3 hours ago, Enoby said:

It sounds good until you see the damage potential of most BoK warscrolls 🥲

What do you mean? The most killy bloodthirster (a bloodthirster being one of THE most killy things in the warhammer universe) who only has combat, no shooting, no magic, average save and average move does a mighty 7 wounds average to a 4+ save. That's amazing! (Sarcasm).

2 or 3 damage more on average than a megaboss... FROM A BLOODTHIRSTER

Edited by Ghoooouls
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At this point i havent any hope in fs.

Worst scrolls of entire aos.

Recicled art of tome.

No new units even if is the smallest army of entire aos.

And now the preview of new rules that explain how a unit of vulkites cost 170 with 3 damage in melle and is balanced and.........are tye same rules of 2.0 with only a sligth buff to non used runes and a useless new hero skill that is worse than generics.

New scrolls are so bad that only huge things as every attack makes mortals at 4+. Or every dwarf attack twice. Or a +1 attack armywide could close the gap with the  nerfs.....for sure these same 2.0 runes wont change anithing

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7 hours ago, Doko said:

At this point i havent any hope in fs.

Worst scrolls of entire aos.

Recicled art of tome.

No new units even if is the smallest army of entire aos.

And now the preview of new rules that explain how a unit of vulkites cost 170 with 3 damage in melle and is balanced and.........are tye same rules of 2.0 with only a sligth buff to non used runes and a useless new hero skill that is worse than generics.

New scrolls are so bad that only huge things as every attack makes mortals at 4+. Or every dwarf attack twice. Or a +1 attack armywide could close the gap with the  nerfs.....for sure these same 2.0 runes wont change anithing

It's all about your expectations. I'm not saying that Fyreslayers shouldn't have a second wave, but I think that you had something diferent in mind.

Btw, talking about rules and "how bad are we going to be" is pointless when we only know that fyreslayers still have the same battle trait (with some little buffs here and there). How many other battle traits are they going to have? What are their subfaction abilities? Their artefacts? Prayers? Etc...

Btw, @Whitefang has wrote that some warscroll abilities are going to be removed from their warscrolls and moved to their battletome... anyone remember if fyreslayer's warscrolls lost any ability? Sworn Protectors anyone?

I know, it's just wishlist, but it could be really good for an army with so many heroes.

Edited by Beliman
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5 minutes ago, Beliman said:

It's all about your expectations. I'm not saying that Fyreslayers shouldn't have a second wave, but I think that you had a really big expextations.

Btw, talking about rules and "how bad are we going to be" is pointless when we only know that fyreslayers still have the same battle trait (with some little buffs here and there). How many other battle traits are they going to have? What are their subfaction abilities? Their artefacts? Prayers? Etc...

Btw, @Whitefang has wrote that some warscroll abilities are going to be removed from their warscrolls and moved to their battletome... anyone remember if fyreslayer's warscrolls lost an ability? Sworn Protectors anyone?

I know, it's just wishlist, but it could be really good for an army with so mamy heroes.

Ehh removing abilities and placing them as battle traits isnt really a thing. If that was the case then most updated factions would have 10+ battle traits. The FS scrolls are just losing abilities without replacements or updates.

Look at Stormcast. Almost all their units lost stuff including every single command ability. None of that has returned in any way.

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3 hours ago, Malakithe said:

Ehh removing abilities and placing them as battle traits isnt really a thing. If that was the case then most updated factions would have 10+ battle traits. The FS scrolls are just losing abilities without replacements or updates.

I suppose that the bold part is just gloom&doom, unless you already read the battletome.

Just to make it clear, SCE, Orruks (all 3 clans) and Nurgle have 3 battle traits (or even more, like Bonnesplitterz) + 1 ability for each subfaction. That's what I expect for other armies.

Let's look at SCE:

  • In 2.0, SCE had shock and awe and Scions of the storm or Shield of civilization and Mortal Auxiliaries. (2 abilities).
  • In 3.0 they have Blaze of Glory, Scions of the Storm or Shield of Civilization and Holy Commands.

From what I know (not an SCE expert btw), Holy Commands are a mix of old CA/subfactions/ etc... and a completely new thing.

Let's look at Nurgle:

  • In 2.0, they had Cycle of Corruption and Summon Daemons of Nurgle. (2 abilities).
  • In 3.0, they have Diseased, Disgusting Resilient and Cycle of Corruptions (and Summon Daemons too). GW removed some of Nurgle's abilities like Disease-ridden Demise (nurglings) or Blighted Weapons (blightkings) to make room for Diseased. Same with Disgustingly Resilient...

What I'm saying is that moving an ability from a warscroll to a battle trait is not always a 1:1 thing. I'm pretty sure that you get the point of what I'm talking about.

Let's look at Fyreslayers:


3 hours ago, Malakithe said:

Look at Stormcast. Almost all their units lost stuff including every single command ability. None of that has returned in any way.

Yes. Orruks, Nurgle and SCE lost 99% of their CA. Only one or two survived, and I expect exactly the same for Fyreslayers and Deepkin.  Edit:  But I can see some of them in the new Holy Orders:

  • Thunderbolt Volley - Heroes of Another Age (Command)
  • Call for Aid - Souls of Stormhost (Command)
  • Steadfast March - Onwards to Glory (Knight Heraldor Ability).
  • Unleash thy Hatred - Righteous Hatred (Command).


Edited by Beliman
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33 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

Has any faction actually gotten better with the edition change, or have most been nerfed? I wonder if they are just generally scaling back the power level of the game? In which case they should have done it all at once via index books so that old factions don't dominate?

As usual, internal balance in the new tomes is all over the place, which makes it difficult to talk about whether any entire faction is better or worse. When you can build a 5/0 list and a 0/5 list out of the same book, how good does that make the faction?

Stormcast definitely increased in power, as long as you're talking about lists that field predominantly Fulminators and Longstrikes. If you're talking about the faction as a whole, they're pretty lame, lost a lot of thematic rules and are really only propped up (competitively) by their broken units.

Ironjawz are stronger than they were before, especially Mawkrushas. But Warclans overall? Depending on how much you wanted to field Bonesplitters, you'll have a very different perspective on the answer to that question.

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22 minutes ago, Kadeton said:

When you can build a 5/0 list and a 0/5 list out of the same book, how good does that make the faction?

I think that's true for all armies appart from the ones at the bottom (Gloomspite comes my mind). Some micro-armies can disguise that problem because they don't have enough units, but it's exactly the same: only a few units are used in the competitive scene.

Instead of Fulminators, Longstrikes and Dragons, we had HGB spam, Ironclad+WLV, Eeel spam, Morathi/Gotrek and/or snake spam, Mortek Spam (Petrifex), etc... With SCE having a larger roster than other armies, it's easy to see the problem.

I read that Nu'Nurgle has some flexibile and unique lists that let you use a bigger competitive roster (5++ army-wide helps a lot I suppose) and maybe Lumineth, but I'm not really sure about that.


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24 minutes ago, Beliman said:

I think that's true for all armies appart from the ones at the bottom (Gloomspite comes my mind). Some micro-armies can disguise that problem because they don't have enough units, but it's exactly the same: only a few units are used in the competitive scene.

Instead of Fulminators, Longstrikes and Dragons, we had HGB spam, Ironclad+WLV, Eeel spam, Morathi/Gotrek and/or snake spam, Mortek Spam (Petrifex), etc... With SCE having a larger roster than other armies, it's easy to see the problem.

I read that Nu'Nurgle has some flexibile and unique lists that let you use a bigger competitive roster (5++ army-wide helps a lot I suppose) and maybe Lumineth, but I'm not really sure about that.


Lumineth had more comp variety in 2.0, the battalions really helped the temple units over the Vanari. Now in 3.0 it's Teclis and sentinels or you're doing something more casual it feels like.

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11 minutes ago, pixieproxy said:

Lumineth had more comp variety in 2.0, the battalions really helped the temple units over the Vanari. Now in 3.0 it's Teclis and sentinels or you're doing something more casual it feels like.

Temples were designed with battalions in mind, then 3rd came, battalions went to narrative and the incoherent coherency rules and the price of some of the most useless units (hurakans, alariths, ballista, ELTHARION) did the rest.  

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