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16 minutes ago, Bosskelot said:

No. it's 100% a Chaos Knight.

Look at how the trailer is edited together: 3-4 sequential shots of the same model, before moving onto the next one. They aren't going to insert a Chaos Dwarf model in between the Chaos Knight's shots. Unless Chaos Dwarfs are also going to have Volkite weaponry and Knight carapace armour.

So you're saying that chaos dwarfs will be a 40k faction?


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58 minutes ago, Maogrim said:

I would love for Daughters to get a second warband, considering that Nighthaunt have three, Ironjawz have two and so on... But that model is 100% a Dark Eldar Wytch.

It's 100% not. Dark Eldar Wyches look like steroid-overdosed rockers out of the 80s. The shown model's loadout is also impossible to achieve with Wyches (they always have a pistol or some of the special weapons, what we see is neither). You can also not see any bags or grenates on her belt.
So 100% AoS Aelf imo. :)

Edited by JackStreicher
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Really disappointed by this preview...
The only things  think that these models will comes out soon as Eldar are imminent and Nighthaunt probably will be the next Battletome after the Fyreslayers and Idoneth ones(so probably Q1 of 2022).
Still getting only an hero seems bad for Nighthaunt...let's see how it pans out but seems a rough start for Aos.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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15 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

I am referring to this post and the following ones by the same user:


It correctly guessed the Pirate Ogor (albeit after the parrot was revealed) but also specified the monkey.

I choose to believe this rumour, we'll get confirmation once the next warband is revealed. A necromancer + undead is a wild but not impossible guess with the lightning hint.

Which means CoS / Malerion Aelves core box. Which as a CoS/Darkling Covens player really excites me.

That Aelf in the preview is so confusing... it's a Sister of Slaughter.... If it is from the Mortal realms it's an odd model. Maybe a new hero for Cursed city, a member of the Underworlds Malerion elves... a little dissapointing design-wise. 

Unless as hinted above it's actually the Beast handler of some creepy crawly creature from Ulgu! The bland design is so it doesn't pull away from the crazy monster.

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Just now, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Really disappointed by this preview...
The only things  think that these models will comes out soon as Eldar are imminent and Nighthaunt probably will be the next Battletome after the Fyreslayers and Idoneth ones.
Still getting only an hero seems bad for Nighthaunt...let's see how it pans out but seems a rough start for Aos.

It is the fate of being a fantasy fan in this hobby, just like it was during the life of WHFB. You can't support AoS too much. Imagine, a fandom going for more than a couple months without a new Primaris Lieutenant! You wouldn't be so monstrous to wish that upon our 40K-loving cousins, would you?

Jokes aside, even if I knew no duardin dreams would be fulfilled tonight, I expected to leave the teaser hyped, but closest AoS-themed teases are a IDK/Umbraneth UW miniature and a new Nighthaunt, which means AoS continues to get just single model releases alongside battletomes. I must remain strong... 😭

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It looks like a straight swap with last year for 40k and AoS. In January to may last year AoS got big releases for Slaanesh, Lumineth and Soulblight a big narrative expansion with new minis and cursed city. 

This year 40k are getting big releases for chaos Knights, Eldar and Chaos Marines, a big narrative expansion with new minis (inquisitor and Tyranid) plus more Killteam. 


Last year 40k didn't get a major release until the Sisters in June. Nurgle, admech and  dark Eldar got just one mini each. 


Here's hoping AoS doesn't have to wait that long. 

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7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

It looks like a straight swap with last year for 40k and AoS. In January to may last year AoS got big releases for Slaanesh, Lumineth and Soulblight a big narrative expansion with new minis and cursed city. 

This year 40k are getting big releases for chaos Knights, Eldar and Chaos Marines, a big narrative expansion with new minis (inquisitor and Tyranid) plus more Killteam. 


Last year 40k didn't get a major release until the Sisters in June. Nurgle, admech and  dark Eldar got just one mini each. 


Here's hoping AoS doesn't have to wait that long. 

Probably the worst problem is that aos still has factions with 4 units...the battletome+hero thing is normal for 40k armies less for Aos native ones.
We also got those 6 months of delays also but the 40k does'nt seems affected by it much as aos(last but not least the whole dragon problem).
The good side of that is that 40k is finally giving xenos more love than usual.
But mybe i'm just being too pessimistic, i'm just worried that this edition many armies in dire need of models will get nothing  other than the usual hero.

Edited by Snorri Nelriksson
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7 minutes ago, Chikout said:

It looks like a straight swap with last year for 40k and AoS. In January to may last year AoS got big releases for Slaanesh, Lumineth and Soulblight a big narrative expansion with new minis and cursed city. 

This year 40k are getting big releases for chaos Knights, Eldar and Chaos Marines, a big narrative expansion with new minis (inquisitor and Tyranid) plus more Killteam. 


Last year 40k didn't get a major release until the Sisters in June. Nurgle, admech and  dark Eldar got just one mini each. 


Here's hoping AoS doesn't have to wait that long. 

Most of those releases should drop by the half of the year, like happened to the preview last year. It's possible we gonna se more release for AoS in the second half of the year, as the first half look like will be just the Idoneth, Fyreslayers and Nighthaunt releases.

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Just now, Snorri Nelriksson said:

Probably the worst problem is that aos still has factions with 4 units...the battletome+hero thing is normal for 40k armies less for Aos native ones.
We also got those 6 months of delays also but the 40k does'nt seems affected by it much as aos(last but not least the whole dragon problem).
But mybe i'm just being too pessimistic, i'm just worried that this edition many armies in dire need of models will get nothing  other than the usual hero.

Yeah, that's the main difference. It hurts way more for most AoS armies to get skipped over for an edition than their 40k equivalents, who still have rosters of dozens of models, even if they're aged.

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18 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

It's 100% not. Dark Eldar Wyches look like steroid-overdosed rockers out of the 80s. The shown model's loadout is also impossible to achieve with Wyches (they always have a pistol or some of the special weapons, what we see is neither). You can also not see any bags or grenates on her belt.
So 100% AoS Aelf imo. :)

Alright, I concede my previous position and suggest the opposite then. 

But I'm pretty sure it's not Idoneth either. She has hair, and if I'm not mistaken all Idoneth are either bald and/or wear helmets/head pieces.

Will gladly buy her if she's anything for Daughters of Khaine. 

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29 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

Reminder that this thread has had another prophet who was right about ogor pirate maneaters, and they claimed the next UW starter would include Malerion aelves.

Could this mean the whipped aelf is...M...M...



God I really hope not. It just looks like a DoK model, which isn’t what I’m expecting from Malerions elves. 

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1 hour ago, madmac said:

Yeah, that's the main difference. It hurts way more for most AoS armies to get skipped over for an edition than their 40k equivalents, who still have rosters of dozens of models, even if they're aged.

Can't agree.

I've been asked several times by my friends to start a 40k army. I had two attempts and both ended in conceding. Firstly I was into Drukhari but than saw how awfully aged most of the models are. Same goes for majority of armies. They really deserve some fresh minis. It's the first time I really think I will start one army - Eldar. If they are supported by something more than a hero and avatar that is.

Almost all AoS armies have modern looking models. We are like years ahead in terms of acceptable models.

Edited by Aeryenn
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Saw someone link the vulture/bird of prey sitting on the chaos knight's pauldron to this rumour engine. Explains why it's eyeless and creepy but does close out another potential ogre/beastclaw link.

Although... are they actually the same? Same hook on their wing, same face, but I'm struggling to see what's a different pose and what's just foreshortening from the angle. Apparently there's also another bird somewhere in the background.



Screenshot 2022-01-01 at 18.27.36.png

Edited by sandlemad
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1 hour ago, Arzalyn said:

Most of those releases should drop by the half of the year, like happened to the preview last year. It's possible we gonna se more release for AoS in the second half of the year, as the first half look like will be just the Idoneth, Fyreslayers and Nighthaunt releases.

This sounds most likely. Thatll be 3 Order, 1 Death, 1 Destruction and 1 Chaos Tome out in the first year of AOS, not what we wanted but 6 Tomes is roughly one every 2 months.

Leaving the latter half of 2022 to AOS, with Ogor Summer rumoured that could be the start of things to come.

39 minutes ago, sandlemad said:

Saw someone link the vulture/bird of prey sitting on the chaos knight's pauldron to this rumour engine. Explains why it's eyeless and creepy but does close out another potential ogre/beastclaw link.

Although... are they actually the same? Same hook on their wing, same face, but I'm struggling to see what's a different pose and what's just foreshortening from the angle. Apparently there's also another bird somewhere in the background.



Screenshot 2022-01-01 at 18.27.36.png

Oh damn I never wouldve guessed a Chaos Knight in a million years from that RE!! Good spotting whomever caught that!! 

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48 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

Leaving the latter half of 2022 to AOS, with Ogor Summer rumoured that could be the start of things to come.

I got my first real Ogors
Bought ‘em at the Games Workshop
Played ‘em 'til my fingers bled
Was the summer of Ogor tribes

Me and some pals from school
Had a game and we tried real hard.
Jimmy quit, Jody got tabled
I should've known we'd never get far

Oh, when I look back now
That summer seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Yeah, I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life
-Ogoryan Adams

Now lets hope for something great for the Mawtribes or else I will have to post my Gnoblar inspired lyrics for (Everything I Do) I Do It for You... which is really the lyrics of the original song unchanged but sung to a Gnoblar. 

My guess though is just a plastic butcher and maybe some Gargant soup. Not based on anything other than the Gargant packed into the Battleforce indicating that maybe GW sees a link between the two armies.

Edited by Neverchosen
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1 hour ago, sandlemad said:

Saw someone link the vulture/bird of prey sitting on the chaos knight's pauldron to this rumour engine. Explains why it's eyeless and creepy but does close out another potential ogre/beastclaw link.

Although... are they actually the same? Same hook on their wing, same face, but I'm struggling to see what's a different pose and what's just foreshortening from the angle. Apparently there's also another bird somewhere in the background.



Screenshot 2022-01-01 at 18.27.36.png

I for sure thought that rumour was from the missing Kruleboyz model. Looking back at the missing model it really didn't match up with the RE, which can only mean one thing.

Giant swamp mechs for Kruleboyz!! Battleline in Skullbugz lets go!

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2 hours ago, Still-young said:

God I really hope not. It just looks like a DoK model, which isn’t what I’m expecting from Malerions elves. 

I still think it is an indication that Daughters of Khaine and Malerion's Aelves will be closely associated. If not soup than at least coalitions.

But nothing really jumps out at me, I am thinking I will stick to my three armies and maybe pick up Star Wars legions in the meantime while I wait for some things that tie to my armies/collections. 

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2 hours ago, Neverchosen said:

I got my first real Ogors
Bought ‘em at the Games Workshop
Played ‘em 'til my fingers bled
Was the summer of Ogor tribes

Me and some pals from school
Had a game and we tried real hard.
Jimmy quit, Jody got tabled
I should've known we'd never get far

Oh, when I look back now
That summer seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice
Yeah, I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life
-Ogoryan Adams

Now lets hope for something great for the Mawtribes or else I will have to post my Gnoblar inspired lyrics for (Everything I Do) I Do It for You... which is really the lyrics of the original song unchanged but sung to a Gnoblar. 

My guess though is just a plastic butcher and maybe some Gargant soup. Not based on anything other than the Gargant packed into the Battleforce indicating that maybe GW sees a link between the two armies.

Beautiful, just beautiful.

My guess is a Plastic Butcher/Slaughtermaster as a dual build if it's not a duel box exclusive. 

I also wouldnt be surprised if the Sons of Behemat and Ogor Mawtribes get souped. Honestly? I'm all for that soup!! If they can keep the lore sections and even expand upon them I'm all about it. 

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